Last Price Is Right | Arthritis Information


Hubby said that the last show of the Price Is Right is to air tonight, which I think he is watching it now. I hear it.

I use to watch that show with my Uncle Pete. I have not watched that show since I was a kid.

I love that show! I am going to miss Bob. I think he is retiring but they will continue the show. Not sure?  I have been watching it every since I was a wittle bitty kid. Watched it with my grandma DeeDee. Watch it about every day. I have a friend who won in the 80's the showcase showdown. She won a truck, grandfather clock, jacuzzi, etc. She has the video tape. We watched it a few times and crack up laughing. She is one of the screaming jumping up and down with her boobs hitting her in the face. LMAO!

Tomorrow night is a tribute to Bob Barker. That will be good!

Gonna miss Bob

I guess it is his last show, hubby did not really tell me much. I have not really even watched my normal channels since we got DirecTV. I just have been trying to watch as much HBO & Skinamax as I could before our 3 months free of them were up. I did get to watch a bunch of movies I forgot I liked. And got to watch one movie I have been dying to watch for a while now.... Big Trouble In Little China. What is funny is... we went through some boxes in the shed that had some movies in it and there was the VHS of Big Trouble In Little China in it. I could have been watching the movie a long time ago. I had been waiting for hubby to netflix it for me for about 6 months, finally I bumped it up to the top, and that same night the movie was on Cinemax. Go figure.

WOW....I thought Bob Barker was Dick Clark. I cant believe this is the end of the road for him. He gained my true admiration after his bit part in Happy Gilmore where he and Adam Sandler beat the tar out of each other.  The Price is Right is one of the last great game shows where everyone has a chance to win something and anyone who has ever set foot in a grocery store can play the game like a pro. I wonder who will take over as host? They usually get washed up TV actors to take those roles..maybe Kramer from Signfeld? Or Theo from the Cosby Show....ohhhh..Fred know, Kevin from The Wonder Years? It has to be someone that all the girls will want to kiss on the cheek when they get a turn to go up on the stage.

Ok blech.  I wouldn't kiss any of those guys on the cheek.  Yukky!!  You and your strange taste in guys lol. 

Oh I have a good one for washed up actors taking over The Price is Right.  Dustin Dimond.  Ya know...Screech from Saved By the Bell.  He is doing Celebrity Fit Club on VH-1 now lol.  If he gets the Price Is Right job he won't have to make porn anymore to pay his house note!!  Ugh eww...him in a porn.  Yuk...bleh...I'm going to bed now to have some nightmares lol.  Oh yeah, he only lives about 40-45 minutes north from me in Port Washington.  Heeehee..he is a cheesehead!!!  LOL!!!

There is an actor from Seinfeld in the running to take Bob Barkers spot. I think he played Mr. Peterson or something like that. I can't remember his name. He was also on Dancing with the stars a couple seasons ago. It might have been last season. He's that gray headed guy with the tanned skin. They have also considered that other gray headed man with the crazy dark tan. He's on the cracker commercials now. Something Hamilton I think. He too was on Dancing with the stars not too long ago too.

The Price is Right so reminds me of my Grandmother. I always watched that with her and she loved it! Never missed it. Sure brings back memories.


Lovie, I think you are talking about John O'Hurley and George Hamilton.

YES! Exactly!

Thanks Hill....Couldn't think of their names to save my life.

I watched the his last show, and Bob's face had an orange tint to it and his hands were a pale pink. He looked like he has jundice.

Could that have been his make up causing that tint?  Jaundice is more yellowish.  Did you notice if his eyes looked yellow? 

I thought John O'Hurley wass doing the family fued?

Liz - It was his make-up. But I swear it looked like our TV had something wrong with the color, or tint but only on Bob's face. Everyone and everything else looked Normal.

SEEEEE ^^^^^^^  Look at his hands then his face!


The show was great tonight. He does look like it is his make up, although some people who eat lots of veggies like carrots do actually get an orange glow...but his hands do look like regular old guy hands. He looks great for 83.

Liz..I wouldnt want to kiss any of those guys..or Dustin Diamond on the would have to be a better looking guy..what ever happened to J.R. (from Dallas) or oh oh..I know...Tom Selleck. Yeah...Tom Selleck would be good. Delta Burkes husband, the guy from Simon and Simon is nice looking too. But I put my vote in for Tom. LOL.

John O hurley is hosting Family Fued now. That is another really good game show. I wonder if he would leave for Price is Right...

Oh well..the show was great and Adam Sandler even made an appearence.
