Bunion pain or RA Flaring? | Arthritis Information


I have developed bunions in the last year, more so in the right foot. Now I have swollen toes and redness around the bunion in the right foot. How likely is this to be the bunion causing the pain, or the RA?  Left foot I have a beginning bunion but no swelling. Are you sure they're not nodules? I had a bunion on my little toe that's now a
nodule.Well it's at the base of my big toe and looks just like I remember my mother's looking! I have nodule on the second toe of my left foot but there is no pain there at all - just a red lump.


I have developed these similar-sounding-bunion-looking-areas at the base of both of my big toes over the last month. I have never had bunions before, but I've seen them on other people and it looks just like that. Since I have been out of work on short term disability for over 2 months now (and therefore out of the high heels I was always pounding the pavement in) I don't know why I would get bunions now....

I had meant to ask my DR about this my last appt but forgot, so I don't have any answer for you and am going to have to wait for another month before seeing if my DR can give me an answer. 

It does sound like we are having a similar kind of symptom though....of something...anyway....



    Mine are caused by wearing flip flops and sandals,since its turned warm thats all I wear. Have any of you changed shoes lately?... Gen

Thanks for your replies.

I have not changed shoes in quite a while. WHen I first got RA (2003) my feet and knees were greatly affected and I have been wearing flat, comfie shoes pretty much ever since. With the bunion thing, I need the comfie shoes more than anything.

But I went to the Rheumie for my regular appt this morning and he wasn't concerned about any bunion. He was concerned about the top of my right foot across the width of my foot along the base of the toes which is very swollen and red, and the toes also, look like little sausages. Left foot looks almost normal. He ordered Xrays of both knees and feet, and upped the mtx from 12.5mg to 17.5mg saying it was apparent there was RA activity in my right foot. Not great news but not exactly surprising I guess. I've done pretty well since 2004 or so. My right toes are quite painful to walk on in the mornings till about Noon so something is going on. Oh yes, and I also have a bunion on that foot!

I'm sorry to hear it wasn't really good news Marigold; but I'm happy to hear your doctor has taken quick action to slow it down. The increase in MTX should help a lot. I hope anyway.

I have problems with that same joint on my feet as well. Before being Dx'ed with RA a doctor told me one that it was a bunion. I said "Really, on the ball of my foot like that?" He said, yes, yours is just presenting on the bottom verses the top. The only way to stop it is surgery. WELL; when I was dx'ed with RA a few months later the RD said "It's caused my RA and once we get that under control it will help a lot". It has. I have the occational problem with it......but not like I did before starting treatment.

I hope you'll soon have a solution to your problem.

I had a double bunionectomy when I was in tenth grade. It really did the trick and I was able to wear B width shoes inplace of the D's that I was having to wear with the bunions. My big toes also were starting to move to the outside so they broke and reset those. I don't remember any pain with the bunions, just not being able to wear the type shoes I wanted. THat was before my RA diagnosis.

I now have two Tailor's bunions ( bunionettes) on the outside of my foot at the bottom of my little toes that really burn and sting at times.  They sometimes get very angry and red when I wear shoes that rub them the wrong way.

I plan on having surgery for those in the near future.

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