Questions... | Arthritis Information


I just have a few questions for yall.. I posted my introduction the other day and since then I have had some new things pop up w/ me and a few questions about the research on RA that Ive been doin the last few days. I do have my first appt. w/ my RA on the 23rd. Ok, so the other day I went to see my regular dr. to see if he could give me a cortizone shot.. those usually help me alot. Well, he did and a stronger one at that, so the nurse gives me the shot in my bad hip, I think nothing of this... until all the sudden my muscle started jerkin while the needle was still in and it wouldnt stop... I could literally feel my butt cheek moving from the spasms... I do occasionally get those in my hip anyway but NOTHING like this... so it kept spasming until later that NIGHT..What happend.... did the nurse do something wrong or is this normal for a stronger dosage of the shot? The next day I was soooo sore it was almost impossible to get around, that muscle in my butt hurt soooo bad. I called the nurse complaining and she called me some pain pills in and said that it was no big deal.... it was to me! Anyways so there is that...So a few days ago I noticed these little pin sized red spots on me scattered all over my body and so small but it looks kinda like specks of blood... does anyone know anything about that? Is that an RA symptom? Should I be concerned? Ok and the last thing for now is ok so ive been reading, and i ran upon an artical linking herpes to RA. When I was 7 I came down with Herpes Simplex II I was told I got it from using a lil girls chapstick at school... anyways I had the blisters in on and around my mouth and down my throat, very aweful... I mostly remeber the nasty medicine I had to take, I still to this day get outbreaks just on my lips as feverblisters... my dr. told me I will always have it lying dorment. Sun, Wind and Stress will bring them out on me. Anyways so my question is.. has anyone else heard of this and do any of yall have a problem w/ herpes or feverblisters?

Jo-Jo Baby - a few weeks ago at age 51 I was cultured for a terrible lesion in my upper hard palate and was found HSV-1 positive for herpes simplex cold sores.  My research shows this starts at childhood and it did for me too, it just was the first time I have ever been able to get my mouth, a doctor with a brain, and a breakout in the same room at the same time.  Secondly, my research is showing that herpes virus allows the immune system to break down and let in the RA/lupus, etc. (I call it differential doctor's diagnostic disease) in.  I have no idea why medicine won't tell the patient this information. 

Anyway, I have found autoimmunue to be a daily box of chocolates and you never know what you might get, but I have learned that my cell phone picture taking works wonders for convincing MDs that I am really ill and not making up say symtoms like my ring finger blowing up for 20 minutes three times its normal size, looking like a good sausage from New York City.  Then disappearing and never returning.  What am I suppose to do? Call 911 for a swollen finger?

Getting your head around autoimmune is the best advice I can give anyone, and I do it through a good psychologist, which I started in 1985 and was not diagnosed until last year.  Until a year ago I was "crazy" "depressed" "making up my symptoms for narcotics".  Don't give up, it took me 48 doctors and four hospitals to get a real physician to finally run the RIGHT tests for my condition, and year to start to get the meds correct.  Take care ~~ Cathy


The rash could possibly be an RA symptom.  It could also be soomething else.  Can't really tell unless you get it looked at by a doc. 

The cortisone injection stuff.  Yes, it can be normal or not so unusual for your muscles to spasm like that.  The cortisone goes in the muscle and is pretty thick stuff.  And yep, your poor hip and bootie are probably going to be sore for a few days afterwards.  That is not all that uncommon either.  It doesn't happen with everyone tho.  Just usually does.  I know I am very sore after one no matter where I get them at.  Find out if your doc also puts lidocaine in the cortisone injection also.  It provides about 6-8 hours of great pain relief just about instantly. 

Keep us posted on how you are doing and what your rheumy appt. was like!

I've had horrible "Cold Sores" on the outside of my lips since I was a child also. The worse cases have been when I've had too much sun.

No one has ever related the two but it might be. MTX brings them out in me on occation also....but I don't know for sure that they are casued by MTX. They come and go.



I get what is called a cortisone flare.  When cortisone is injected into my body it turns to crystals and is horribly painful for 24 to 48 hours.  After my first cortisone shot I went home and it was injected into my right bursa, well I could not walk!  I got online and found this phenomenon, checked with my rheumy and he verified the info.  Maybe this is what happened to you.

