OT Daisy leave me alone | Arthritis Information


I needed to make a couple statements about my "openness' in my posts.  I feel no shame.  Several times it has been used as an attack that my husband has a substance abuse problem.  I speak of it openly because I know that it is likely the majority of people on these boards have someone they love with this same problem.  It does not make my husband lesser of a man.  It IS a horrible disease.  Why can some people party and some people it ruins their lives????????????? There should be no shame in a man who constantly fights this battle.  I have been to so many AA meetings with Brett.  I have met amazing people who have overcome their addiction but it is always one day at a time and they are always at risk of relapse.  A lot like RA.  I believe people should not be labeled as inferior if they are fighting this battle.  Most people give up or never admit they have this disease.  Like I am with my daughter who has schizophrenia - I refuse to be ashamed of my husband because of his illness.  I do vent about how his illness effects my life but I continue to respect him because every time he relapses, he gets back with the program, wakes up in the morning and begs God to help him win his battle for that day.  It is one day at a time.  He was sober less than one year when we married.  He is pretty amazing when I think about everything he has gone through with me and my daughter but he never gives up.  He goes right back to finding a support group and continues his devotion to one day staying sober.

I am also very open about my daughter's mental illness.  When she was diagnosed at only sixteen with schizophrenia, I had very little knowledge about mental illness.  I learned quickly the discrimination, lack of services and the shame that is put on this very life altering, painful disease that she has no control over.  I am so proud of her that she also bravely battles her demons every day and I refuse to be ashamed of her or hide her condition.  Mentally ill people need all the advocates they can get.  When people consider accusing  people (strangers even) of being mentally ill, they think that they have accused them of something that is so abherrant that they are sure to hurt them and show that this is a good reason to discount that person.  What pains me most is saying someone is mentally ill is considered one of the worst insults.  Would you say "you have cancer in anger?????????  Society treats the mentally ill as the throw aways of society.  Mental illness is underfunded and just accepted as a part of life that can be ignored if they stay under their bridges, locked up or hidden away.  Their lives are ignored.  You think we have problems getting help dealiing with RA - try being mentally ill and getting the help you need.  I will speak out for the mentally ill for the rest of my life.  I have spent 100s of hours in lock down facilities with the mentally ill.  The conditions are atrocious.  The demons that they have to deal with both in their psyche and in society are scarier than anyone can imagine - unless they have taken the time to really care about and get to know someone with mental illness.  Very few do. 

Lovie is right.  I should not have side tracked the hand thread updating people on what is going on in my life.  It was laziness. 

I am open with everyone I meet.  That is the kind of person I am.  I don't hold back when I am having a hard time dealing with this disease and I don't hold back when I celebrate every day I feel well.

One last thing, my angel, Angie, who is also my aide, we have become close friends.  She brings her family over on weekends, we go to lunch, farmer's market, share each other's gardens, and share our lives.  She calls me everyday just to bs.   We are very close and again I want to say - I am blessed to have met her.  Maybe that is why I don't feel like I need the boards as much.

I am who I am.  I like me - I hate RA.  It does effect every aspect of my life.  If people cannot share their lives that are living with RA - they really are not being supported.  I was told by my rd that half of her patients (she estimated) have divorced because their partners could not handle the profound impact RA has on their lives.

What I want to assert -  I am not ashamed of my alcoholic husband or my mentally ill daughter.  I have spent many, many, hours seeing doctors and counseling.  If they do not believe I am bipolar, why in the world would people on a SUPPORT board accuse me of being mentally ill.  I believe it is the stigma mental illness has.  As if mental illness is connected to shame, immorality, disdainful behavior and this stigma is perpetuated when people use it as an insult to attack someone you don't like on a silly support board.

roxy39228.8133680556Hi Roxy, I don't know what is going on here, but I know when I returned to this board recently, there were some attacks happening, I hope this isn;t starting up again, its very uncomfortable and must be awful for you when all you are doing is coming to a board and being yourself, I really feel for you and really enjoy your posts, if anything they take my mind away from my problems and make me see I am not alone.  Lets keep these boards open for what they are here for "support".  Kind regards Janie.  I think your daughter and hubby are fighting a battle just like we are and they need support too. I dont think you should be ashamed of any of your problems Roxy, unfortunetly there are stigmas attached to alcohol and drug problems but i believe too the these are as much of an illness as anything else,People get addicted to all sorts of things, an addictive personality is something that is born in some people or occurs because of things that have happened in their lives. My cousin is schizophrenic, she has been since she was a teenager, her parents ignored it and she was offered little help until she tried to kill herself, she now had a great mental health team and copes very well, she has a son who has aspergers syndrome and another with ADHD , she copes extremely well with both these children too. I am glad that you are getting the help you need with your aide and that you have found a friend in her. Take care

