Flu, fibro and RA | Arthritis Information


Thanks Lovie for the well wishes on the other thread.  Kelsey and I have had the flu two days now.  What is scary is she throws up her meds.  I would not even know I have the flu if it were not for Kelsey being sick with the same symptoms.  Fibro is sooooooo much like having the flu.

It is interesting that it seems that my joints started flaring when I got sick.  Tomorrow is my Humira shot and I do not know if I should take it. 

Today Angie took the afternoon off and we watched a movie together.  Pan's Labyrinth.  Really a good movie I thought even though some nasty violent scenes. 

Angie has been a real sweetheart.  I felt like a caserole today.  She rotated between putting frozen peas on my joints- wrists, hips, knees and ankles and then putting microwaved rice in a pillowcase and putting those on me.  My dogs kept sniffing me like I was edible. 

Seriously, if you have not tried the rice in a bag- they are so much better than heating pads. 





Roxy-Glad to hear you are relaxing and watching movies, its good to rest when you have the flu.Hope you and Kelsay fell better soon.

PHATS- You have a long phone no. but dont think you'd get any calls anyway.Practice what you preach and dont read the thread if you have got anything constructive to say.Maybe its time to grow up

Hi Roxy - you are lucky to have a good person to share you day with, be it a good day or a not so good day.  It makes a huge difference to have supportive kind people around doesn't it!

I was just chatting on MSN with my daughter who lives in Australia, she has a new quote up on her messages.   I rather like it

"A gentle word, like summer rain, may soothe the heart and banish the pain".  I might add it for my signature.  In fact, I will!!  Now!!

I hope you have a happy, comfortable weekend and that you and Kelsey feel better soon.
That a lovely thing to have as your signature I flare like the dickens when I am sick.  And it seems worse than usual.  But that could be because I am sick and achy already. 

Call you doc on whether or not you should take your shot.  All docs are different on when they say you can take if you are sick or have recently been sick.  I need the all clear from my rheumy after I have been sick to do any of my shots. 

Yuk...I hate having the flu...hope you and Kelsey feel better soon!Oh Pin, Phats didn't say anything.   It's her right to post. Pin how come you didn't blast Kiwilass? She did the very same thing. But oh yeah she did it to me, so I guess that means it didn't matter.

Jeanne such a way to talk for a sweet old grandma. Wonder what your grandkids would think of you on here? You should watch your mean, old, nasty, dirty mouth.

Seems like some people can say whatever they want and not get blasted. But others can't. What's good for the goose is good for the gander.SICKOFDRAMA39227.2678356481

Yeah; I think I'd skip Humira if your sure you have the flu too. It will just prolong things. Course your doctors advise would be much better than mine; but taking it might not be the best idea.

Hope you guys are feeling better soon.


Hi Roxy, I would call the doc about taking your shot, but I would also call Kelsey's doc about her throwing up her meds.  Not a good situation Roxy. Hope you both feel better soon and say Hi to Angie.  She sounds like a keeper!

Yea I agree with the others, you should call both of your drs.  I wouldnt think its a good idea to take your Humira this week but see what the dr says.  It might just prolong things like Lovie says and the flu is definitly not something you want to prolong. Hope you and Kelsey are feeling better

Ewww, I am sorry you guys have the flu. I hope it passes quickly and you are able to take your humira shot. I agree that you should call your doctors. Mine is always cautious and tells me to wait. Angie sounds wonderful! Rest, rest, rest....

Sorry SOD I didnt read anything from Kwilass to you....I know Phats didnt say anything but we got the message.

What makes me laugh and it gets me everytime is that you both are great believers in make the post OT then we can chose to ignore it if we want, when we do that there is still the problems

My flu seems to be gone this am so I am going to take my shot.  I have had days of improvement but it is always like a week after shot so I do not know if it is Humira related.

I do not think it is good for my health or self esteem to be harrassed the way I have been.  I love this board but it has sure turned into a place that is hurtful.  I really do not like conflict with petty people.  There is no winner..

One more thing

I have one Humira shot left from when I used to take it. It's only 2 months old or so. If I could figure out a way to keep it refrigerated I could send it to you. Would you be interested?

When you microwave the rice how long does it stay hot? I've heard of people doing this but I've never tried it before. It seems like it would be better than a heating pad because you could make it into the shape for whatever body part you wanted.

The rice bags are amazing.  About 4 cups rice per pillow slip.  They even smell good.  Two minutes in microwave.  Thanks Miles for Humira offer.  Let's see what happens when Humira calls me back.  You are such a sweetheart !!!!What I like about th rice/wheat bags are that you can make a bunch of different sizes for different parts.  I have a big one that takes about 2 lb of rice and is about 15 inches x 6 or 7 inches.  That takes 4 minutes to heat.  I also have a small one that has about 1/2 lb of rice and is about 10 x 6 inches. That one takes about 2 minutes.  You can use them over and over.  I made corduroy covers and filled them with the rice/wheat.  They are great cozies when it is chilly outside too.Roxy, it must be something having to do w/ the name, my Kelsay did the same thing to me!! Hope you get it worked out

Great idea Pammy! Making different size bags for different parts of the body. But what do you mean rice/wheat? And also, can you re-heat these right away once they cool off? I bought something at the store that I heat up in the microwave but it says not to re-heat for a few hours because it could catch on fire!

Your welcome Roxy. Just let me know
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