I did something really STOOPID! | Arthritis Information


I did a really stoopid thing. I have long wanted a new deck for relaxing during the nice days we have here. So a few days ago I went and bought all the lumber and am rebuilding the deck by moving the stairs and adding 7' in length. Also adding a nice pergola top.

Well, after working just every other day for a couple hours a day. I spent 6-hrs on Monday and a good 9-hrs working on it yesterday. Today I simply cannot use my hands to grip ANYTHING. I even bought a nice new framing hammer with a larger soft cushioned grip to help reduce the inflammation I KNEW was coming eventually.

Needless to say I am now in a self inflected flare and my deck is only 1/2-done. I am taking today off but need to work tomorrow and hopefully get in a couple hours on the deck.

It will all be worth it once done as I love keeping flowers around the railing in a planter box I built on the older portion. And now I'll be able to feed the 100's of hummy birdies we have around here every year. But in the mean time I wanna just use the Sawzall on my hands. hehehehehe...

thanks just wanted to WHINE...

BTW, this has convinced me I am gonna spring for a nail gun to finish the rest of the project. There will still be a LOT of heavy lifting and such but no more manual nail hammering. Especially for the rails on the pergola top.

And oh yeah, this began as a simple pro-ject to re-frame the stairs and replace the old decking...oops...hehehehe...

And it has been NICE outside in the sun! We are in Lompoc, Ca about an hour north of Santa Barbara and 10mi from the ocean. So we have wonderful days most of the year and outside is a nice place to be...

oh, here is a small pic for a nice bunch of flowers on one end of the new planter box (which I have to re-do part of because of the new extension...d'oh!)

ps: my neighbor really, really needs to paint his storage shed!    Looks great so far. Please take care of yourself so you can finish it and ENJOY it! hehehehe...thanks...and yeah, ya *wood* think that by now I would know better. But it's been a pretty OK last couple months so I figured I could handle it! hehehehe...it really does make me laugh when I do this sorta thing to myself.

Laugh through the pain!

Try to take it easy for a while now.


I hear ya!! today I had probs. I was treating myself to a yummy watermelon (one of those heart only melons...) Just lop off the end and scoop the rest out with a spoon. Well, had to abandon that idea completely as my spoon'in hand went completely numb and then never has happened before...yo-ikes!! So I had to chop it up and just fork it instead of spoon'in it...still cold and tasty.

And you are so right, I do my best to keep up beat and laugh about the pain. If I don't make the effort I do find I sink into some nasty episodes of depression. So now-a-day's I do my best to just roll with it and hope tomorrow is better and today is good enough.


Thanks about the planters. The actual planters came from Home Depot. They are redwood and 44" long. They just just /ea. I put a few coats of Behr "Rawhide" coating/stain/weatherproofing on each one. The part I built was the box on top of the railing to hold the planter boxes themselves. But those boxes were so darned cheap why build them myself...

I'll post a couple before and after pics if anyone wants to see 'em. The old deck was just an 8'x8' deck and open to the world. Which was why I added the planter boxes on top of the railing and the redwood lattice around the sides, for added privacy.

We had a huge windstorm a bit over a year ago that ripped the old awning off and into the neighbor's yard. Since then we have had no covering on the deck or carport. And of course the insurance has a 00 deductible or about the cost of a new awning...which is part of the whole story leading to extending the deck to a full 15' and re-locating the stairs. I'll have a shorter awning installed over the carport later this summer. The difference in cost will cover most of the materials cost for the deck so it works out very nicely money wise.

A nice side effect of moving the stairs will be that I can convert to a ramp very easily should the need arise. The old setup did not allow for that possibility.

I bought this place to be close to my mom as she was not able to care for herself. She has since had to move to convalescent care but now I am still here because, well, monthly living expenses are crazy CHEAP. I get by on about 00/mo plus meds & gas. So I am gonna do the complete remodel over the next couple years. After the deck is to be a new kitchen counter, sink, slide-in stove and flooring. But these are very low difficulty and don't involve much in the way of hard work like the deck does....yeesh, it's been nearly 20-yrs since I touched a deck and even then I was just helping friends fix or build theirs. I had forgotten just how much work it was...still fun though despite the pain. Maybe it is just being outside and in the fresh air for a change, but it does seem to have me more energized.

Another reason I am tackling these things now is if the RA keeps progressing at the rate it has been the past few years, I will not be able to get these things done 2-3 years from now. So I figure get to them now while I am still somewhat able and then I can enjoy my home more later. And also I think part of me was just thinking that if I only pushed myself a little bit harder I would get better from doing more work. I know that is not true but still, a part of me has never fully accepted the RA limitations even after the 37 yrs since my first dx and the past 10ish years of it being significantly active. Or maybe I have come to LIKE the pain? hehehehe...

ok...i am getting long winded...sorry about that... hey Sarah,

Thanks for the note and the thoughts here. Yeah, we prolly get a bit more sun then you do in MB but we get nice winds every afternoon as well as our 3pm marine layer fog. Keeps the valley cool enough to live in, otherwise it would be hot as Solvang in the summer. ICK!!