Roxy (and this is my first and last entrance into this fray) - I admire you for posting this OT thread.  Thank you for the courage to be open and honest in a society filled with socialpaths bent on taking out their personal hate and anger on others instead of looking at themselves and getting the mental help they need, while espousing their "perfection" and "they know what's best for you" platitudes. 

The slogan of this site is that you "are never alone".  A trouble shared is halved.  Keep posting, I appreciate and love you unconditionally as we were instructed by others wiser than us years ago, and keep the faith.  We are all trying to just keep it together "one day at a time"  Take care ~~ Cathy


Roxy~Thank you for starting an OT thread related to your progress. Many, many of us here are interested in how you are doing.

I wish you and your family well.

Roxy, I endorse whole-heartedly with all the above.  You go girl!! Roxy, I like hearing about peoples personal life.  Its how we get to know each other better and I believe helps us to support each other better!  Keep posting, just keep it separate, like you did here, to keep those who feel definitely happy  Love and hugs


I also like reading your post's. Post on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

God bless you and your family.



Roxy, you go girl!!!

This is a support board and talking about life's ups and downs is a way of coping. If people can't understand, that's their problem. In your own way, you educate us about addication and mental illiness. I enjoy reading your posts and keep you in my prayers.

May you and your family be guided by love and understanding.



I am so grateful for the friends I have here.  Every time I consider not coming back here I am reminded  I DO have friends here.

Kelsey and I both have the flu.  I think it is from all the doctor's offices we go to.  She goes twice a week.  In my future.  I will post again soon and thank all of you but I will first write something like-






lol....I hope you and Kelsey are feeling better soon. The flu is horrible! 1/2 my family has had it this season and they were misrable. The doctors gave them "tamaflu" (I think that's what it's called) it's supposed to shorten the time it last. It only works though if it's caught in the first 48 hours I think. Maybe 72; something like that.

Regardless......Hope you're feeling better soon.

Take Care.

I want to thank all of you for being there to stand up for me.  There really is nothing more I can say but what I have said in this thread.  I did my best to deal with the situation with dignity and respect for the board.  I really cannot complain because the amount of support I have received on this board got me through some very very difficult times.  I will always be grateful to you for that.  With much love to so many of you.  Roxanne

Roxy~I'm afraid what is happening is that the people harrashing you are jealous of the friendships you have made here. If they would just stop being so mean to everyone they too would make friends here.

You just continue to be the bigger person. Hang in there. They is a select few and other's are quickly beginning to see their true colors. You can see that you have more support than they would like you to believe.

I see little sense in it all.


All that has ever been asked is that if someone wants to post initimate details about their life that they label it OT. I have been personally attacked and insulted by a few including Roxy. I personally do not feel you should post personal information about a spouse, family member or anyone without their permission. The becomes public information for anyone to read on the web and can be a dangerous and libel situation. But that is my belief and I have been called names by Roxy for it. I am very tired of all the people that insult others and call people names to defend someone else.

Silly isn't it!!!!

Roxy you live and have lived a very full and interesting life.You had a wonderful job (and i know you have had to give it up due to the RA) You have had your ups and downs with your marriage and you have been through so much with Kelsay too.You have so much to be thankful for even now, with your new friend Angie and your lovely house.You are still able to" fight your corner "so i wouldnt worry about the minority on here.The PM's are annoying so keeping your box full is probably a good idea for a while.Chin up and keep smiling

You can dump us if you want. I wish you wouldn't. Thanks for returning  my Chesire Cat from Hula. If that cat wanders off again, when you are not here, I'LL BE CATLESS.

Keep laughing!   

No, Marian you would not be catless... I have most of all the avatars Hula done on my old desktop. So, if you needed it again and roxy is not available you can always ask me for it.

