Humira and allergic reaction | Arthritis Information


Hi, I'm new here.
 I have RA and have been on Humira injections for several months now.....every other week.  I had no reaction at first but each succeeding injection is causing a worse hive like reaction.  The latest one created a 5" in diameter welt that itches like crazy.  It starts about 36 hrs. after the shot and lasts about 4 or 5 days.

 I've spoken with the Humira people and my RA specialist and they recommend going straight in with the needle instead of at an angle and injecting my thigh instead of the abdomen.  It doesn't seem to make any difference.  I have visions of becoming one huge red itching welt over time as it does seem much worse each time.  Anyone else have this kind of reaction?

Dear Pat, Oh shoot! , that sounds really annoying, how long does it last? I'm maybe going to take humira and I'm real interested in what you are sayin! sarahWhat about taking a benadryl or another antihistamine before doing your injections?  I have been doing them weekly since last August and although I sometimes get a pretty bruise, no other injection site reactions have occurred. Sarah, don't be afraid to try it.  It's really quite miraculous and I'm actually ashamed to complain about a big 'ol hive!  After experiencing the initial pain of RA, the hive is not a bad trade-off!

Micheleb.........that's a very good idea about trying Benedryl BEFORE the injection.  I'll do it!  Will post results next time around.  I guess I wondered if one day I'd have a MAJOR reaction that made my throat close, etc.  I am allergic to a lot of antibiotics and some pain meds.

Thanks for both replies!

Hi....I broke out in hives all over my body. My doc has me take one benedryl half hour before my injection and then I take it every 6 hours for a few days. No more itching and hives but geez it makes me sleepy! I have many allergies to lots of things and meds too.

Let us know how it works out for you Pat.

take care

After my injection, I put on a cortisone cream--OTC--seems to take the red out.  No itch.  My RD just switched me to Humira from the Embrel, as it didn't seem to be doing anything for me.  Have you had good luck with Humira?  The benadryl sounds like a good suggestion for the hives...