Plaquenil | Arthritis Information


Just got back from the RA dr and he now suggesting I start Plaquenil due to the fact x-rays showed one (?)wrist had more bone loss.  I am on (maxed out on Meth., folic acid, Humira.  I am a bit upset adding one more chemical to my body.  The more I brushed it off, the more he pushed it on me.  In fact, he now has the ability to order meds through the computer to any drug store or my company Medco.  Get this -- he orders it--Medco charges it to my charge account.  No further discussion!  (I may have to have a discussion with Medco or pull the credit card to prevent such invasions.)  I am still deciding if I am going to try this drug.  What is anyone's experience with this drug?  I know there is risk to eyes and I fell eye sight is just too important to risk any damage. Plus the idea of having 2 more md (eye) appointments to all that I have now is just not possible--timewise--moneywise, etc. 

I've been taking plaquenil for almost 15 years and have had no problems with it.

I've been told that the risk with the eyes is VERY low. long as you have your eyes checked regularly, they can catch it before any real problems arise and take u off the plaquenil.

Good luck!

I have been on plaq since last september. i have had no side effects to
speak of. it got rid of my daily headaches. it is the most benign of all the
DMARDS. My opthomologist said he has never seen a problem related to
this med in his 20 years of practice and he only wants to see me every 2
years. Good luckNo further discussion?  Oh yes, you always have the right to refuse the shipment when it comes or refuse to pay for something you personally have not approved.  This is the craziest thing I have heard of lately!  And they say docs and insurance and drug companies are not in cahoots?  Gimme a break.  Thanks for listening to my rant.  There is another option, AP, which is low dose antibiotic treatment.  Many people with RA have had remarkable success, with very little side effects. Docs don't seem to mention it much, perhaps because there is little financial incentive,  If you would like to know more, two good sites are and  Good luck in whatever YOU decide (not the doc).   Pat

I started Plaquenil about a month ago, and am very impressed.  I wish my rheumatologist had prescribed it a year ago when I was diagnosed, as I went for a second opinion at a State medical teaching school, and they suggested I be on it, and he refused (male egos at their finest).  The only reason I got put on it is that quinine (for my leg cramps, not lupus or RA) went OTC or something and the rheumy was forced to prescribe it (I am rethinking rheumies now, but that's a different subject which I am avoiding thinking about yet)  So, it's working great for me and I hope it continues to help. 

And the field eye vision test which I set up voluntarily (this rheumy didn't even suggest it he is so egotistical) has uncovered some sort of serious circulatory problem which I am seeing my primary about tomorrow, undoubtedly related to my disease as I know there was something in a CAT scan about four years ago, but that was just my depression, not a serious illness like RA or anything.  I suspect it might explain alot of my "psychosomatic" symptoms I am making up to cage for narcotics.  Good luck. 

JustSayNoMore, I really think you need a new doctor. Also, I note you have
scleroderma. Have you read "Scleroderma: the Proven therapy That Can Save
Your Life?". It's about AP therapy for scleroderma (a somewhat diffderent
protocol than for RA).

Catnip2, that's appalling. Regardless of how benign plaquenil is (I'm on
plaquenil and it gave me terrible side effects until I learned to manage it,
BTW) it's not your Dr.'s decision what you'll be putting into YOUR body, or
how you'll be spending your money.

Yeah; I'd reel him in real quick. I wouldn't appreciate that at all. I'd also call the pharmacy and let them know that no one is autherized to make charges to your account without your approval.

I took plaquinel years ago with good success. In the most recent years I've been on stronger medications but I've been thinking lately that I might question my doctor about using Plaquinel along with my MTX.

Let us know how things go for you.

Thank all for your imput.  I really wanted people to be alert to what the doctors and drug companies are doing.  Think--if they e-mail the Rx dsirectly to these companies, pharmacies, they can tally up what physician is prescribing what and they can "reward" them as they see fit.  I just think this is very dangerous for any patient.  Beware.  I am going to let the refill come---that does not mean I will take the stuff.  I am going to do a bit more research before I swallow that chemical.  If he had handed me a handwritten rx, I could hold on to it for a few days and filll it at my leasure.  I was so shocked when it happened.   We are going to discuss this next time I go in and I might used The Donald's theme as in "Your're fired!".  Too bad there are not many of RA docs. 