Daisy is such a bore, blah blah blah I'm only trying to help

Gee she was doing so poorly whe could'nt post and now that this has started up, she can't stop herself

Then there's Phats

Ignore them Roxy

for someone who wants the madness to stop, postings such as yours get people going again.  I think EVERYONE here enjoys stirring the pot, including you.  If you didn't you wouldn't post.






I do not know quite what to say. If Roxy was truly a friend you would not encourage her to post such intimate details of her life. The few people that jump in to defend "poor Roxy" do not even have the intelligence to read all the posts first. It just makes me laugh, maybe that is why I do it. There are about 4 or 5 people that jump in to her defense and they make absolutely no sense at all. But this board is all different people, intelligent ones and others not so much!!!

I do feel better, thank you for asking!!!! If you noticed I posted a few other times the last few days, not just now when Roxy attacked.


yeah right Daisy, you are the one with all the brains here Daisy and Phats. Why are the two of you here on Roxy's OT thread? Phats,
this is just an extension of what you have been doing alot lately. You have
attacked willwin also, out of the blue and she didn't deserve it. Your mood
is bouncing between two poles recently. Maybe you need to be on some
medicine for that. I'm personally tired of your constant attacks on people on
the board. You are a very angry person and need some help.I thought this was Roxy's OT Post!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Pincushion - take a bow  Hey Roxy

Just wanted to say hi! I hope you are enjoying your memorial day
weekend. The flu is rotten and it can take a while to fully recover. Take it
easy but have fun.

beckyI certainly now know which posters I won't take any advice from on health issues Cathy, I'm sorry if I offended you. But no one here seems to see what the
problems is here. Roxy (and I'm not sticking up for her) is getting the heat
but the person who attacked her is allowed to go on and on and do this
multiple time in multiple threads. The thread is going fine and then all of a
sudden, Phats comes in and wham, attacks. It is totally unexpected for the
way the thread is going. And then it escalated from there. Many of the
recents are all a result of Phats responses to certain people and I"m
personally very tired of it.
Senior Member
Sent: May 26 2007 at 5:06am


This has gotten to the point that I really do think people should be warned.  I don't want this kind of hassle in my life.  My brother has poor health and imagine him having to deal with this. 

Lori - if you think that post was directed at you, I am surpised you would even think that.  You are a wonderful, well informed, fabulous poster in here and at the top of my "listen to" posters.  I was referring to the lowlifes with no lifes.  Take care Cathyoh good. well, i made a post towars Phats that I later regretted about taking
meds. I'm sorry I did that. I had worked a 12 and was just tired and
grouchy. Wow Roxy. This is getting down and dirty. This is probably the reason
certain info on this forum should not be shared. I hope Daisy has second
thoughts and does not add more stress to your life. I asked her to leave me and my family alone.   I know I am not breaking the law, but all I need is to get my family worried.  At one point she said that she was just giving me advice - this is a threat.  I told her to Go For IT as I am not doing anything illegal but then I thought about it.   I am very reclusive (meaning I stay in my pjs If you didn't do anything wrong than you have nothing to hide.

And I don't think I'm wrong in stating that you are NOT a private person. Your openness is what gets you in trouble around here, remember?


Do not worry, if you are being honest and you do not recieve anything but SSDI, then there will be no investigation. SSDI does not provide for an aide, and previously on the board you have posted exectly the amount of your SSDI and it is not very much, so you may be receiving SSI, State medical assistance, and those are all based on assets, You can own a home but only have ,000 if single or ,000 if married in assets. 

If you are not receiving any benefits that are based on your assets then there will be no investigation, so why would you worry?? No investigation, no documentation required.

Roxy, in all your posts you blame everything in your life on RA. You really need support fom a counselor to get over this. Your husband  (of less than 2 years)was an addict and you chose to marry him, this was not caused by your RA. You chose to put your retirement money in your brothers name , that is not due to RA, whether it is because of a spending habit or to receive benefits. I recieve SSDI, but use my retirement money to pay for my healthcare  and can not afford household help, when that is used up then I will be able to get assistance.

Be a big girl and take responsibilty for your actions. I open myself up to ridicule everytime I post with my opinions about your behavior.

The support you are receiving from some people on this board is letting you continue to blame everything on RA, you need to move on.

Good Luck, you will have no problem if as you said you are not hiding assets and being fraudulent and that you receive no benefits that are based on a statement of assets.

