Hip Pain? | Arthritis Information


I am having a lot of lower back and abdominal pain on the left and right sides and can't figure out what its from. Had a hysterectomy so there is basically nothing in these areas I can think of that would hurt. Could it be the hip joints? My joints are bad right now.


Scaroileac pain can be many things.  It could be hips or it could be pelvis.  My husband had pain like that and his right hip was just bothering him a bunch.  Went to the doc and he has a bone in his pelvis moving that isnt supposed to. 

If your pain doesnt get any better, get into the doc!

My scan results revealed my hips are not in too good of shape, expecially my right hip. FOr many years I have not had any trouble but for the past 4 to 5 months it has gotten worse and my CHiropractor works on it as much as he can. I am sure the RA has done more damage..........it is called, check with your DR. I get so tired of things going wrong but that is just the way it is...hang in there, most of us have the same problems.


I had an MRI for the same problem and it was degeneration of my lower lumber and dehydration of the discs.My lower back really gets painful as do my hips and into my lower abdomen and down my leg and stops at my knee. I hope you get it treated soon and feel better.

Take care


Thank you. I have had this pain for years on the left with all sorts of tests done but never an xray or scan and no explanation except we thought maybe it was due to nerve damage. Now suddenly I have it on the other side too, perhaps it is muskuloskeltal (have no idea how to spell that!) after all. I will make an appt. with my dr to check it out.


Before I was diagnosed with ra i had a couple of attackes in my groin area that where crazy stabbing pain . iI went to the dr and he did a catscan and found nothing. Anyways after iI was diagnosed with ra I had a few more of these attacks turns out hip pain can happen in the groin area. i also have inflammed rib and chest which cause crazy pain that sent me to the hospital the first time thinking i was having a heart attack......teresa

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