another prednisone question | Arthritis Information


There has been a lot of discussion about prednisone lately, but can anyone
tell me if it is safe to use long term at a lower dose such as 5 mg? I am
beginning to think I may never be able to get entirely off it. I'm back up to
20 right now. Thanks.
LakerHi Laker, my Rheumy and GP say 7.5mg daily and under is ok, and safe as our bodies make 7.5mg naturally and this usually shuts down after long term usage, so I wouldn't worry too much on those doses.  Regards Janie. At this time 5mg is considered a relatively safe dose but everyone is different.  Reality is if you can't get off of it you can't so you work to go as low as you can and monitor for side effects

My rheumy has set a goal for me of between 7.5 and 5 mg. -- he says that's what a body naturally requires.  I'm a long-term user at 10 mg.  I've tried weaning and when I got down to 5 mg., I hit the wall.

Good luck on your wean.


Hi,I've had no indication 'some amount is safe, okay, etc' my doc wants me OOFF of it! Tapering now from 10mgs. One mg a week (cutting the 5's in half, then taking one-one half of gets me 9!) so funny I'm in there cutting the tiny pills and they are crumbling into who knows WHAT? Going up to 20 mtx tomorrow in hopes that helps getting off of the prednisone! lv sarah

Good Luck Sarah! You need to expect some difficulties; but I think as you adjust your MTX that's going to help. Give it a little time before you decide you can't do it.

Laker; good luck to you. I don't have a lot of personal experience with long term predisone use; but I know many, many people who take a low dose daily. Your situation is not unusual. Sometimes oyu just have to do what you have to do. Make your goal to be as low as possible.

Just FYI, prednsone does come in 1mg pills and they are cheap!  Makes weaning much easier!!  I am down to 3.5mg right now!  Hoping to try and drop .5 next week. Wow Michelle - 3.5mg.  That's gooood!!  Hope the next drop goes well for you. 

 I have been down to 5mg three times now, I've been put back up to just 8mg each time, and that's where I'm sitting at the moment. At the last big whoopsy in Dec. when my GP put me back up to 8mg (my Rh. was away overseas - lucky man) he later added 1 Brufen daily (slow release Ibuprofen).  The new dosage of 8mg was just not cutting it and he was going to up it again, but decided to go with the Ibu. for a try.

Initially, it was only the 1 Brufen, but still not so good, but as soon as he upped it to 2 - great!  So when I saw Rh. at the beginning of May, he said we'll see how that goes and if all stays well, will begin another Prednisone reduction in Aug, when I see him again.

If things stay on track between now and then, I will be happy to start  the reduction process again.

I never in this world thought that my day would revolve around pills, pills and yet more pills, but then I don't suppose any of us did.

I remember years ago, my mother got caught up in the "You need Valium miracle" thing of the 70's & 80's".  I suppose I didn't really understand depression at that time, but she surely wasn't depressed, and I believe that Valium ruined her life. 

She was ###@#** menopausal, and suffering from what at the time they called post-menopausal arthritis - had a lot of pain, and her spine and neck was shot!!   So they gave her Valium!   Champion!!  A lot that did for her!!  Not!!  She was never able to come off it.

So, I guess that was about par for those years - give the little woman something to quieten her down.  Today I thank God that at least in the main, our Drs. listen and we get advice about the effects of the drugs that we are prescribed and can make choices.

And they do try to get us off that Prednisone asap.  So, truly, as I said at the beginning, hope that the next drop works well.

Started at 20mg last July and am down to 1.5. I am crossing my fingers on this one. Last time I got to 1mg I had a big flare.

These lower doses shouldnt make such a big difference but I would love to get rid of some of the meds I take. And I think long term use of any drugs is not a good thing.
I've been on pred for 15 months. From 40mg a day down to 2.5 and back up to 40mg. a day. I don't hit a wall the wall hits me! My rheumy now says 10mg. a day forever is fine..I don't think so, but what do we do??? Pred has really not been my friend I am having eye surgery as a result of long term use and I have started on Fosomax to try and save my bones.Good luck to anyone getting off it.Been on 35 mgs for almost 3 years and tapered to 5 mg. but developed symptoms of adrenal insuffiencey and RD increased to 10 mg. and am trying to taper to 7.5. This is the amount our bodies produce and I guess I'll be on 7.5 for a very long time.  My adrenals have shut down and there's a chance they can be jump started with a very slooooow taper of Pred.  We'll see.  It's eaten away at my bones and I have some cardiac issues that may be Pred. related.  I WANT OFF IT. 