Jaw pain | Arthritis Information


Hi guys, I thought this was funny yet strange!  When I woke up on Monday, my jaw was extremely painful, (both sides) they usually get sore when I chew etc but not like this, they stayed that way for a day then it went away, - CONFUSED ? You will be!  HUGS Janie.  If we don't laugh, we'd cry! I've noticed a lot of tightness in my jaw. I think I must be clenching my teeth in my sleep. It does coincide with the dx though.

I clinch mine at night too. Often wake up with my jaw sore.....once I woke up with a broken tooth!

It's never really been painful though. Many RA patience suffer from RA in their jaw joint.

Mine were hurting pretty badly until I took a pred pack.  The pred has since worn off, but the jaw pain did not come back.


You might want to check out the symptoms of TMJ temporal mandibular joint syndrome. I have been a classic case since 1976.. boy do I feel old now. It sounds like what you are experiencing I clench my jaw when stressed and wake up with it hurting.  My dentist says I do have TMJ. There is no cure that I know of. He's really old and told me to stop clenching I should chew gum. Mentioned that to my kids orthodontist and she almost fell over! Whatever. I have MASSIVE dental phobia, way bigger than my dr. phobia (ahaha) so that's going to get handled last. Seriously, I've actually found myself clenching my teeth in rythm to songs on the radio when I'm driving! It's awful. On second thought, maybe the clenching is in response to pain. I mean, when we hurt, we recoil and clench. We are pretty much always in pain, does that make sense?
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