Please no one from outside the US repond to this with your nonesense unless you fully understand how are social service programs are executed here in the US.

Oh and Roxy, I am not threatening you. I just do not agree with people that abuse the system. It too hard for people to get approved for the benefits they truly deserve because the system is abused. So no threat, just something  I feel the duty to do.
Senior Member
Sent: 26 May 2007 at 4:31pm

I don't worry.  I don't want one more hassle in my life.  I live very privately and I am very protective of my family.

-- Previous Private Message --
Sent by : Daisy
Sent : May 26 2007 at 3:19pm

Why would you worry, you said you are not hiding assets and do not receive any benefits that have an asset cap on them. Roxy you have attacked me over and over again, your poor me does not work with me. You have created all your own problems. Be a big girl and take some responsibility for them. I would never do this accept I am very tired of you attacking me.

-- Previous Private Message --
Sent by : roxy
Sent : 26 May 2007 at 10:46am

Why don't you just leave me and my family alone.  We have enough to deal with. 
-- Previous Private Message --
Sent by : Daisy
Sent : May 26 2007 at 5:06am

Okay, will do.
-- Previous Private Message --
Sent by : roxy
Sent : 26 May 2007 at 12:11am


-- Previous Private Message --
Sent by : Daisy
Sent : May 25 2007 at 8:07pm

Since you do not receive any services based on assets you will not have a problem if the postings stating that you placed your proceeds from your retirement in your brothers name are sent to the Oregon
I love the "I live very privately"

Daisy, I truly don't understand your need to cause problems for Roxy or anyone else. We're in cyber-world here.

Do you really need to try to stir up problems for someone in real world? If so, why? Because she defended herself from you?

I just don't get that kind of vindictiveness. How do you know she is doing anything wrong, anyway? Why not  live and let live? Or are you just going to dig and dig until you really hurt someone?

I think you need to get a REAL LIFE.


Do you think it is honest to hide assets to receive benefits?? If she is not then she will have nothing to worry about, so no problems caused.


Daisy, who made you the judge and jury? Geez, you are borderline obsessed with Roxy. Why do you keep harrassing her? Do you get off on it?I am not the judge and jury, the state of Oregon will be.

How does anyone know Roxy is who she really is?????

Maybe that's not her real name!! Maybe she just uses the name Roxy. I dont think anyone can find out who she really is. Im sure alot of people dont use their real names on these boards. I dont think the state of Oregon (If that's where she really lives) would really give a crap less what she does. Geez just leave her alone!!! I have never seen someone so attacked in all my life!! Get a life!!!!

Roxanne Baxter Baker has shared all intimate details of her life, what city she lives in, she posted the listing of her house she lives in, that is that problem, even her birthdate Nov.1955. Husband Brett, daughter Kelsy, I can go on and on.  She has not used good judgement in her postings. She uses the board to validate herself.Daisy, this truly has gone too far now, Roxy or anyone else does not deserve this.  If you have any Christian bones in your body, then please leave her alone, maybe she has hurt you in the past, just avoid her posts, its that easy!  Janie.

Wow Daisy, you really are a low life are'nt you?

We only have to hope that what goes around comes around cuz you got one ugly mess due to come your way if that is the case.

The people on this board with the exception of a few (including you of course) are good and kind.  Save your "I'm only trying to help" bs cuz nobody buys it.  Cin is right you are obsessed and I'll add disgusting.  Don't bother with the usual "If you are really Roxy's friend" sputtle.  I don't even know Roxy, but I have read all of the posts as you have suggested and my opinion did'nt change a bit.  It was a sorry day for this board that you ever made your way here.

Well when you hit the hay tonight you can snuggle in and sleep good knowing what a miserable person you are  



All right I am sorry... But I feel I know Daisy as someone else. I mean com'on! I have fought with roxy on the boards and even I have not stooped this low. Even when I did bash roxy it was to help open her eyes that she is not the only one going thru trying to deal with RA.

But to cause her possibly even more problems, is just wrong. I mean I understand about the frauding the government thing, but look at the thousands of people who are doing it to the government and you want to pick on someone that you know has a dibilitating disease.

Yeah yeah yeah... I know you are going to say "How we know for sure she has RA?" We don't but, I believe she does, but not to the extent she claims, and this is only after reading her posts and chatting with her for a couple of years now and being forced to read her posts on an old message board we both were a member of, because I was 2nd in command admin at the board and I had to read them because someone would PM me to complain about a her post.

