Doc’s appt & more questions... | Arthritis Information


WELLLLLLLLLLLL....My vent for today is....WHY THE HELL DON'T THEY LISTEN???????? 

I went to the Rheumy doctor today because I have been sick since my stint to the ER on last Friday.  In my previous post, I have been itching none stop, NO RASH... just painful red and white spots in my hands, feet and on my arms.  Redness, swelling, weak muscles now, stiffness and PAIN, LOTS OF PAIN. My joints feel hot inside and I have had a low grade temp for a week.

Went to my PCP first...he put me on 3 more histamine blockers to help with the itching. He has no CLUE whats is going on!!!! Just have to see if the meds are going to help the itching!!!!

Go to the Rheumy doctor today because joints are getting worse along with the itching, she tells me she doesn't know what it is...but whatever it is causing the itching is flaring the RA...(DUHHHHHH

So she puts me on a Predisone Pak to help with the inflammation and swelling.  MORE FREAKIN MEDS!!!!! 

I am so done...Why can't anyone see that there could be a correlation between the two symptoms?????   Darn, I should have the medical degree!!!!@)$&#%#

But they are looking at the symptoms as separate things!!!!!

I feel like crying right now...but I am too angry!!!!!

So I am back to square one...MORE MEDS and no relief.  Then she brings up stress. OH HELL NO...I am not anymore stressed then the next man.  BUT LADY...I AM BECOMING STRESSED OUT WITH YOU ALL TAKING MY DAMN MONEY AND GIVING ME MORE MEDS AND I AM NO BETTER OFF THEN I WAS IN THE ER!!!!!

I just want some relief and answers...NO MORE MEDS, MORE MORE CO-PAYS...Just answers.

I have always felt my Rheumy was one of the best, caring, listens, go out to find the causes.  I have to honsetly say...maybe she doesn't know...and that is okay.  But if you don't know...then point me to someone who can help me now.

I am worried that my Borderline Lupus may not be so borderline anymore.  What if it my liver or kidney's that are already scarred, have further damage.

I am concerned...




I am so sorry to hear you are having so much trouble.  I can't really help except to say that I know you can develop an allergy at any time.  It doesn't have to be when you are first exposed.

I also want to say that my dad developed an allergy to Sulfasalazine and his symptoms were itchy, peeling skin on the palms of his hands.  He didn't develope any hives.  Once he stopped the Sulfasalazine, he was fine.

It's very frustrating when you don't know what's going on.  I really hope you find your answer soon.

I had a bout of something like that and it turned out to be an infection causing the red itching.  A round of antibiotics and it disapeared.  This was Dx'd by a GP.  Do you work in a garden/yard?  He thought mine came from my flower bed but wasn't totally certain and it didn't matter when the antibiotics took care of it.

Another thought is a Dermatologist as it could also be early Psoriasis which is an AI disease.  There are many different types.

Good luck.

OMG, you are so angry.  Why don't you change doctors if you think they are so incompetent?  They clearly aren't living up to your expectations, so maybe it is time to find another one.  I hope they can walk on water, that may be what it will take to make you happy.


Phats. Why would you respond like that? Willwin was venting. That was
very mean, kind of like roxys thread. Who is angry here?

(((willwin))) I'm sorry you're so frustrated - who wouldn't be in your situation??? Are you itching everywhere, or just where you have red and white bumps? If GP nor Rheumy can figure it out, can they refer you to a Derm? Let us know if the pred pack and histamine blockers help. I hope you get some relief soon. Oh another thought just came to me... has your weather change dramatically when you went to the ER?

Phats - the walking on water comment was unnecessary, and mean-spirited.


Willwin is calling her doctor stupid and basically saying that they are incompetent.  So, why not find someone else.  You guys need to put your big girl panties on and quit being such sissys.  My god, if you are this sensitive, how do you survive in the real world?

Lorster, venting is one thing, this person is clearly angry.  I'm sure her physician just dismissed her if she was acting this way.  It is unfortunate, but true.


Well, anger is one stage of the grieving process Phats. Some doctors are
incompetent. At least willwin can see that. This is not the first appointment
she has had regarding this same complaint. If the doctor cannot handle it,
then he should have the balls to find someone who can. You have snapped
at other people on the board and willwin will probably leave the site. We
should all be allowed to vent anytime we feel the need. Are we only allowed
certain emotions here? Anger is an emotion we have all felt in regards to
this disease. Certainly you can relate to that.Phats, you need to put on your big girl panties and act your age. Your posts remind me just how well mannered my children are.

Oh, and I survive in the real world with dignity and class...


Willwin was going to leave earlier today before I even posted.  In fact, she posted while I was at work.  If someone wants to leave this board, they can.  No need for all the drama and posting about how "I'm going to leave because it is too mean here".  I had nothing to do with her decision to leave.  She made that post before I even got home. 

