I feel guilty: a little OT, not really... | Arthritis Information


Argh. I know I haven't been much support for anyone lately, and I apologize for not being around. Work is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooo busy. Yes, it's *that* busy I felt the need to use 800 o's like a 12 year old. Haha Anyway. I've been reading bits and pieces here and there, and I do think about you all!! I also have a new kitten that takes up a WHOLE lotta my time. Whew, she's a mess! So I can spew all these excuses for not being here, but really I just suck. Heh And here I am, about to whine a little and ask some advice! So I feel guilty doing it, cause I know I haven't really been here for you guys. I'm sorry!! Hang with me, I swear I'll be back!!

So here it goes..............at my last RD appt, she wanted me to make sure that I stayed taking the 10mg of flexeril at night, and as far as my daily doses went, it was up to me to decide. Well, my shoulder is 100% again. YAY. I'm glad for it, don't get me wrong - BUT......now my neck is KILLING me. :( I get headaches, I feel like I'm going cross eyed, the tops of my shoulders burn and feel like rope pulling. UGH!! When I rub my neck, in the very back (spine part) I can feel things roll and pop....which is weird. But when I do that, it dulls the pain. I'm back to not being able to touch my ear to my shoulder - last time I was in the RD's office, I had a great ROM in my neck.

Excuse me for saying this, but - WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?!?!?!??!?!?

Oh, I forgot to mention, I cut my mobic to 15mg every other day - I know I know, I shouldn't play doctor, but my heartburn and indigestion was completely unbearable. I couldn't take it anymore. I take the mobic every other day, and now my tummy is happy again. I don't see any swelling anywhere in my joints, so I don't think that has anything to do with my neck.

My next appt with the RD is in July (I think the 16th) I don't want to bump it any sooner...........and yet I do. I'm planning on going to a concert in Tampa on July 27th - that's a 7-8 hour drive, and then the concert that night.......I want to ENJOY it, and I don't plan on missing it for ANYTHING. I'd love to be pain free for it....

I dunno. I'm stuck. So here I am, asking advice again!! :( Thanks guys!!!!!!

Katie,  it's good to hear from you! Congrats on your new addition to the family!

Have you stopped taking flexeril during the day? If you do take it, does it help your neck pain? It may take some trial and error, but maybe your dr can prescribe something for your heartburn so you can continue to take the mobic daily. Can you jump into the hot tub after work? Hows about a great massage?

Are you able to go down to Tampa the day before the concert so you are well rested? Driving 7-8 hours and then going to a concert would be very difficult for me. Try to make it into a mini vacation - you certainly have earned one!




Katie, I wondered where you have been lately. Have you seen an
orthopedic doctor or better yet, a neurosurgeon about your spine? It
sounds like something is going on with one of your discs. If headaches
are new to you, you may want to have your back checked. These
problems do not usually resolve themselves. Back pain is the worst as far
as I'm concerned. Do you take something for your stomach such as
prilosec or nexium? I know these leach calcium from the bone but
stomach problems are also the pits. Eat very healthy and avoid soda so
that you will decrease your chances of heartburn and stomach upset. I
don't know much about mobic as it is not a drug given often here that I
know of. I'm gonna have to look that one up. If you are not on
prednisone, try to keep it that way as prednisone is really hard on the
bones and many people end up with osteoporosis from long term
consumption. And I also want to know what concert you are going to? I
love concerts. Good luck and keep me posted.

Prilosec is over the counter now. It might just fix the tummy with the Mobic.

ps 2 pills in the morning is the prescription dosage.

Sorry to hear you're having such a rough time. No real advice here....just wanted to encourage you to hang in there.

Hope things ease up for you soon. COngratulations on the new kitten!

Do you think its a problem with a disc or "just" muscular?  If its swollen, of course use ice but if its more tension, try heat.  I have a neck bean bag, its long and skinny, I nuke it for 2 minutes and ahhhhhh.  The icy hot patches also help, my hair sticks in them so I put it up but they really help to relax it a bit and give it a chance to rest.  Got anyone you can bribe for a massage????? PS We want kitten pictures!!!!!

You could actually touch your ear to your shoulder without moving your shoulder up to meet it!!?? I didn't know that was possible! I've never been able to do that! 

As far as the neck thing, that's what I have and my RD gave me Flexeril for. It just doesn't work for me. Are you going to be doing any head banging at the concert? Just kidding. I'm sorry I don't have any advice for you but I'm sure someone here will. 

I'm jeolous about your kitten. I want one. I have two cats, but kittens are so dang fun.

Whew! Thank you everyone!

Let's see, where to start????

I've stopped taking the flexeril during the day, unless I get my shoulder "twinges" I didn't realize until I stopped taking it, how AMAZINGLY tired it was really making me. My two days off of work were nothing but sleep. I hated it. I try to eat healthy, I don't drink soda, never did spicy foods, I chew and chew before I swallow, I don't eat too fast, etc etc.

My RD suspected my neck being the real cause of the problem when I told her about my shoulder. I'm starting to think she's right. The headaches aren't entirely new, but now that I think about it, they stopped shortly after the "sensations" began in my shoulder. Hm. I wonder if I've just been re-routing the pain. My RD told me to do some slow neck rolls every day, whenever I think of it. I'm SUPER bad about doing them, I'll admit. They do help, but not for long.

I'm doing really well with the mobic every other day....I just don't have  swelling anywhere else, that would lead me to think that I have it in my neck. Am I wrong for thinking that?

Since I was a pre-teen I have been able to, and needed to, pop my neck. Every 3-4 months it would get really stiff, and all I had to do was lean it to the side and stretch and "pop" I'd feel good as new for another 3-4 months. I haven't been able to pop my neck in almost a year. Sounds weird, and a little dumb, but I do wonder if there's a correlation there. I know popping your joints isn't good for them, but this really felt like I was popping something back into place.

Should I start back with my PCP with my neck question? I can't honestly say that this is RA related. And I can't honestly say that it isn't.

I'll tell you the concert, but only if no one berates me for it. I have my music tastes and my reasons, just keep that in mind. We're going to see Marilyn Manson.

Katie, it's good to see you again!  You should never feel guilty for being gone and then coming back...we all have our lives and the stuff we have to deal with.  Just be sure you come back when you can!

I'm sorry to hear about your neck.  I think I would start with an orthopedist, and if he clears you, then a good chiropractor.  I pop my neck all the time to relieve pain, and when I can't crack it, I know something is wrong...either really tight muscles, or a misalignment too high or low for me to affect.  That's when the chiro sets me right.

That pulling, burning pain is one of the worst.  I hope you get some relief soon.  And congrats on the new kitty...if nothing else, at least she'll distract you from the pain!

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