But ya know, I really care for roxy's well being even though we do not get along or are even friends anymore. I feel sorry for her, for many reasons. But I have learned to not pay her posts any attention. Yes, it took me months to figure this out, but I have overcome being glued to the Roxyfiles. I have just growed bored with it. Not that I do not care about her or her well being, but sometimes ya just gotta stop enabling her.

If me and roxy were still friends I probably would be right with all of you denfending her, because that is what I am use to doing for her is defending and protecting her. I know not many have seen me defend or protect her, but you would have to be an old AI member from about early 2006 to know this.

I just think Daisy is out for roxy, and for reasons I am not quite sure of, but I am sure it is because roxy has hurt her feelings at one time in the past and now she is taking advantage of what she feels is good enough for her.

If I am wrong, I am wrong, but I just cannot help to feel I know Daisy as someone else... I just cannot put my finger on who it is, but they will screw up soon enough and I will see who they are, if they are someone I know.

As Roxy has said in the past, I am a very observant person.

As usual, I don't agree with you Joonie and I do not think you have good intentions.  Have you ever considered that I was the first to invite you here.  The nasty things I said about you - you dared me to post.  So I took you up on it.  Be careful when you insinuate I am not as sick as I portray.  You have children that need you.  That is all I have to say about your post.

I think it is likely that Daisy receives SSI.  She probably has no work history.  They look at assets SSDI does not.  I just don't want the hassle.  Do what you got to do Daisy.  You are one sick puppy.  You make me feel like I am being stalked, you give me the creeps.


Roxy ,

No research needed, you have openly posted every intimate detail of your personal life. Like I say if you are not hiding assets you have nothing to worry about. I have been on this board a longtime . I do not care what anyone thinks on this board . I do no get my validation from you. I am true to myself. Maybe this is the only way to keep you from posting everything personal on this board. I hope this finally works and you learn, and this board can become about RA not the "Life and Times of Roxy Baxter"


I think you are the only person that has ever posted their Match.com site on this RA board too.  I think you are a little self absorbed. Oh yes but I am soooo envious of your life. What planet do you live on????

Ok, Roxy... and I deserve that reaction from you because of our past and I respect that.



What social service provides you with an aide. It is not SSDI. You are assuming too much about me, I have assets and worked many years and receive a sizeable SSDI and also LTD. Youhave previous poste dyour amount of SSDI and I can tell yo umine is 3 times as much, I do not qualify for SSI, sorry. So  please let me know who pays for your 'Angel" If you are not hiding anyhting I am sure you will tell me.

Daisy? I am on SSI, as everyone well knows. I have looked into services to see if I qualify for something simular to roxy, incase I get bad off again, and I cannot find anything like that that is provided. Maybe it is just the state she lives in? Or am I missing something more?WARNING -  Just remember.  When "Daisy" quits posting, she will come back under another id.  Be careful my friends.You can get help in Oregon as part of their health program if you have a low income and assets lower than ,000 married, ,000 single, you are allowed to own a home though, nice huh??? It is need based though. A lot of states have it as part of their health programs and Medicaid also has it, which has an even lower income basis. But what do I know, Roxy has told me I have no education and no experience in the work world.

Oh My Roxy, you are very paranoid. HMMMMMMM What is that a symptom of, not RA


Oh Roxy,

I must of missed your answer about who pays for your aide, that you need!!!! Sad it seems a lot of the moms out there with little ones need the housekeeping help more than you. But hten again they are honest people.