Yes, you are correct that anger is part of the grieving process.  Yes, you are correct that some doctors are incompetent.  Just the same as some nurses, lawyers, mothers and fast food workers.  I simply said that she should look for a doctor who meets her needs because this one clearly isn't doing it.  I was simply making an observation without all the touchy feely crap you like.  That doesn't make me wrong.  Yes, we should be allowed to vent anything we want.  Just as I should be able to comment as I choose.  


I have observed you attack several people recently on the RA threads. It is a
given that the political/religious/environmental threads are going to get
down and dirty and that is fair game and we all deserve any critisism we get
but on the RA related threads, it is always good to just let people vent when
they are having a hard time coping with their RA. I don't have it as severe as
others on the board, but tomorrow I may and I learn so much from everyone
here. Phats, if you want to blast someone, come over to the Bush thread, we
love to fight over there. I don't think willwin or roxy deserved what you did
to them.

OH, so because it is a political thread, all bets are off?  That is bullsh*t and you know it.  It is fair game on the political threads because YOU said so?  Why is it a given that political/environmental and religious threads are going to get "down and dirty"?  

What is really sad is the person I was talking to hasn't even posted.  But, you, Lorster, who has to get your nose in every frickin' thread on this board has your panties up your butt.  

I'm tired of debating this stupid sh*t with you.  All I said was, I hope their doctor can walk on water because that was what it would take to please her.  Get a life, it's not murder.   


  Hey Phats, Why are you so angry? I agree with Lori, when we post OT issues we better well have our big girl panties on but when people are suffering because of this disease couldn't you show a little more compassion or not post at all  if all you're going to do is attack? Sheese!!! This site needs a moderator. I believe in free speech, but thats never an excuse for rudeness. You owe Willwin an apology.... Genesis


P.S. I've got my big girl panties on now

Why don't you pull them out of your crack?  That is clearly where they are.


   LOL, Anybody beside me get a PM from Phats? She's so sweet, but a bit cranky, I think it's way past her bed time. Gen


      But don't mind me I'm just a "LOSER" "YEP"

I save PM's for that special kind of stupid


Phats, go back and read your posts. You were rude to Roxy and you were
equally rude to Willwin today. I think your panties are in a wad and you
obviously have something against these two people.   Willwin is having a
difficult time with an itchy rash and her doctor is not moving on it. She was
wanting someone to listen to her. You jumped down her throat. Maybe she
is sick and tired of being sick and tired. Haven't we all been there at times?
I don't care if you attack me. Go for it.


Get off me about Roxy, K?


I think you owe them both an apology.


GET A LIFE!  Roxy has nothing to do with this thread.  I don't really care what you think about Roxy.  Get over it.


WOW- Back to original posting.....I had the same problem being on meds so i stopped everything for 7 days and indroduced each med one at a time to eliminate which one was doing it to me and Bingo it worked. I hope you find a good doctor, some of them just keep giving out meds to stop side effects of others so eventually you are on too many.

PHATS- Whats up with you, theres giving advice and support and theres being down right nasty I think you fell into the second one.Please dont mention my Knickers as I am not wearing anyPS. SAY WHAT YOU LIKE TO ME, I TEACH MY KIDS ABOUT BULLIES ALL THE TIME.  IGNORE THEM!  

OK Lisa...TMI on the knickers thing lol. 

I believe that itching from an allergic reaction or a side effect from a med can come without a rash.  I don't believe that allergic reactions to a med have to come with a rash.  My husband was recently given flexeril to take at bed time to help sleep because of that pelvic bone moving around thing.  OMG did he ITCH from it.  Drove me bonkers at night.  Called the doc and they pulled him off of it and wrote a script for umm skelexin (sp?).  We are going to try that one tonight. 

Aren't allergic reactions to sulfa drugs pretty common? 

Skittles They sure are! You can just look blotchy while having a painful 'itch' that makes you want to rip your skin off ... and maybe just kill somebody.

Willwin maybe some of that after sun burn lotion with lidocaine in it on the worst spots? Ice cold wet wash cloth on the real firery spots?

I'm really sorry.. I know it is horrible. Take the pred and skip the sulfa drug. All my allegic reactions have been to drugs I was on more than 1 year. 

The longer you are on a drug actually increases your chance of an allergic
reaction. You won't react the first time but that is when you body makes
antibodies against it. If it makes the wrong type by mistake, that is when
an allergic reaction takes place the second time. Basically, every time you
take a drug, your body has the potential to misread it and make the
incorrect antibodies resulting in a reaction the next time.

Whoa, don't I sound like a nerd right there? This is actually a question on
my bio. students exam.

I hope your itching is feeling better. If not, please keep fighting until
somebody listens.

BeckyWhen I have an allergic reaction to a drug, I itch. I never get a rash. My latest reaction was from Arava. I itched from head to toe until I wanted to scream. I had just started on it and had taken 2 20mg pills two days apart in order to keep the side effects from being bad. My dr. suggested this. He took me off it right away. I've had this reaction to alot of drugs. Another drug I can't take. I was hoping that this one along with Remicade would work for me. are you feeling?
