stomach issues, RA or med or neither? | Arthritis Information


Hi guys, I was wondering if any of you have stomach issues, I have bouts of diareah,and then sometimes constipation and cramping, stomach aches etc. I thought it was the Plaquenil, and then it seemed to get better. However, I am having a flare right now,a nd my stomach is pretty bad. Could it be some inflamitory bowel thing? My Med, or just a coincidence? I have an Appt with my Rheumatoligist next Friday, of course I will talk to him, but curious if other sufferers had similar issues.


I have so many stomach issues with medication. For instance, all nsaids bother me, and I had to stop mtx because of it. Heavy pain killers always constipate me and sometimes have me throwing up. I think I just have a very weak stomach. Makes it difficult when you really need to take something. Hope you feel better.

I have Crohns as well as RA so I have a lot of intestinal tract issues. Inflammation spreads everywhere. It could just be the meds which are very hard on the stomach and you can try to get another med (boo) that coats your stomach so you can handle the absorption of the medication better. It really does help.

Good luck!

That's exactly what Plaquenil does to me. I've found I can avoid the side effects by taking it on a really full stomach, and I mean a full meal, not a piece of toast. It also helps if that meal contains carbs like potatoes, rice, or pasta. I'm with you gimpy. I can't take Plaquinil until I have eaten a full meal. It
just does not set well with my stomach.

Jena, have you asked your doctor about the possibility of irritable bowel
syndrome, kind of a diagnosis made when every thing else has been ruled
out. Also, we are all more prone to other auto immune diseases like Crohns
and ulcerative colitis. Make sure your doctor rules those out because they
are serious diseases that must be treated.Thank You all, I will bring this up to my Dr. next week. But in the interem, I appreciate the input. Feel Well!
