New to PA | Arthritis Information


I was just diagnosed with PA and I began taking methroxate last week.  Nothing has relieved my swollen foot.  I have pain in other joints but the most annoying symptom is the swollen toes and foot.  Anyhow, I am feeling lost and scared and so many other feelings.  What does the future hold for PA sufferers?  Should I expect a constant life of pain?  Will my foot ever be normal again?  I am thinking about asking my RD next week to put me on Remicade too but I don't know...What about Enbrel?  How do you decide what to try?  I just need some help from others that understand.

Thanks, SS

Hi SS,

Welcome to the site! I have been around here for a while - I hope you will get some support here - I know I have. I have PA, diagnosed a while now, it affects every joint but primarily my spine. I also have problems with my feet. I know the process you are going through, of feeling scared and alone and I hope you will feel less so after being on the site. Many PA members also post and read the RA board on this site as lots of the issues are the same and the RA board is busier so have a look over there is you like. I am sure your Dr will have told you it can take up to 12 weeks to get relief from MTX as it alters the disease rather than just dealing with the symptoms - I hope you've got some NSAID's and painkillers in the meantime? I would give the MTX a bit longer to see if it helps before you look at anything else. Then you can discuss with your Dr which biologic would suit you best.

Whatever you decide - Good luck!


WElcome to the board SS , What KT says is correct, it takes time and once the right combination is found for you can have days without pain.  Ask your dr about pain pathces that can be applied directly to your toes this may help.  I have the bent over toes but it does bother, my weak area is my hands.  meme


 Anyway, I have been aware I have PA for about a year now. My hands and feet and ankles are swollen, and I have pitting edema in my shins. I have PA noticeably in my right knee, which is retaining fluid and has a Baker's cyst, and my right thumb which is not tender and hot anymore but now it grinds and locks up. I also have it in my left sacral spinal area. My body in general just hurts and throbs constantly. My neck and wrists seems to be affected now, and they weren't before. I am on Remicaid, and have been taking it for about a year now. I just got a blood test and they said that my level should be 16, and that they would take 8-9, but my level is 1.6. So, for some reason I am not absorbing the Remicaid. Still waiting for the arthritis pain to go away. So far, nothing to write home about.


The Rheumatologist wants to take me off Immuran, and put me on Methotrexate. I am scared to take that stuff. I read the side effects and I'm not looking forward to losing my hair or gaining liver problems.  And, like Ally said, the pain and swelling and such does jump from one place to another.  I also have Crohn's disease, and am on Remicaid and Immuran for that also. I look forward to talking with others that know what it's like. Most people you can't talk to, as getting strange looks or some pity thrown your way doesn't do anything in the way of helping. KWIM?
