Awake again | Arthritis Information



   So sorry Laker, pluerisy is sooo painful. My sistser with RA was in the hospital  for 32 days a little while back with it and other issues too. I also got it a couple yrs ago when I had by-pass surgery and it affected my breathing. Is yours?.... Genesis

No, I don't think I have the effusion (fluid in the lungs), just inflammation in the pleural lining so I just have to wait it out until the inflammation goes down. I did have that once and fortunately  it cleared up on its own but I was short of breath then. I had not realized how many people with RA get this.


I have had that before and it was bad. I feel for you. I hope you feel better
soon.      Laker, Mine was the fluid and they stuck a longggggg needle in my back to my lungs and drew it off. Very painful but immediate relief. My sister's is like yours, inflammation and swelling. She still has it too. I feel for you dear. God Bless.... Gen

Oh Laker, I've had pleurisy too and I know how it hurts to even breathe normal. I hope you get to feeling better soon.

Take care

Laker- I really hope you feel better soon, take care.

Dear Laker , my husband just got over that dang pleurisy and so I know how painful it can be. Also, the doc said he couldn't give him anything for it  it just had to clear up by itself. I was terrified that I would 'get it' from him as it is a virus, but I lucked out ....again. (he's had several illnesses this year and each time I'm worried I'll get it and have to get off of my meds and......well you know only too well how this goes.

I do hope you feel better soon, it took him over a week to recover, so it may be longer for 'those of us with RA' ? Our GP said to him 'where are you getting these things?" Good question! lol, sarah

Sorry to hear about your pleurisy Laker.  It sounds awful.   And it's a real bummer not to be able to sleep.  I don't know what time it is where you are, but I hope you're asleep AND SNORING!!!  Whatever time it is 

Thank you for all the kind words. I finally went to sleep for a while after the vicodin. I have to go to work for a little bit this am and then I am going home to bed whether I sleep or not.


Oh Laker I hope you feel better soon. 

Maybe the pred isn't working because 5mg is a real low dose?  Can you call your doc and see if you can go up to 10mg?

Stuck a long needle in your back???  Ugh ow ew.  It's amazing where doctors want to stick needles in us. 

         Laker, I didn't know pluerisy was caused by a virus, maybe there's bacterial and viral, I just know I couldn't breath good.

      Gramma, I was so out of it and doped up from having open heart surgery 5 days before that I don't know why i didn't scream when I saw that needle! lol  .............Genesis

      Laker, get well soon!

Laker~I hope you feel better soon Sweetie. Please don't hesitate to take something to help you sleep. Rest is best. It will help you heal faster.

Wishing you sweet dreams tonight. (Or a afternoon nap even!)
