both wrists are so painful today | Arthritis Information


Sorry to come here to whine just a bit.  It's just that both my wrists (and my knuckles) are awful this week.  I am glad the touch on my keyboard is so light--nonetheless I can't sit here too long as both wrists are hurting today.  Any ideas as to what I can do to alleviate this pain/achiness?  Not sure if an OTC pain med is called for as I am already on a ton of meds. 

When my wrists give me grief I wear my splints more often and in some cases all day.   Be sure that you at least wear them at night to give your wrists a break.   Also, you can do the 15 minute rotation of ice and heat.   I find heat to be more soothing than ice but, what works for some may not work for others.

Also, remember that your RD doesn't want you to be in pain daily... that's why there are medications out there for pain.   Pain wears you down mentally and physically ergo, can make a flare last longer, you can wear your system down to the point of making yourself sick and it can make you very crabby.   :o)  Talk to your doctor about getting your pain level under control or at least have something in the house when it strikes. 

Take care,


Molly Bee; I agree with Olive too. Sounds like an adjustment in your meds might be in order. Plaquenil is a fairly mild DMARD. How long have you been on it? It might be time to step it up a bit. Weren't you considering MTX?

A shot of cortisone might get you over the hump...always works wonders for me; if only temperary.

Hope your feeling better soon. I know your pain!!

Take Care;


Hi to Olive and Lovie...(your names have same letters...

Lovie, I was recently started back on MTX (2 wks ago) having had to stop Arava a month ago.  Arava gave me chronic diarrhea and weight loss.  I liked being able to eat whatever I wanted, but hated having to be near a bathroom afterwards!  Now that I've stopped Arava for a month, I've put on about 3 pounds.  Guess I'll have to be more militant about using my treadmill.

As for pain meds, I'll definitely check with my RD to see what he thinks is OK.  I think he'll wean me off the Plaquenil after he sees me in September as long as the MTX is holding me.


I lately my hands and wrists have been giving me a fit. Kinda bad to when you are using the constantly in school and at work. One thing that does help is soaking them in very warm water (as warm as you can stand it) for about 10min. I also heard that parffin wax is good for hurting hands too, but be careful if you have sensitive skin.

BTW Plaquenil seems to be working for me so far. Been on it a just about a month now and Im pretty good as far as pain. (not the horrible pain I have been in from head to toe) Havent started MTX, to scary actually but Ill see what the doc says when I go the 31st of this month.


Ah I know the feeling! Sore wrists and knees are what I hate the most out of all of my joint pain! Not being able to get into bed properly, open jars or support yourself. I agree with Shawnie, hot baths are the way to go. Sit in the bath and circle your wrists around every now and then. Maybe a pain getting in and out of the bath but if you can't manage that just stick some hot (not to hot obviously) water in a bowl and sit there with your hands in for a while. Works for me. Hope you feel better soon!I use hot bath, hot shower, heating pad, a topical ointment I got from Chiropractor called's great for temp. releif.  Sorry your hurting tonight!  Hope you feel better soon!!
Hi Molly Bee,
I'm sorry that you are hurting so bad right now. I think
what the others have said is good, and I'm
wondering if a short course of prednisone would
help? ?? (not much of an expert there, but it helps

I would definately try to keep your wrists still as much
as you can with splints; hard to do, but when you
can. I also found that when things were really
painful, I would wear the splints at night and put a
pillow on both sides of me and rest my arms there,
so that they are somewhat elevated and protected.
Try to make sure that you are getting something
nutritious to eat and somehow getting some sleep
so that your body can relax and heal. Sometimes
when I haven't slept well for a couple of nights I take
a hot bath and an excedrin pm.

Feel better soon!!

Tara L

Thanks everyone!!

Thanks again

 How are those wrists doing? The Mobic that I started taking has worked miracles on mine. Earlier this week ( while on Celebrex) I felt like it was ready to have them fused to stop all of the pain. They had never hurt so badly ( not both at one time ).

 My appointment with the hand surgeon is Wednesday, so I am a little nervous about what he is going to say.  I guess the xrays will tell all.

 Hope you are feeling better.


I use Biofreeze when my wrists (or shoulders..etc...) hurt. it works well temporaily. I get it from the chiro. the parafin wax works pretty good too. good luck.

Hi Linda and Leslie--Thanks for asking about my wrists.  They were still hurting so much last night as I lay in bed.  Then today they were so much better again.  I did take my weekly dose of MTX last night after dinner.  Was it the MTX?  Or is it because the humidity was less oppressive today.  So much so that we turned off the A/C and let the breezes ruffle the sheers on the windows.  A splendid day!  However, I'll look into Biofreeze.  Is that a scrip from the chiro?

Hubby is in LA all week.  I am glad to have a couple of "kids" around the 25 y/o dtr and my 19 y/o son.  She just moved back after college so she could save some money and he is going to attend the local community college.  Nice to have their company!

i can understand how u feel.  My hands and wrists hurt everyday esp when moved in a certain direction when i use my hands alot they swell and hurt more. even some of my fingers are affected. i tested positive for rh factor but doctor says i don't have all the signs so she has to treat me like i don't have it. i am frustrated cause i would like to know.  my knees hurt now sometimes when going down stairs and sometimes i feel overall achy esp after working out. but my hands and wrists hurt the most and i can understand how u feel

Hi Joyce,

That is a shame that your doctor is treating you like you don't have RA b/c you don't have "all the signs."  If you are hurting in that symmetrical pattern in your distal joints, that sure sounds like RA to me.  The kind that I have is seronegative (doesn't show up in the blood) and it mostly causes pain and stiffness.  Only occasional swelling--it's the stiffness and limited range of motion that really bothers me.  Are you seeing a rheumatologist or a general practitioner?
