How is everyone? | Arthritis Information


How is everyone doing today?


How are you?  Eaten any of those nasty hotdogs lately?

How u feeling?  Hope you are doing well.


no, have not eaten any of those "nasty" hotdogs lately. They are still sitting there, might feed them to my poor mutts. They love some meat and human food.

So, how are you today, Phatgirl? Everything going good in your neck of the woodz?

Everything is hunky dory.  We have beautiful weather, getting ready to take the mutt for a walk. 

But, I had to up my meds.  Darn RA just won't go away.  I had them xray my elbows because they hurt so bad.  They came back Perfect!  I was really shocked, because I could have sworn there was some erosion in there.  But, I'm pluggin along.


Howdy everybody! Yeah...I'm feeling GREAT TODAY!!!  YAHOO!

Just tired, took my MTX so I'm whipped.  Quite a bit of pain too..thank goodness my remicade is Tuesday.. I'm afraid they will send me home without it because I have a terrible cold/bronchitis..something..

Both kids STILL have mono, and today was a bad day.. fevers, crankies, very tired. I kept Ally home from school.. poor kids birthday party is Sunday. I hope she can enjoy it.

On the other hand it was a pretty good week.mark was in a dinner theater muder mystery, AND was elected to school board...



That is great news about the elbow, Phatgirl! Good to hear you are plugging along. Does your elbow feel like it might be a tendon? I think my elbow problems is a tendon thing, do not know as I have not had it addressed by my RD.

Toycarlver - Happy to hear you are having such a great day! Seems like it might be in the air for some of us. I hope the feel good days streak for you continues.

Kathy - Sorry to hear you are tired and the MTX is not agreeing with ya. And sorry to hear both kids are still sick. I hope they get better really soon. Best Wishes for all of you.

That's great Kathy!

I'm really feeling it today. But tonight is my Humira night so it figures. I'm also trying to stop smoking (again).

Joonie you still have cute feet!

Phatgirl2 hope your elbows ease off. I'm glad they look good on xray, cause then damage is minimal and some day those elbows will be just fine. Have fun with the mutt.

My mutt is such a turd.  She is a Huge dog, she slapped me in the eye with her huge paw and I spent 2 hours in the eye doctor trying to get seen.  They had emergencies, so I have to wait until Monday.  I told her (Dolce, my great dane) that mommy loves her, but if she paws my eye again, we were going to fight

She is too big for her britches.  She thinks that she is a lap dog.

I just walked her and she nearly yanked my elbow out of socket.  She needs some remedial doggie training.

Marian, Good luck on the smoking thing.  It is so hard to do.  I quit several, several times before it actually stuck.  Keep at it, you can do it!!!


I know just what you mean with the big dog. I have a great big fat cat who loves me to bits - literally! She always 'knits' and she scratches me. I always have at least one scratch trying to heal up.

Awww Kathy ((((hugs))).  I hope you and the kids get back on the road to feeling better soon.  That is great to hear about Mark on the dinner theater and the school board election!  Way to go!!  You must be very proud of him. 

Quitting smoking is so hard.  I wish you all the best in that. 

Toy that is great you are feeling good!!!  I love seeing when people are feeling good!

I am so so today.  Mtx day bleargh.  Doing it later tonight so I can just lie down and sleep if I want til Danny gets home.  Had that weird swelling that hasn't gone away yet.  Maybe it will after mtx shot.  But Danielle woke up all swollen too after having a good day yesterday like I did.  *shrugs*.

Phats you have a great dane?  WOW!  How much does she eat?  LOL.  My dog could use some leash training too.  It was a nice day today and Danny worked with him for a bit before he went to work today. 

Hopefully tomorrow is a better day for all of us!!! 


Sorry the kids are still sick...hope they get better real soon.

Marian, I'm glad I'm not the only one with injuries from my animal

Grammie:  I do have a great dane.  She is such a great dog, but I have bruises, scratches and a bad eye due to her.  But, I wouldn't trade her for the world.  We went for a walk then went to Petco for some socialization


Hi , it sounds like most peple had a pretty good day if it wasn't for scratches, bruises, swelling, mono, falling, fatigue, and meds.!!!LOL What we do go through to make life a little less painful

I had success (finally!) using nicotine patches.  I used the highest dose for longer than called for and just dropped down a step when I felt ready.  Good luck to you.  I now can't stand to be around cigarette smoke even for an instant.


