AI Harrassment | Arthritis Information


Now the people who are intent on chasing me off the boards are sending me nasty pms.  I know I am not suppose to share pms but this is insane.  How can I come to a support board to be harrassed.  Those that have known me for the three years I have been here.  I have never ONCE attacked someone.  I, in fact, have mostly ignored the harrassment I have received.  I really do not know why I inspire such hatred but it is hurtful.  I used to be the first to welcome newbies but now I want to warn them.  The comment was pretty much, if you are so sick, how could you be posting at night.  It is called not being able to sleep.  I am sick of this bs.  I do not know if it is one person under five names but there are five people that have made it their mission to drive me away.  It sure does not seem fair since I have been here far longer and have always been supportive.  My pm box will remain full.  These people will have to publicly harrass me so they can get the criticism they deserve.  If they are supported, I will miss so many of you but will check in once in awhile to see how you are.Roxy, I am sooo sorry you are having to deal with this.  There is no reason people should be doing these things.  Hope you are doing better today Roxy, I'm sorry you are dealing with that. Some people are just mean spirited and get off on this stuff. It sucks. Nobody has the right to tell you how sick you are based on anything you're doing. It's none of their business when you get online. We get that crap from people out there who don't understand the disease, we sure don't need it from people who "claim" they do.

Sorry Roxy. I hope the person(s) doing this will stop. I mean how much can you actually hate someone you have never met?

I hope you will stick around when that person grows bored of harrassing you.

The thing is, I don't think it's that anyone hates Roxy, I think "someone" is just a royal b*tch that has a sucky life and nothing nice to say...lately, to anyone.

I agree with u Theresa.

Don't you be leaving, Roxy


If it is the person I think you are talking about, I do not really think she would do that or even has the time. Well, it's really too bad. There are awful, mentally imbalanced people everywhere and unfortunately on the internet they just have less inhibitions and they go full out. It sucks when you're the target. I guess the only thing you can do is try to ignore them.

In fact PHATGIRL  The reason you get away with harrassing me is there are no rules on AI.  So all can see what a mean and nasty person you are I am posting your PM

Senior Member
Sent: May 24 2007 at 10:52pm

Isn't it past your bedtime?  for someone who is so sick, you sure are up late.


Post all of them Roxy.  Expose these idiots once and for all.   AAARGH!!!!!!! DOES IT EVER END? EVERY DAY IS A NEW SAGA! Dalmatinka39227.5162384259Hmmmm, that's weird. 1 post and there's a saga that you know about?Hey, I did not say she did not have time to write a one sentance PM.

Please do not say you have never attacked anyone. You have personally attacked me and if you would like I will post all the negative, mean and insulting things you have said about me. All because I do not have the same opinions and beliefs as you. You are not any better than anyone else that posts here, you have been just as mean.

I only have one question about all this...How old are you people?


Anyway...I hope we can all do a group hug and continue supporting each other

I am 50. UGH!! I am just stating my opinion, not harrassing anyone or calling anyone names.

I want you all to ask yourself this:

Would you want a friend or family member to write intimate, personal, derrogatory statements about you on a public forum website, that can even be used as evidence in legal procedings?? I know I would be very hurt if anyone shared personal information to tens of thousands without my permission. This website is setup for support for RA, and yes RA does affect all aspects of our lives, but it does not cause flaws in our family members that we should discuss publicly. Some of our friends and family members have their own personal demons and fights, but may not want it shared publicly.

So you may all enjoy reading this drama, but would you want someone writing about you. Also we only hear one side and everyone knows their is always two sides to every story.

Some people have been posting here a longtime, but ask yourself, Do you really know these people?? How do you know if these stories are true?? There has been notation of people that post on boards as these just for the attention.

So when you insult others by defending someone, do you really know the person you are defending, or just what they have posted about themselves???

Maybe we all need to stop take a breath and think about this.

But what is your point? So what if we don't know if it's true, that's to be said of ANYTHING anyone says on a public forum. Still doesn't mean we can't be supportive, or if nothing else, say nothing negative. And as far as talking about someone on a public forum and legalities, come on, we don't even know who these people are (as you just said) so what difference does it make?

My complaint is about a select number of people that never seem to have anything nice to say at all. What's the point of that? I may get riled up, but not just in general, it's usually cuz something got started in the first place. And mostly it's with Koka.

I just don't see why these select people and the ones affected can't just ignore each other ENTIRELY and move on.