joonie 26 May 2007 at 10:55pm 26 May 2007 at 11:14pm 19 minutes Windows XP Microsoft IE 6
Guest 1 26 May 2007 at 10:54pm 26 May 2007 at 11:14pm 20 minutes Mac OS X Safari
Guest 2 26 May 2007 at 10:54pm 26 May 2007 at 11:14pm 20 minutes Unknown ICE
Phatgirl2 26 May 2007 at 11:00pm 26 May 2007 at 11:14pm 14 minutes Windows XP Microsoft IE 6
owiedeb 26 May 2007 at 11:14pm 26 May 2007 at 11:14pm 0 minutes Windows XP AOL 9
Guest 3 26 May 2007 at 10:54pm 26 May 2007 at 11:14pm 20 minutes Search Robot Googlebot
Guest 4 26 May 2007 at 10:55pm 26 May 2007 at 11:14pm 19 minutes Windows XP Microsoft IE 6
Guest 5 26 May 2007 at 11:13pm 26 May 2007 at 11:13pm 0 minutes Search Robot Inktomi
Guest 6 26 May 2007 at 11:07pm 26 May 2007 at 11:13pm 6 minutes Windows XP Microsoft IE 7
Anonymous 26 May 2007 at 11:13pm 26 May 2007 at 11:13pm 0 minutes Windows XP AOL 9
Guest 7 26 May 2007 at 11:12pm 26 May 2007 at 11:12pm 0 minutes Search Robot Inktomi


anonymous is Daisy -- to show it is not me nor phatgirl. It is someone else. I do this because of roxy's last post, which made me think she was referring to me.

"Oh My Roxy, you are very paranoid. HMMMMMMM What is that a symptom of, not RA"

It seems to me, after reading the various posts, that you may be the one who has some serious mental health issues Daisy.   I think I'll be spending much more time over on the Arthritis Foundation board. The people there aren't fixated on destroying other people's lives.

"Arrogance and rudeness are training wheels on the bicycle of life -- for weak people who cannot keep their balance without them."

Laura Teresa Marquez



I am no one else but Daisy, so don't stress in trying to figure out who I am. I have been reading this board for a longtime. I am so tired of reading a post I think is RA and having Roxy pop in and turn it into her personal biography. Do you realize she has even posted her street name. How stupid is that???? I don't know anyway to get her to stop this insanity other than showing her how this can hurt her, Do you have any ideas??? She has PMed me , insulting me and assuming things about my lack of education and work history. She has also told me I am envious of her life and of couse she stated what a "private" person she is. Am I on the same Board as her??? I feel bad for her life, but she has made these decisions and they are not caused by her RA. So she is really pissing me off with her insults in her PMs, not a good idea. It takes a lot to make me mad but she has!!!! Much to her dismay I am not uneducated either.


No mental issues here, sorry. Just really had my fill of Roxys attacks and insults.

Daisy, surely Roxy's benefits and her aide is nothing to do with you. Its not going to help your life, if you are getting disability (and a lot more than Roxy) then you should be thankful for that as there are lots of people who are deserving who cant get any help at all.Why dont you post things on here that are RA related or even if they are OT make them worthwhile.

Do you know something, since i became ill i have felt more vunerable but   i have realised something in the last few days of reading these posts, people will tread on you when you are down, they shake your left hand while stabbing you with the right hand.

Its really a shame that this illness is making so many of us bitter ( surely no ones real nature is so harsh)

I wonder how many people would give 24 hour care to a schizophrenic while being ill themselves?  95% do not.  Check out the statistics.

You win Daisy or whoever you log in as.  I will not be back.  I have behaved like a teenager, who opens up their life to be stalked by a pedophile.  

I wanted to share who I was and how RA changed my life.  I wanted my friends to know why I am grieving. 

roxy39229.0073148148OMG, Roxy! That schizophrenic is your daughter. How could you say that? It's not like your caring for a neighbor! She's your daughter and your a mother and that is just what you do, care for her. You don't go saying something like that "how many people would give 24 hour care to a schizophrenic while being ill themselves?" I'm very sure most mothers would!

How many mother's on this board alone have sick, autistic, mentally challenged or handicapped children? More that a few and you don't see them saying something like that.

A while back, Roxy, you posted that you were only getting "a pitance of money for caring for Kelsey with her schizophrenia". Be glad you got any assitance at all.

Now,you've just made me sick.

It is so easy to judge when you have not walked in another's shoes.

roxy39229.0125231482Oh Roxy, I did not know schizophrenics are self centered, Aren't they also paranoid, HMMMMM Is it genetically passed on, I think it is!!!!

Your signature is so appropriate -

NO GOOD DEED GOES UNPUNISHED.  I do not see you as someone who does benevolent deeds. 

Her father is bipolar.  I am certain you know more than the many psychologists and psychiatrists I have spent hours with - dealing with my grief over my daugthers illness.  When was your last mental check-up??????? 

