Sink-o-Dishes | Arthritis Information


I have been trying to wash dishes since yesterday. I could not stand on my feet long, as it hurt my feet and I was trying not to let my feet turn a purple tint, because it hurts worse when they turn the purple tint.

So, today I decided to try dishes again, and I keep getting side tracked. I wash a couple and sit down and then I get up and do something else. I have been washing 2-3 dishes each time I think about washing them.

I have how ever put in a load of laundry, just do not know whow I am going to get them out of the washer. My pred dose pak is wearing off my right hand is for crap. It is starting to swell again and making hard for me to hold things. I so do not want to wash the pyrex dishes, afraid I will drop them. I already dropped my plastic measuring cup 3 times before I even got it washed. Good thing it is plastic. *shrugs shoulders*

Wonder if I can enlist hubby to wash dishes when he gets in from work... yeah fat chance. He is the reason we have so many dirty dishes. He will not rinse them out for nothin. I bet if his life depended on him rinsing out the dishes he still would not do it. And I have had that talk with him every since we have been married, but he does not care as he does not have a problem washing dishes and dropping them.

I'd definately look into getting paper plates and cups if I was you Joonie.

I always pull one of my bar stools over to the sink....stove or counter when I have to do a job that requires standing for very long when I'm not up to it. It's still not real easy; but it does help some.


We did have plastic cups earlier in the week, but they get used up before the week is out because everyone seems to need a new one every time they get something to drink.

We have paper plates and I did have plastic spoons and forks, but they got used up when my family came over 2 days in a row to eat with us.

I wish they made disposible pots & pans

I know....the pots and pans are the worst!

It is hubby too that uses one everytime he gets something different to drink, but he was doing good and putting his cup in the fridge and using it the next day.

We cannot hid them from daughter anymore, as I would not be able to reach them where ever they get hid, because she is about as tall as me now and knows how to use a step stool to get into cabinets.


When my kids/hubby were driving me nuts with dishes, I packed everything up in a box and hid it.  I had a plastic toss away cup with their name on it and a couple of paper plates each, lol, with one set of the plastic utensils for each.  Hahaha, they weren't happy, but they got the message.

Sounds like a good idea, but I would have to get hubby to hid the box for me LMAO, then not much good if he knows where it is at.Oh my goodness...y'all are killing me! LMBO too!!! Men and kids...gotta love 'em. 

Joonie, I buy styrofoam plates and just stack them on top of the regular plates so they get grabbed first. I also get the small styrofoam cups for the kids and I keep them out on the counter for easy reach. If it is the most convienent for them to get they will use them. I dont mind washing the one or two cups or glasses that my husband  may use in a day, and silverware is easy enough. I keep a basin in the sink about 1/4 full of soapy water and have everyone toss in their silverware when they are done (and toss out the paperplates and napkins). This way when I get ready to wash the silverware, I just add hot water to the basin and then pull them out to rinse and they are done. It has saved alot of time and work.  I gave up transferring leftovers into tupperware containers. I now put the whole pot in the fridge and when the food is gone, then I wash the pot. It is a lazier approach, but it eliminates washing the pots, and then haveing to wash the containers later. I do use ziplocks bags sometimes for storage because those can be tossed too.


I do have a question for you Joonie, about your feet. As I had told you the other night when we talked, you are one of the few people that I have ever talked to that has alot of problems with the feet, like me. Tonight, I had a symptom that I havent had in several months and I had sort of forgotten about. This is the initial pain that I had when I was first diagnosed...and I wonder if you have it too. I do get the aching and pain in my entire foot to the point that I can feel every little bone in the foot. But I also sometimes get these pains in either one big toe or the other, at the "pad"of the toe but it feels like there is just bone on the floor. When I get this pain, it happens all of a sudden. I will be walking or standing and shift my feet and when I put weight on the toe it is just a sudden shooting pain like I am standing on the bare bone of my big toe. It is such a strong pain that it almost brings me down.

