Move Your Own World | Arthritis Information


Only you can overcome the disease, dump all medication (drugs), change lifestyle and back to normal healthy person

I did it 2 decades ago

It is all hard work to find a possitive solution. Herbs can tackle the pain and the disease. Correct daily diet can slowly build up the healthy level of the body. What you "invest" in your body healthiness you will get "repayment" back.

I take only nutritional herbs now as the disease already left the body. I have developed the awareness of taking the correct foods.

At the slightest pain a patient goes for meds, there is no possibility to reverse the disease.

The focus must be on building up the health level of the body with correct foods. As for me I was lucky to find the herbal solution to continuously and gradually bring down the disease and 'expel' it from the body.

There is a cure and the light is at the end of a tunnel. Only YOU CAN FIND THE WAY TO EXIT.