So Roxy, who pays for your aide, because you are so honest I am sure you don't have a problem explaining it??? Because as you have honestly stated you do not receive any need based benefits. What is the problem??

Well you are self centered and paranoid, sooooo I just assumed

You are the stalker.  Who is more likely to be mentally ill?  Who is paying for the aide????? Because you ae not hiding assets you said that right????

I am not mentally ill, just trying to expose you for the fraud you are!!!

Please leave this time, I would love to be able to read posts on this board and not have to have you pop in!!!

I am finally standing up for myself.  It is a great way to leave.  I hope others see your true colors.  If you had an education you would realize what an ass you make of yourself.  Oh yeah - you have the option to come back under another alias.  Is this the only thread you can read?????????  You are obsessed.  I am angry.

I am angry too!!!!! It is so bad that you are getting exposed and called on your lies, it hurts so run away!!!

I dare you to continue posting under Daisy.  I wonder how much support you will receive.

I have been ridiculed for my honesty.  Lies - why bother.  That is what I saw as the beauty of "support boards".  You get feedback on how you are really feeling.

roxy39229.0352662037Like I say I do not need validation from this board like you. Hey I wonder how much money you will have to pay back when they find out you had a retirement fund you didn't declared and then cashed out and put in your brothers name. With all your education you would think you would be smarter than to post every last detail about your life on here!!!! But you being so upright and honest aren't doing that so why worry!!!

I do not want support from anyone that supports your fraud. It says a lot about them.

Thank God I do not have to worry.  You are going to cause hassle and unneeded spent energy by those I love.  I am as honest in real life as I have been on this board.  I was a govt. employee for most of my life.  Your complaint will be seen as what it is. I doubt they even follow up on it.  I regularly have social workers in my home, my doctors back me, you need to get a life.   I, in fact, have a letter that states I am the most supportive, involved parent they have ever known in the mental health system.   Sadly, my rds believe I need all the help I can get.

I suspect you could not get help like I do.  I doubt you could get anyone to spend time with you.

roxy39229.0411574074Then tell me who pays for your aide and I will drop it. Prove your honesty to me. Doctors and social workers have nothing to do wth asets.I don't think being the most supportive paent in the mental health system has anything to do with it either.The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.

Albert Einstein

My life is none of your business.  Too bad you do not have a life that you have spent the time to find out all you can about me.  I have never researched you.  I have better things to do.  You win this time - I cannot believe I am up this late sparring with you.  You truly are a waste of my time.

Love Einstein quotes.  He was not only a genius but also a very spiritually perceptive man.

roxy39229.0452546296if You are not receiving any benefits that are based on income and assets then it will not even be investigated, so there will be no hassle to any of your loved ones, so why if you are being homest are you worried??? That puzzles me. I know I am uneducated, but I just don't understand why it would worry you.

Clarky, I am sad I agree with youWorried.  Concerned.  I would hate for my brother to get a phonecall.  He is a gentle giant with a heart condition who worries way too much about me.  He knows I need help and he does not have the time with his own family and career to take care of me.  It is such a relief to him that I have care.Roxy, I have given you every chance to be honest about this. I wonder how much money you will be paying back to the state. Maybe people that really deserve benefits will some day have an easier time getting them , when the abuse of the system stops ( I am NOT talking about SSDI)Then Daisy...I would suggest you just stop! If not, then obviously you are getting off on all this crap. Your actions are speaking much louder than anything that you are posting.


Like I say Roxy, if you do not receive benefits based on income and assets, there will be no phone call to your brother. So if you are being truthful, why do you worry they will call him. If you onlly receve SSDI they do not care what assets you have.


Goodnight Roxy. You have written the next chapter, Good Luck!!

Daisy- You have no right to make any phone calls to anyone about anything that is mentioned on this board, you are taking somebody elses life and their mental well being into your hands just so you can have a laugh at their expense.Roxies personal life is just that PERSONAL.It may be a good idea for you to leave , as i really dont think there is anyone on here who wishes to talk to you about anything. I would always be wary of you intentions thats for sure.

Amen to that!There will be no phone calls made, copies of the posts will be submitted as evidence. I have the duty as an officer of the federal court to report this. All posts on this or any other public forums are submissable. There were several warnings made. I do not need support from anyone that endorses fraud.
Janie. Yes Roxy, go and see your lawyer.My daughter works in  A law firm and said this borders on harrasment.You are being stalked and singled out, its like bullying and bullying is against the law, so as an officer of the federal court Daisy you should know this.  DAISY, YOUR'E VERY QUIET ALL OF A SUDDEN!!!!!!




