hello | Arthritis Information


Hello, im 21 and live in tijuana... i was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis about a year ago. Since i mostly spent time by myself I hardly notice there was something going on with me, i have problems with anxiety so i spent most of my time walking all across town, reading, drawing and playing music, i was used to a lifetyle away from other people i never paid much atention to the cracking noises my neck started to make, or the inusual disconfort in my hands and fingers, i tought that was probably from too much walking or overdoing something else.
It all hit me like a brick when i started getting this pains on my back that made me tip sideways, i tought i was going crazy. Where did all this come from? my father is a doctor but we had a dificult relationship, i was forced to consult this with him, he took some blood out and there it was RA ...
I really lost it when i moved to an apparment that was very cold, i never felt this bad, my joints were all in pain, i didnt eat that healty cause there was hardly money for food so there where times when i didnt had much energy and just had to lie on the floor...  my roomate a hippy type guy made me feel worse since he convinced me that i was doing all that with my mind and brought this upon myself..  my father gave me some medication, ibuprofen and naproxen... said that would help me with the pain... it helped but then the side effects where worst, got a serius gastritis and my digestive system was a mess...  
so there i was all bymyself punched hard by life and my depresive and anxius personality where no help...  people tought i was nuts when i told them bout my diagnosis, said that i was to young to have artrhitis that i needed to check if this had anything to do with my psique...
feeling like a mentally ill person and nothing showing sings of getting better i seriusly tought of  suicide...   
And well i know that this may be a polemic alternative but a friend recomended mariguana, said it had medical benefits for my condition. And im happy to say that it was the best thing that i found, it really brought me a new insight on life.
Sick of all my friends singing hey hey my my when they saw me i found a new joy in life in yoga and musical meditation. Although i still have pain from time to time and i think i have to stop walking as much and see a reumathologyst, i get this feeling in my knees as if the where wet, today i started walking with bend knees.. this gets really scary sometimes, also my jaw makes this noise on my left side and get nervous ticks on it. i try not to think much about it but my fingers really worry me, it will really be hard to get by with out beeing able to play music..
I have never talked with anyone who has arthritis and well, it gets real loonely sometimes when no one around you can understand you, i found this web page and tought i might tell my story, maybe someone can relate... any feedback will be apreciated.... thnks

hi Afro Blue, nice to have you join us.

       I have psoriatic arthritis diagnosed about 3 years ago . i can certainly relate to how alone you must have felt being your age with RA. there are members here of all ages. kids with JRA and upwards. before i was diagnosed i was told i just had muscle wastage due to being in an induced coma and very ill for 3 mths. i did every excersize possible, joined a gym all with incredible pain until a rheumatologist finally diagnosed the arthritis . after talking to or just reading others posts makes you feel not so alone. all the best . ally

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