Exercise and RA | Arthritis Information


I have been working out at the gym with cardio and weight training for 6 weeks. Since I've started working out, I'm having problems with my legs. My right knee now has crepitus and I hve continuous issues with a stiff knee after sitting for long periods, I have to stretch it out every time I stand. My left leg --- It seems I pulled something because I can't lift my leg more than 4 inches off the ground without pain in my upper front thigh. I've taken a break from working out hoping these aches would go away, but they haven't. I'm worried that working out is hurting more than helping me. I've lost only 4 lbs since working out and haven't noticed much chang ein my clothes. I was going every other day for an hour a day, 30 minutes cardio, 20 minutes weight training. Do you have any suggestions? Thanks.

Maybe you should slow it down a bit. Maybe just go to the gym a few days a week and alternate a walk in the neighborhood on other days if you feel the need to exercise.


Dear Kathy, know what your are saying. I'm playing golf again and my hands are stiff and swollen. I had to stop playing because my left foot got sucha cramp I can't tell you. We need to keep doing what we enjoy and hope the meds will stop the swelling, pain, etc. I'm waiting on remicade, mtx to WORK!! I'm glad you are able to work out....I always hated 'the gym' even though I had a membership I never went. Good for you!, lv sarahyou may need to find a different type of exercise.  what you are doing may be too hard.  I have to switch my workouts depending on how I feel.  some weeks I'm better than others.  yoga seems to help a lot.  are you stretching after every workout?  and do you warm up first?  those are very important things.  if you start working out cold, then you could hurt yourself, RA aside.  now, with RA on top of it all, you do have to be careful.  I have lightened my weights since starting RA treatments.  lighter weights with more reps have been okay.  I can't do the heavier weights anymore.  and that's okay.  I find that when I stretch, even on days when I'm not working out, it helps a lot with stiffness and pain (and cramps).  so maybe finding a good stretching program will help.  whatever you do, don't stop completely.  I do all my workouts at home and it's fine.  part of the battle is keeping the body in motion ....  

Its not unusual to lose slowly or even gain at the beginning of an exercise program, even with dieting.  The body needs to get used to the new activity.   But also take a good look at your diet it is really easy to miss the sweet spot of proper caloric intake

Have you worked with anyone to build a program for you.? Sounds like you are going at it too fast or possibly wrong techniques for your joints.  having someone evaluate what you are doing for your capabilities is a good start.  I found that for the the ellipitcal is the best machine for me. Many people with RA find that it is the bike.

If you find that joint pain is continueing more than 2 hours after exercise then you have done too much.  You are on the right track, you just need some fine tuning

It sounds like you're working out too hard. Swimming is a greaqt low impact
exercise.Here...this morning I found this inspiring story of excercise

http://www.app.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20070516/LIF E09/705160315/1006/LIFE

Oh, this is GREAT!  thanks for the link. I joined a gym where I had a fitness instructor give me a program. However after the first few weeks I began having these leg problems. I know the extra weight I have been carrying isn't helping my knee problems. I guess I may have to resign myself to less impact and lower weights as long as I'm doing something! Thanks for your insight!i do tai chi for arthritis. i absolutely love it. when i first started i was using a walking frame now i only occasionaly use a stick on bad days . we have some in our group who are in wheelchairs and can  only do the hand movements but it still makes a huge difference to their wellbeing.
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