OT..have to laugh | Arthritis Information


My daughter and her boyfriend had a garage sale at my house during our annual garage sale for the subdivision. I helped  her a little bit but mostly grabbed the neighbor kids and let them go on a free shopping spree through all the toys I get at the Goodwill, ect. (I love toys.)

Anyway, the hilarious part other than the joy all the kids brought, was that through the course of the 2 day sale, 4 of the men I corresponded with briefly through an online dating site a while back, came by with their "WIVES" yes, wives, each and everyone of them; seems they were married when they told me they were single/divorced or widowed. I laughed so hard when the guy who claimed to be a widow showed up with wife in tow...he recognized me ( yes we exchanged photos) and immediately tried to get his wife to get going, but I just had to show her everything.....I even just had to ask how long they had been married.

SO single women, beware..........and when you learn they are liars, laugh rather than get angry. Some men are so dumb and what woman wants that?

Had to share the giggle!



Don't you know he was about to wet himself the whole time he was there??



OMG, thanks for my morning laugh.  That is a riot!  I would love to see those men with their tail between their legs sweating and trying to escape.  Hahaha.......

Glad I could make you laugh this A/M...can you just believe it? Is it no wonder that I will never marry again? Interesting society we live in these days. I guess I just got a whiff of the scum bags online...I'll not do that again! Guess I will join the gym after I get my hip fixed or settled......There has got to be some decent men out there somewhere!!!!!!!! lol, at least I know what to look for now, and which ones to avoid...at least it is somewhat easy, all you do is just go to the dating sites and look through the pics!!!!


Now that is hilarious.  Makes me so glad I am married and married to someone that wouldn't do that. 

There are decent men out there.  And they will just drop out of the sky when the time is right. 

Hi, How funny, you handled it sooooo well. Isn't it just amazing how 'flirty' these guys can be??/!!, I am constantly floored to see these ugly guys acting like they are really something.....well they aren't! I'm out at a lot of political things (I'm married) and people come to help from all over. Danged if some guy won't come up a 'chat' with me and act like I'm impressed with HIM. Ugh. You just never know. Boring! sarah

The last polital thingy I went to with my sis and bro-in-law ( he was going for an office) I sat by some polital guy...and he stunk to high heaven! I told my sis, I just cannot do this anymore, I always get the "creepy guy" sitting next to me and the blonde always gets the good looking smell good guy! ( I am brunette).

It still makes me laugh how these "ugly old fat guys", think they are such a gift to women! Such a "good catch" well I am not looking for a "great catch" I am looking for a regular type of a guy with manners that has a razor and a thing of deodorant! Yep, I like the clean cut type, taller than myself too. And if he does construction, that is ok too, no drugs though and  if he takes a regular shower and can carry on a conversation that is about something other than all himself, he has a friend for life.


Hahahaa Jode!! That is pretty funny!


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