And then I went SPLAT!!! | Arthritis Information


I went at the feed store yesterday looking for some tomato plants to replace some that didn't make in my garden.  First I went inside the store to look at the baby chicks, ducks and geese --- want some really bad, but coyotes would get them unless I built a really good fence....

But anyway after admiring all the little critters I went outside to look at the plants.  Guess I was still dreaming about geese, because somehow I didn't see the leg sticking out from a sign on the sidewalk, tripped, and went down like a ton of bricks.  My brother was with me and said he had never seen anybody fall that hard.  I landed face first in the concrete.  I started crying, as I just knew I had broken some bones.  And this is so embarassing!

But miraculously, I managed to get up and hobble over to the truck.  The store manager came outside after my brother reported the accident to him and offered to send me to the hospital.  But I just wanted to go home, and so I did (with my brother driving).  I took some pain pills and went to bed.

The next day, my nose looked pretty well smashed up and swollen, I had a black eye, my teeth were jarred so that I still can't close my mouth just right, my inside lip had a nasty cut, and my shoulder, elbow and knee hurt pretty bad.

Today I thought maybe I'd better go to my doctor.  He checked me out, did some x-rays and said I had no broken bones, but I did have some soft tissue injury in particular to my elbow that could cause problems if I'm not careful.

He gave me an instruction sheet for using ice for 48 hrs., then heat after that, then if it's not better in 3 weeks to get physical therapy.  He said that whatever condition that elbow is in after 6 weeks, it will be that way for life.  I didn't know that, so thought I would pass this along. 

He told me to go to my dentist for good x-rays of my teeth as their equipment is better than the local hospital for teeth.

Anyway, I got to thinking about the RA and how this affects everyone, and wondered how it might affect healing after injuries, etc.  Anyone have any experiences or insight to offer on this?  Anything I ought to know?


Wow!, we all must be careful!! I know what you mean about day dreaming, not thinking , not being careful. You poor thing. It sounds like a really nasty experience. We've been told we don't heal as well, but I can't say....OH MY Gosh, soooo sorry. sarah

OMG!  I'm so sorry you had such a nasty fall.  Thankfully you are o.k.  I never heard that about the elbow either. 

The only thing I know for sure is that for me, I have a heck of a time healing.  That goes for scratches, colds, bronchitis, whatever. 

Keep us posted.


Elbows don't like to be injured. My 9 year old grand daughter broke her
elbow three months ago. was in a cast for four weeks and will be getting PT
for 3 months because she cannot touch her fingertip to her shoulder.
doctor says she may never be able to. he said that elbows rarely come back
100 percent after injury.

Sorry to hear of your splat.

I broke my elbow in October and had to have a rod and wires to hold it together. I healed really well, and to some degree I was an over healer


Well Joonie, I guess there are some up sides to having these super dooper
immune systems

My only problem with it now is that it can get stuck in position and RA has wormed it's way in.

I hope you heal quickly and well.

Ouch!!!  Oh man I hope you heal up nicely!