When I first started having this before I was diagnosed, it would come on suddenly and I would put my foot up for the rest of the day and it would subside. This happened once or twice a month for a few months..then one night it happened and I couldnt get it to go away...I worked the next day on my feet for 12 hrs. Then that night the other foot did it too..and I worked the following day on my feet for another 12 hrs. I was in misery the whole day and by the time I got home that night I was in so much pain that even one of my husbands vicodins didnt touch the pain. My feet were spasming, I was nauseated from the pain, and really scared. I even considered going to the ER because the pain was so severe...and for me...that is alot. I finally managed to fall asleep and I went to my doctor the next morning. The RA history.

So anyways...I never have found anyone who had that type of symptom...almost like stepping on a tac with the bottoms of the big toes, or the burning spasms at the base of all the toes. I wonder if you or anyone else here has experienced that?

I am having these feet symptoms at the moment. I have always battled with my feet and the RA but nothing like this, it doesnt matter if i put my feet up or not, nothing is taking away the pain or discomfort, I feel like i have no padding left in my feet and toes, like it is raw bone.I spoke to my Rheumy about it yesterday and i am going for xrays on my feet, but he did say this is quite a common symptom of RA.The shooting pains are the worse because you never know when they will happen.Sorry you are having these problems too.Hope you feel better soonCould you get an electric dishwasher?

I have the perfect idea! Tell hubby to stop by freakmart and pick up some new plates. "Why?" he'll ask. "Because I just threw out the dirty ones!"

My sister actually did that when she was newly married. She waited for the dishes to pile up in the sink. Her new husband would very carefully balance more and more crap in the pile. She finally took an empty box and just tossed them all in the box - not too carefully I might add. He came running in and she said "Well they can't just sit here getting moldy =- we need new plates".

He washed what was left of them. After many years I have finally taught everyone to use one cup and to rinse it out.  I use one cup a day because all I drink is ice water lol.  We are easing off on the paper plates etc. because we can't recycle them.  But I am in a different situation than you Joonie.  I have hubby and kids all trained up already lol.  Took me a long time, but it got done lol.  It also helps that my girls can do dishes and they would grumble about it if they let them go.  They finally figured out it is easier to just rinse them and do them. 

I have given hope on a portable dishwasher.  Sigh.  But I am still going to scour garage sales this year for one.  Heeeheee. 

When my girls were the ages of your kids I stuck to the one cup a day thing and had to rinse it between them changing drinks.  They had their own color or design of cup that they got to pick out at the store.  Try having out only as many dishes as you need.  I only to this day keep out 4 plates, 4 bowls, etc.  When we have company I have hubby get out the extra stuffs. 

Those are good suggestions Gram.

How old is your daughter now Joonie? Does she help out at all?

Training them younger is better.

I HATE when my hubby washes dishes.  I end up having to put most of them back in the sink to wash em again cause i am VERY perticular about how things are done LOL just a little OCD about thing maybe is the right way to put it.  So i just do em myself since in the end i have to do em again anyway.  Liz, can you recycle plasitic plates?  Over at my aunts house she wont let anyone throw em away she washes them and resuses em ...shes a little weird though lol   But styrofoam plates are soooooo bad to use. 

 jooonie..   have you looked  at the fly lady website? once I got in the habit of washing  dishes as soon  as  each meal was done it didnt take 5 minutes TOTAL to have a tidy kitchen..  breakfast around here is mark's  coffee cup,  and a plate, and fork..  for the kids there are 2 bowls and 2 spoons for me its one bowl,and one spoon and I use my coffee cup all day. to wash that  and  swish the counter off and maybe wipe the table is fast and simple.. lunch is  usually just   a plate  each, and the knife for  pbj..

my kids are still little enough that I hand out drinks so  its one sippy cup each which gets reused, and  Jake gets a bottle.

 dinner is a little more, plate, cup and silver for each ( and only what we would use.. if we dont need  knives or spoons we dont put them out) and the  pans I cook in  which generally is no more than 3..  I've found putting leftovers into ziplock bags  rather than putting the pan in the fridge makes washing sooooo much easier.. nothing dries on the pan.