"There will be no phone calls made, copies of the posts will be submitted as evidence. I have the duty as an officer of the federal court to report this. All posts on this or any other public forums are submissable. There were several warnings made. I do not need support from anyone that endorses fraud." Daisy

Dear Roxy:  When you find out who Daisy is, please let us all know.  I am sure alot of us in here will be glad to get her fired.  Take care

[QUOTE=pin cushion]btw, pincushion you live in the uk, this is the US where if someone breaks into your home and gets injured they can actually sue you and 9 times out of 10 they win.  so your daughter does not know much about US law.

This does seem like obsessive stalking to me. I don't get it really. Why bother?


Stalk 2   
v.   stalked, stalk·ing, stalks

v.   intr.
  1. To walk with a stiff, haughty, or angry gait: stalked off in a huff.
  2. To move threateningly or menacingly.
  3. To track prey or quarry.

v.   tr.
  1. To pursue by tracking stealthily.
  2. To follow or observe (a person) persistently, especially out of obsession or derangement.
  3. To go through (an area) in pursuit of prey or quarry.

In the eyes of the law Roxy would have to prove that the people who are "stalking" her harmed her or intended to harm her.  now the only way a person could harm someone thru this form of communication is mentally but to prove that she was traumatized she would've had to have gone to a psychologist before this started and had a psych eval then during the middle of all of this have another one done so they can be compared and support the claim.  however, roxy has repeatedly refused to see a psychologist and does not have a eval that they could compare it to to prove that mental damage was done.  so basically it's like roxy is shooting blanks she has no hard evidence harm was done and that is the only way you can get anything done concerning stalking unless it is in person and even then all you can get is a restraining order.
I'm not suggesting she take any action; I'm just suggesting that this behavior is odd. I don't think odd begins to describe it...It's an inability to think rationally. I seriously think that Daisy may be having some sort of psychotic episode. This stuff is truly very scary.

Sarahgood lord.

it isn't scary.  she just has it out for her.  are you all seriously this far behind with society?  no offense but i think some of you need to get out more often.  and though i am trying to take up for roxy she has been blamed of having psychotic episodes and people took up for her when that was said so it isn't right for you to say that Daisy is either. I get out quite often and post on many boards most which have nothing to due with RA. This kind of behavior is off the wall and uncalled for. I have no issues with heated debate or discussion, but this has,IMO crossed way over the line. I don't think that Daisy's behavior is rational at all. The people I know in the real world don't act this way......this behavior is unhealthy and scary. Maybe you think cyber stalking is okay, but I don't.

SarahCyber stalking?  Rubbish!  It isn't like Roxy couldn't end it by leaving or something.

BTW, what does IMO mean?
In my opinion

SarahOh, thanks! You're welcome

SarahRoxy, do not respond to any more of Daisys harrassment. She is obviously
deranged. She has been nothing but trouble since she joined this board.
She has offered no support to anyone. She is a bag of hot wind. Officers of
the federal court do not operate over the internet. Just do not worry about
this individual. She is messing with you. Yes, it is sick but that is what
some people are.

I had some free time today so I figured I catch up on some reading. 

I want to address this first:  Very well said Roxy!! You know I have always adored you for being so open on the boards and over the years you have been very helpful to many.  You're post made me cry, it made me smile and it really touched my heart.  What a beautiful person you are lady!

I was shocked to come across some of the posts that I have read.  What in the HELL is happening here??  This board used to be a kind supportive place to come where people could relate and share.  Although I still see a great deal of support and compassion for others I have seen some very ugly and uncalled for crap.  Yes, I said crap because what I've seen doesn't deserve a word in the dictionary better than that.  I'm almost afraid to continue reading the posts.  I will end on this:  Treat people as you yourself would like to be treated.  If you want people to respect you, you must respect them as well.

Peace & Love...Neasy

Neasy39242.4034375I love you too Neasy

I don't understand why Daisy cares so much? Isn't there anything better to focus all that energy on?

Jesus Christ. I don't understand why you retards don't shut up and let this thread die. Wasn't this over with a couple months ago? GET A f**kING HOBBY.
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