I’ve been gone for quite some time | Arthritis Information


Hey all...I've been gone for quite some time.  I'm not even sure when my last post would of been.  Some of you may remember me and the University of Alabama (TEARS) study I participated in.  Well, that study came to an end in April and although it did bring some relief, it was not what I had hoped for.  Unfortunately when the  the study ended last month my rheumy took me off everything except methotrexate for 30 days.  I declined the mtx as it has made me extremly sick for the last two years leaving me on absolutely nothing.  My rheumy advised against my decision with the mtx but I advised him that losing 3 days of my life every week to vomiting and lethargy was not worth it to me.  Believe me when I tell you...these past 3 weeks have NOT been fun.  I have prednisone that I take on my own when needed and pain killers galore that do absolutely nothing.  My latest pain med is Tylox aka Oxycodone which I'm very disappointed with.  The tylox does make me "stoned" but has no effect on my pain.  I go back to the rheumy next Thursday and I have absolutely no idea what is going to happen at that visit.  Surely he will try to get me to join yet another study.  I'm not exactly thrilled but financially, studies are my only real option.  I did apply for partial dissability last year when I had to go to part time work.  I was denied because I have a life insurance policy that they claimed as an asset.  I was so disgusted that I guess I lost hope and became angry and depressed.  It's taken me awhile but I've somewhat pulled myself back together and am ready to give it another go.  I'm not really sure why I stopped coming to to boards as I always found support and peace here.  I guess sometimes when you fall, you fall so far down that it takes awhile to climb back up.  If anyone is on disability that has some insight, I welcome any suggestions or advice.  If there's anyone here that I can help in some way...bring it on cuz Neasy's back!

Peace & Love.....Neasy

Sorry to hear you are not doing so well.  Are you taking the oxycodone on a regular schedule or just prn?  I really find it to be helpful but I have to take it every 12 hours.  If you are in series, chronic pain, its really better to take any pain pill on a schedule as its much more effective at controlling pain than just trying to take it when the pain gets unbearable.

Hey girl....it's good to see you here. I'm real sorry to hear you aren't doing any better than you are though. THere are other options besides MTX and your doctor should try some of them. You need to be on a DMARD so you can get this under control.

Hope to see more of you here. You take Care.

Just taking the oxycodone when I have intense pain.  I don't like the way it makes me feel and I'd rather not become addicted.  It is highly addictive isn't it?  I hate that feeling of my head swimming.

Lovie....So nice to see you're still around!!  I think Celebrex is going to be in the picture so we'll see.

Peace & Love....Neasy

WB!  If you just want to take the oxycodone when you have pain, try not to wait until the pain is like real intense.  It makes the pain killers less effective if you wait too long.  They can't do their job right then.  The stoned effect should go away in time also. 

How in the heck can they consider your life insurance policy an asset?  I mean c'mon.  *rolls eyes*

Have you considered injecting the mtx so you avoid the stomach issues?  Have you tried Arava? 


I don't understand why a life insurance policy would qualify as an asset for
disability. did you explain to them the life insurance only benefits those that
are beneficiaries? do these people not get it? I know Bonny has been
through some issues with her disability, and Deanna too. they would be
great people to give advice on this.

Hey Neasy!! Remember me? Jooniper aka Joonie? I remember you. I remember all about your study you had just started when I joined the board.

I am sorry to hear you are doing so bad off. I hope they find something soon to help you with your pain and problems.

I sure have missed you, and glad that you have posted. I wondered about you a little while after your last post you made last year sometime.

Big Huggs!

Just a thought on the life insurance.  If is whole life and not term, then it could be an asset as you can cash it in.

Mary B
Hi there, I'm new so I wouldn't have read your previous posts, but I think it is fun to have new people (or returning)  contribute their info. I joined in Feb, after heart surgery caused the biggest flare you can imagine. My controlled RA went through the rooof. I'm now on the drugs below and trying to 'get my life back' (with some success) I'll be looking forward to reading your posts. sarah

Thanks for the post all.  This is the first chance I've had to make it back to the boards.  By the way, I've cancelled my life insurance policy and have scheduled an appointment with a disability attorney for next Thursday.  See my new post under Nightmare Appointment for lastest updates.

Joonie....Of course I remember you darlin'!  Nice to see you're still around.

Peace & Love....Neasy

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