Pelvic bone that moves | Arthritis Information


Sooooo...had hubby into the doc this morning because we thought he had some osteoarthritis in his shoulder and hip.  Turns out the shoulder is rotator cuff tendonitis and he has a bone in his pelvis that moves that isn't supposed to move.  Has anyone ever experienced a bone in their pelvis that moves?  He is off to PT for the pelvis thing.  Had a cortisone shot in his shoulder.  Gotta love our docs medical assistant...she put an elmo band-aid on him lol!!!   He was put on naproxen 500mg 2x daily, flexeril 10mg so he can sleep, and percs 5/325 for pain.  I missed going with him to the doc since I was soooo sick this morning.  So I am wondering what the next step would be with this pelvis thing if PT does not work.

Never really heard of it....but I hope the PT works and he's soon good as new.


Man, why can't I get a cortisone shot instead of going 6 times to have a guy rub a cortisone cream into my wrist with an ultrasound? (He is kinda cute, though). But still, seems like a lot of money to spend ( copay each) for that crap! Ugh.Hope the PT works out for him. Good Luck to him on the Pain & Torture appts. He probably did say which bone and Danny being Danny...doesn't remember lol.  Mary...where are you with the privacy practice stuff?  If I call the doc can he tell me what bone or joint? 

I had never heard of this either.  Thanks for the well wishes.  Danny was asking me all kinds of questions about PT today.  And I was trying not to giggle in the process.  I know that sounds mean, but he would giggle at me when I had mine cuz of some of the stuff they made me do lol.  I can't wait to go to his first appt with him lol.  He has no clue what he is in for lol.  He is gonna be one sore puppy.  However, of course, he doesn't think so since he has a physically demanding job.  But I told him...if those muscles are weak and not holding that bone or joints in properly and you will strengthen them over time, you are going to be sore!  Then I got the caveman yell from him lol.  What a weirdo lol. 

I had a friend who fell from a great hieght like 20 feet and landed on her feet. She thought she was ok but just jolted really bad. But she kept having pain in the pelvic region. She had cracked the bones apart that were held in place with some kind of fibrous stuff that we don't usually think of a a joint. (Her dad the veternarian x-rayed her a few weeks after the big drop). It healed by itself in a couple of months. Her dad just told her NO rough activities and to stay out of trees.

talking obout our mere men . my hubby has had a bad back on and off for years and has a really strenuous job . with heavy lifting and twisting. he finally had exrays done last week and it shows all the lower spine fused by ankylosing spondylitis. I looked it up on the net for him so he knew what was instore for the future. he was really angry with me and said he would rather not know. is this just a stubborn male trait or do others have this also. i know i would rather know all the details so that i may use the knowledge to make life easier.

Hi Grammaskittles,

Here I am with more HIPAA info

This is a great wesite for health privacy issues, that is not too mumbo jumbo.  Your husband can just call the physician office and give permission too.

Myth #4: A hospital is prohibited from sharing information with the patient's family without the patient's express consent.


FACT: Under the Privacy Rule, a health care provider may “disclose to a family member, other relative, or a close personal friend of the individual, or any other person identified by the individual,” the medical information directly relevant to such person's involvement with the

patient's care or payment related to the patient's care. Uses and disclosures “for involvement in the individual's care and notification purposes” are clearly permitted. The Rule states that if the patient is present, the health care provider may disclose medical information to such people if the patient does not object. If the patient is unable to agree or object to disclosure because of incapacity or an emergency circumstance, the covered entity may determine whether the disclosure is in the best interests of the patient. The professional judgment of the health care provider should inform any decision regarding disclosure of protected health information to a family member or friend who is involved in the patient's care, as these disclosures are permitted,

but not mandatory. If a hospital or other health care provider refuses to provide any relevant medical information to family members, it is again, the hospital policy, and not required by the Regulation. § 164.510(b)

I guess I am just wondering if it is the sacroiliac joints.  Mine move alot and it causes me all sorts of trouble.

Men are funny about things.  I'm still having trouble getting hubby back to the dr for his diabetes (at least his glucose is down from the 400's to the 200's) or to the dentist for his bad tooth. 

Ally, sorry to hear about your hubby's AS. I understand that it can be a very painful disease.  If there's anything that they can do for treatment, I hope he will take advantage of it.

InnerGlow39219.3749189815Hips are an awful thing to hurt.  Mine don't move where they are supposed to because the muscles ate tendons and whatnots are just way to tight.  I have no idea what would make them move when they shouldn't?  Be sure to give us the full report after his first pt appt! Be gentle with him Liz