Off to the showers and the rest of the Dodger game...they have been on my "list" the past week but evey game is a new season almost...I'll post some more pics maybe tomorrow.

Sure nice to have discovered this place...thanks so much for the wonderful comments.

btw, the flowers are Some Martha Washington Geranium's, some marigolds & some Dalihia's...the container on the left that ya cannot see is, well, not as purdy...those flowers kinda died off a bit but are coming back nicely now.

I am just getting into container gardening and with the Lompoc Flower Festival coming up soon I thought it would be nice to have a good variety in honor of the season.

smiles!!Gee you guys are making me miss Santa Maria with all this talk of Lompoc and Morro Bay.  My daughter lives in Arroyo Grande and goes to Allan Hancock college.  I live in the Northwest now and she loves to call me in the winter and tell me she is at Pismo beach for a jog.  Maybe she wouldn't find it so funny if I stopped sending her money for college.   Get a nail gun....it's a necessity.  Just be careful and don't shoot yourself!  Love the Martha Washington geraniums. I just planted several hanging baskets with them and the colors are glorious.  I envy you being in Lompoc.  I lived in San Francisco for 20 years and know Lompoc and coast pretty well.  Could you some Santa Maria bbq about now.  A great area for gardening, not only the weather but the access you have to such wonderful flowers.  Breklundin, speaking about watermelon...I saw something in the store called a personal watermelon. It's new, it's a watermelon but it'sthe size of a cantalope. i thought it'd be great and none leftover to drip all over my fridge right? Couldn't cut it either. I was sort of thiking I should go outside and smash it on a rock like a monkey with a coconut. Had to wait till hubby came home. Your planter boxes look beautiful. I bet your deck is going to be beautiful
as well. Please update us with photos. Yes, the nail gun is a must have.
Also a huge time saver. My husband and I built a big deck 3 years ago. It
was going to be a weekend project. we started in April. worked most
evenings, every weekend. We pounded the last nail in august, just in time to
pack up and store all the new furniture we had purchased, lol. We also put a
pergola on it and I will take some pictures and post for you. We love it and
have enjoyed it every summer since. I planted many trees. I got bad
tendonitis in my R elbow from all the elbow action, hence a new nail gun.
good luck, i'm excited for you. PS. We live in Montana so we have four
seasons. June, July, August, and winter. so, we value those three months on
our deck.

Definately post pictures Lorster; I love seeing pictures of everyones patios and garden/plants especially.

Everyone that has some post them.

sorry I poof'd for a couple days. Took two off and worked today and a bit yesterday. Made lots of progress too. Should have the railing done tomorrow. The pergola-style top will have to wait about 3-weeks. Might have the planter boxes done by Tuesday I hope. Then I am done for a few weeks. Gotta make money to pay for more pro-jects.   

Yesterday I did some test staining with a new waterproof stain from Behr. It is AMAZING and actually looks great. Today I also tested a couple paint (high solids weatherproofing type) too.

Hands are just awful of course. Thanks for the suggestions about a nail gun but really it's more a function of grabbing and gripping things that is the whole problem not driving nails. For example I get the same problem simply using a drill to drive deck-screws. But I will rent a nail-gun to do the pergola part. No way I am gonna try and nail all that in place 10' off the ground...hehehehe.

Nice that a few know where the heck Lompoc is...some say it's where the "sewer meets the sea"...some days I agree. Especially when watching our city council in action or dealing with our city owned hospital that has had it's admin farmed out to a private firm.

In dealing with our POS hospital last week, when I tried to negotiate a better price on my new set of blood tests they looked at me like I was nuts. I tried asking for the same rate as they insurance companies pay. They said no. They told me they could not disclose that number too me either. How nice huh?

I then showed them I found a lab with sites in SLO and SB where I could get everything my doc ordered PLUS a full set of RA tests and several other more comprehensive versions of the same tests my doc ordered. The more comprehensive tests are the same that the doc would order if the "cheaper" tests showed anything. Anyway it all came to 0 LESS then the cash price at our local hospital. If I got the tests the doc ordered it would be over 0 less.

Even factoring in gas I am going to the other lab and saving. Plus I am getting out of town for a day.

OK, I am done ranting at the machine that is our oh, so compassionate health care system.

I promise to post a few pics in a day or two...just because, if for no other reason. Seriously since my RA got really bad I have not been able to tackle anything like this. It seems I am in a good quiet time so I am gonna take advantage as who knows if I will ever feel like it again. So better now then never...