I had a bad 12 hour shift today. took care of a 31 year old woman who had
a colonoscopy and she has severe ulcerative colitis (another autoimmune
disease). Has a 9 month old baby and was fired from her job 2 weeks ago.
Doctor was only able to do a 13 cm scope due to the bleeding in her
intestine. He said it was terrible. I just do not understand this. What are we
eating, drinking, breathing? After the colonoscopy, she became septic and
ended up in ICU. Makes me realize how many problems I don't have am a magoo.  That swelling I woke up with and had yesterday?  Just about gone!!!  IT RAINED!!!  Never ever trust the forecasters.  Sheeesh I feel so stupid.  I went straight to panic mode because I had been doing so well...then whammo.  DER.  I should have known because Danielle woke up swollen and red too. 

I am for sure going to ask to get off this dang pred come my appt. June 5th.  I just don't think I need it anymore.  I think I can make a go of it on my mtx and humira alone again and don't need to supplement them with the pred anymore.  I feel it has done its job and cleared up any extra inflammation that was going on.  I know I am not going to ever be 100% again and will still have those little flares here and there even on the meds, but whew, I think the worst is finally over with.  I am also ready to drive again and going to try this weekend.  I am going to start off driving the truck since my clutch is pretty stiff in my car.  YAY!!!!

I hope everyone is feeling better and has a good weekend.   


I'm glad you are feeling better. I am just starting to accept that I will never be the same again either and that's hard. I was too exhausted to go to work Friday and slept all day and found that I was much more relaxed after that. I have just been pushing myself so hard to keep working that it was a relief when I finally couldn't do it, I think. Been doing a lot of thinking about this today. I am in a lot of pain and still so tired. I have bloodwork Monday and am going to call the rheum to see if I need to go up to 10  on the pred.

Think I will also talk to HR about a 4 day week with 5 when its really busy. I didn't realize how worn out I am. My family has been spoiling me all day. They mowedthe lawn, mulched the gardens and put up my hammock so I could take a nap outside.

Have a great weekend and don't overdo it!


Laker? Why do you take Immuran? Is it for RA? I need to find something I can take in combo with the Humira, so I can do away with the pred.

Hi Joonie,

I take the imuran for vasculitis and RA. My doc decided to try it first since it is supposed to work for both diseases. RA is listed as one of the conditions it is used to treat ( I googgled it). I don't think it is used much for RA, but quite a bit for lupus.


Laker thank you so much for the well wishes I appreciate it.  It takes time to accept our new lifestyle and it can be a very hard pill to swallow.  I feel we go thru phases of having to learn some new acceptance about life as it changes all the time.  This is the 2nd time I have had to do it.  Take your time working thru everything.  Do this at your own pace.  Acceptance will eventually come to you.  Don't rush it and don't let anyone shove it down your throat.

That is great your family spoiled you!!!  How neat is that!!  I get spoiled too and have to say there are times I really need it lol. 

Joonie...imuran is an immunosuppressant so you might be able to use it with the humira.  From what I read about sounds like a dmard and not a biologic. 


Yes, I forgot to put that in. Imuran is a dmard immunosuppressant, not a biologic. I am on the max dose and had only some naseua at first and some hair loss but not a lot.

Thanks, grammaskittles. I feel like I just haven't  found my way through this yet and you are right-I am the only on who can really know what is right for me and it is going to take some time. A lot will depend on if I can expect to get any better than I am now. I know that the vasculitis is life-threatening and I have been very fortunate not to have organ involvement so far but I still get frustrated at how I have gone downhill in my health.

I am finally ready to ask some of the hard questions at my next appt.


I'm doing a little not great, but I notice whenever I up my minocin dose I go
through the same thing like clockwork. A couple of sleepless nights, extra
joint pain in all the old places and a few new things as a special surprise.
Then after about 3 weeks that all goes away and I feel better than ever. So I
know they are mini-herxes which means tha AP has a really good chance of
working for me. These are the times I say it hurts so good!

I'm now up to my maximum dose so as soon as this herx ends I'm going to
reduce my mtx and do it all again.

DAMN RA , Maybe i can sell it on Ebay.

Umm I don't think I would buy your ra on ebay tho.  I have enuf of that of my own thanks lol. 

Pin Cushion,

I'm sorry you are feeling so badly. Can't they give you anything but the painkillers? I would be so discouraged too, to know the meds are just masking the pain and not really helping control the RA. I hope you can get some sleep tonight and feel better tommorrow.



I am sorry you are feeling really bad


Laker, thanks for the reply. I am thinking I might see if my RD will put me on that next visit.