There is an Rx called Zovirax and if you put it on those herpes sores as soon as you feel them coming they get stopped in their tracks.  I have used it for many years myself.

I hope some of this helps.

Gramma - Can you tell me more about the rash.  I have 1/8 to 1/4" red spots and they are raised but I tend to think they are going to turn out to be a type of Psoriasis.


Jojobaby, the pin size red spots on your body are called petechiae. Please
have this checked out immediately as it could indicate a serious problem.Gee Lorster, I have had outbreaks of small red spots for years now - doctors said it was depression, I had no idea - thank you.  I put a call into my regular dr. I will let yall know what he says... Do you guys ever worry that people think or will think that your a hypocondriack? I dont know if i spelled that right or not? I worry about my Dr. and my family thinkin that of me.
Jo-Jo Baby - Women have something like 70% higher incident rate of contracting autoimmune disease, but men get diagnosed almost immediately and women take up to seven years on average because OF COURSE WOMEN ARE MAKING IT ALL UP, we are just nutbags.  Women are HYPOCHONDRIACS since time immortal, that's why we get burned at the stake, wear burkas, arent educated, and drowned as witches.  Hang in there, document everything, keep trying.  Like Gloria Steinem pointed out, they only test drugs on male rats.  Perfect analogy.  Yep, I see it all the time at the hospital. The difference in work up between
men and women with the same complaint is amazing to me. And there are a
heck of a lot more men that come in and are put on Dilaudid, and women
get Ibuprofen.

Wow, now you guys got me wondering.  I have what I  call blood moles on my chest and breasts.  They are slightly raised and deep purple or red.  I've been getting progressively more and more of them. 

Lorster, what do you think, is it anything to be concerned about?

[QUOTE=justsaynoemore]Gee Lorster, I have had outbreaks of small red spots for years now - doctors said it was depression, I had no idea - thank you.  [/QUOTE]

I had always heard that was caused by a food allergy! Hmmmm.

It's vasculitis symptoms?  Sometimes I really think doctors are morons :)  Vasculitis is inflammitory too right? Well I guess that would make sense??

I was thinking vasculitis too.  Are the spots painful at all?  It is something that really should be checked by a doc.Who are you asking - Jojo or me?  Please forgive me, I'm easily confused, as you know!Mine dont hurt and they are flat, just kinda looks like a tiny spec of blood. Anyways my Dr's Nurse called me and she seemed to think it was nothing but told me if I want I can come in... I think I will just wait on my Rheum. appt. though. He never really has any answers for me right now and I think he would rather I deal w/ the rheumy right now. My appt. is on the 23rd and the spots are no worse or no more so I guess its ok.... Anyways thanks for the replies... I guess if it gets any worse I will either go into my dr. or call the rheumy, but im guessing he wont do much since he hasnt seen me yet... babbling completly exausted today... A cold front moved in last night and I woke up this morning miserable... and feel like I got NO sleep.... Hope yall are havin a better day!!!


Let me know what the dr. says about those spots.  I too have them mostly on chest and abdomen, but a few scattered around elsewhere.  I have looked online and have found nothing that matches my tiny little blood spots.  I dont go back to my dr until July as was planning to ask then.

As far as the hypochondria goes, I have found that most people just dont understand RA.  They don't get how one day you feel like you cant get out of bed, and a few days later life is (almost) normal again.  I have found that taking a family member (and I try to include all of them at least once) to a doctor appt or seminar or expo with me helps them to see how sooo many others are effected.   I am walking in the Arthritis walk here in Dallas on Saturday and have gotten 8 family and friends to walk with me to help raise awareness and educate us all.

I noticed you have children and wanted to say that I feel for you.  For me, the worst part are the days where I feel unable to take care of my children. (Single mom- 13 year old and 11 month old baby).  I am sure your 2 year old doesnt understand, but I hope that your hubby and older kiddo's make ya stop and rest when needed! Its so important to squeeze that in if you can.



I have those red spots -- never thought anything of them.

now for my "herpes" or cold sores.  my doctor gave me a prescription of acyclovir years ago and I LOVE IT.  I start taking it at the first sign of a cold sore and bam! they heal faster and sometimes don't even come in.  I have deal with these things for years and years.  there are other anti viral meds and your doc may suggest a different one but talk to him/her! it's so worth it.