I know about sore feet.. I cant stand more than 3 to 5 minutes at a time ever.. I sit while the sink fills with water. I wash  a few things then sit and wipe the table, then wash the last few things, and  then sit on a stool and wipe the counter.

 ally is 4 and she automatically  clears her own dishes.. scrapes garbage off and sets the dish in the sink.. she will clear  marks too if he forgets, and even the baby tries to help by handing me his  little  plate.

 we do use paper plates   sometimes,  maybe   for lunches especially on the weekends, but in general  Ive found  that the habit of doing it  immediately so it doesnt pile up is what saves my sanity and   a LOT of pain..

same with laundry.. every single day at least 1 load..  that way there's never any overwhelming feeling, and if I slip for a couple days because I hurt, or am so fatigured I cant  function, the house was tidy to begin with so it doesnt get too bad.

Alright that's it!!  Frozen dinners for everyone!!

Hope you're feeling better Joonie!

Peace & Love....Neasy

crunchy, I get this thing in my feet where  at the base of the toes, esp the big toe  it feels like   I have exposed bone,  and like its  broken..  at times its  the entire darn foot..

 in fact it was my right toe that  got me to  my first rheumy appointment.. I was going to walk downstairs and the inital step hurt so bad I fell down the stairs.. I just  felt like I had been poleaxed..

[QUOTE=pin cushion]I am having these feet symptoms at the moment. I have always battled with my feet and the RA but nothing like this, it doesnt matter if i put my feet up or not, nothing is taking away the pain or discomfort, I feel like i have no padding left in my feet and toes, like it is raw bone.I spoke to my Rheumy about it yesterday and i am going for xrays on my feet, but he did say this is quite a common symptom of RA.The shooting pains are the worse because you never know when they will happen.Sorry you are having these problems too.Hope you feel better soon[/QUOTE]

I like that Website too Kathy. The Flying Lady has some great suggestions and it's so true if you do a little here and a little there and clean as you go it's so much easier than waiting and then looking at a huge pile of dishes in a sink or a huge pile of laundry or tons of things all over everywhere. It gets to a point where it's overwhelming and it takes a lot more energy to do it.

Check out this website and try to just apply a few tips:


Hi Joonie, so dang annoying to not be able to do what we want to do!! Honestly, is it too much to ask to be able to do the dishes???I feel for you. I'd sit (2 months ago) and look and think about all the things that 'needed to be done'!! Then I'd shut up, because my hubby was doing everything for me and didn't need me to b---h at him. he didn't have a clue about the discomfort of 'wanting' to do my housework .... it's a woman thing. Cobwebs were coming down the ceilings, the kitchen carpet needed shampooing(to prevent breaking things we put in burber years ago), he washed my white fleece clothes with dark sweaters *ugh., but did i complain....not on your life. I can't eat tomatoes and he looooves red/spagetti sauce & chili beans with tomoatos so, i just ate them!! I can't tell you the frustration I went through.

Some how we need to do what we can do, not get upset when we can't do what we want to do, just being a good Mom to your kids (they sure know where to find you), and loving them more , more, more....maybe that would be good? take care, lv sarah

Thanks for the ideas and suggestions everyone.

Let me tell ya'll this... when we moved we had some dirty dishes down at the trailor. Well, guess what? My hubby packed the dirty dishes and brought them up to the new house for me to clean.

Crunchy - I sometimes get that pain you are talking about. I have this hard patch of skin on the bottom of my left big toe, had it since I was a kid, and when I stand or walk it will send a sharp pain in my toe. And some days it does feel like bone is poking thru that hard patch on my toe. I use to get this pain in the arch of my left foot where it will feel like it sprung and it would almost make me cry.

I tend to get alot of inflammation and swelling in the pads of my feet. I do not swell much on the tops of my feet unless the bottoms of my feet are already swelled and inflammed. I seem to hurt worse in my feet when the swelling and inflammation is down. I guess because I do not have the "extra cushion" aka inflammation & swelling to keep my bones for feeling the ground or the bottom of my shoes.

I will post a picture of my left foot and my right foot. My left foot is deformed has been since I was a kid but over the last couple of years have gotten more deformed.

Wow...I get the swelling on the bottoms of my feet too...I thought I was just weird. All of the things you guys are describing are just the things I have had with my feet too. I actually had my first ever toe shooting pain walking down the stairs too. I didnt fall but I almost did, and it sure did hurt. I thought I stepped on something and dug through the carpet on the stair looking for a tac!