And yeah, anyone with pics of their flowery parts share!! I never knew I like the silly things so much...as long as I am doing container gardening I like 'em...put them in the ground and, well, let them fend for themselves.   


yeah, that is the watermelons. In the stores here they are calling them "pure heart" watermelons. I have to say even though there is no such thing as a bad watermelon, these were not the tastiest things.

Last summer I tried a different approach to regular melons. I now put it in the 'fridge overnight and then I cube the whole melon and store it in a big ziploc bowl. One bowl usually works because that is all there is left over. LinB:

SM Style BBQ is for amatures...we who grew up here in Lompoc are much better at it then those wanna be's in Santa Maria...hehehehehe...

First thing I am gonna do on the new expanded deck is fire up the BBQ. Can't wait!!!

Ok Breck, I'll concede since I've never had Lompoc BBQ.  I remember driving around Lompoc on some of the back roads.  We were on one of those wonderful, curvy California country roads when we came around a corner and stretched before us was a little valley filled with California poppies.  It was one of those magical moments that one remembers forever.  The valley was filled with orange waving in the breeze, the sky was brillant blue, and the hills the tawny color of a lion.  It was one of those California moments and if you haven't been there then it's hard to understand.  Even with all of the bad publicity it is a special place. I lived in San Francisco and the Bay area for over 20 years and have been gone for 10 years and I miss it each and every day. 

I'm happy that you confronted the hospital regarding the costs of your lab work.  I'd definately go to the other labs and I'd write a letter to the administrator of the hospital explaining why the hospital lost your business.  You might be surprised and get a response. Lindy 

ok, here is a pic of my deck the summer after we built it.( 2004) we are in
the process of sealing it so i will post pics of how these trees have grown
over the past two years.
http://www.i193.photobucket.com/albums/z192/lorster1/deck.jp gI don't think that link works lorster. I'd love to see your deck; can you try again? Or am I doing something wrong?http://i193.photobucket.com/albums/z192/lorster1/deck.jpg

Ok Lovie, try that. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong as I'm copying and
pasting to the forum. Practice is not making perfect here.

Hi everyone. Just wanted to sign on as a fellow Californian. Except I'm in Southern California. I do love the bay area and all of Northern CA.

Brecklundin, your comment about the heat of Solvang in the summer brought back memories. Five or six years ago, my husband and I just jumped in the car with a small overnight bag and my pillow,  and started driving north. Up by Capristrano we got over to old highway 101. I hadn't been that way in years. What a fun trip. Anyway, we spent a day in Solvang and it really was HOT. But what a fun place to visit. Eventually we ended up at Hearst Castle, did the tour and really had a great time. I think that was the last time I was really able to do stairs. Had my cane, but still, there are a bunch of stairs at Hearst Castle. Anyone who hasn't been, it is well worth the trip.

Your flowers are very pretty! Makes me want to go out and put my hands in the dirt.

Hope everyone is well.

Hugs to all,



ummmm...Capistrano is well, kinda south of LA...d'oh? hehehehe...but I get ya...if you want a fun reminder of the area watch the movie Sideways. It pretty much takes place in Buellton.

We have been wanting to do the Hearst Castle thing this summer. My better half has never been there...see she is a poor thing from Seattle and has no expereince in these fun things in CA...you know, like the SUN... Well, here is an update on the deck:

And no fair LAUGHING at the chairs on top of the shed...hehehehe...well, ok, it is funny. I am taking the next few days pretty easy because the hands are kinda-sorta wrecked. But not much left on the deck. Just some painting and adding a door for storage of junk under the new portion. Later this summer I'll add a pergola style top. But the changes added about 70% more usable space, lots of privacy as well as blocking the wind (so far pretty much a constant 15-17mph all spring so far...) It will be a nice place to work outside or just relax and read.

I bought this place because it was close to my mom who was/is not well. It's a total fixer but hey it's cheap and gonna be nice when done...plus it's better then paying rent w/o any return. Plus there are all the fun pro-jects to keep me around the house.

And here is the before pic I promised:

The stairs were originally pointed toward the street when the two saw horses are standing and the deck was just 8x8. I also removed the old awning to add a new one over the my parking area and to allow for the pergola over the deck. But a new awning is last on the pro-ject list. Painting is next or at the same time if I need a change for a day here and there.

Anyway thanks for all the wonderful support in doing this...it has been years since I felt up to any tasks at all. I did some interior remodeling but nothing more then tearing old stuff out and replacing it with something newer. I was telling my better-half how much doing this has improved my outlook and is relaxing me...who knew? lorester:

I LOVE your deck & pergola...that looks so peaceful and a nice place to site and relax. Love the color as well...awesome job you guys did!!

BTW, I bought a nail gun the other day for doing the overhead stuff...thanks for the suggestion. I found a decent one from Grizzly for just (and yeah it's a full round head framing nailer.) It likely won't hold up for a pro but for me here it's perfect and more importanly well in my budget...if I skip a pill here and there...hehehehehe...
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