Well Daisy, I'm 42 and I can't imagine communicating with people on a forum the way you and some others do. I don't really know a lot about Roxy because I'm new to this board, but if she feels comfortable sharing her life with people who am I to judge her. It seems pretty simple to me, if you don't like what she is posting...scroll by and don't respond. I can't understand why you would feel compelled to anything else.


Well, Roxy has shared everything, we know her complete name, where she lives now, her husband and daughter and stepson's name. We know where she moved from. I know more about Roxy then I know about my closest friends and family members. Roxy also mentioned that her brother was holding Brett and her husband's assets in his name. These are things that could definetly be used in court especially by the State of Oregon for financial fraud or her husband Brett in any divorce proceeding, or if the state wanted to make a case against her about keeping guardianship of her rmentally ill daughter Kelsey. This is not in her best interest. If people did want to cause her harm, it would be very easy. That is just the facts, not an insult or harrassment, it is just the facts as they are. Members not located in the US here may not understand this, and just keep telling her to keep posting these things, well if they really cared about her, they would realize it is not in her best interest.

I also agree we shouldn't posted negative things about other people in our posts.

So I guess that is the point??

Really if you care about Roxy you should not encourage her to post these things just for your entertainment.

I thought this problem was settled after Lovie and Grandmas suggestion to please just put OT in the topic if you were going to talk about things other than RA or health topics, but Roxy decided to start this again. So here we go.

If Roxy is going to post intimate details about her family, then please just put OT, so we do not have to read it. It is hard when a topic is started such as deformed hands and then it turns into a personal life story. I agree we should be able to post what we want, but this little idea will make it easier. I do not want to read Roxy's stories, My personal belief is she has a very vivid imagination, is a wonderful writer and story teller, she writes very eliquently, , loves the attention and needs the attention and support from this board. I take everything she says with a grain of salt. So if she justs puts OT then I do not have to read it and read to her talk about her family in an intimate negative way.

She must accept the fact that not everyone is going to agree with her, and if she is posting not everyone is going to support her, She gets very upset if anyone disagrees or does not tell her how wonderful, and "poor Roxy" she is.



I agree we should not say negative things, we can support each other without that. BUT we also should not publicly

Well, I look at it this way. I'm not encouraging her to post anything in particular. If she wants to share, that's her decision. And trust me, I'm not reading anything for "my entertainment". That whole second half of your post was unnecessary. "We shouldn't say negative things", well what do you call all that. Just let it go.Well I guess I read them for entertainment before they became to far fetched!!! So please excuse me for speaking for myself.

Yes, I sent Roxy a PM asking why she was posting so late, I was suprised to see her on the board in the middle of the night because she always talks about how sick she is and how she can't type and can't move and can't do this or that.  I don't know anything about any other PM's to her.  I have never posted under any other name other than my own.  I didn't say anything mean to her, just asked her why she was up so late.

Redhead~Don't throw stones when you live in a glass house.  If you don't know what that means, I'll be happy to explain it to you


I never even mentioned you.

But I will say that you and I have NEVER shared the same tone.

Redheadtheresa39227.6045833333I know where you are coming from. She has accused me of being many different people also, and I am just one very BIG one LOL!!!! Okay that is a weight joke!!! I did not PM her, never have and never will. For some reason she always seems a little paranoid that it is only one person pretending to be many. But no reason to be paranoid on my end. I will take credit for anything i write, whether everyone agrees with it or not.

Me too!!!  I take credit for what I write and my feelings about whatever/whoever I write.  I don't hide behind a bunch of different names. 



You keep threatening to leave, when are you ACTUALLY going to do it?  We keep waiting, but you keep showing up again.



You wrote:

That whole second half of your post was unnecessary. "We shouldn't say negative things", well what do you call all that.

I have just stated facts, if you want to take it as being negative you can, but I can send you posts to backup anything I say. I am not making anything up to be negative or mean. Just the facts!!! I am sorry you thought the second half was unnecessary, but let me know and I will send you the posts and show you.  I can back up anything I say


Redhead doesn't want facts, she just wants to get in the middle of this post.  She just wants to point out how mean everyone else is to take away from people seeing what a real bitty she is


Senior Member
Joined: 07 October 2006
Online Status: Online
Posts: 545 Posted: 25 May 2007 at 2:35pm | IP Logged


You keep threatening to leave, when are you ACTUALLY going to do it?  We keep waiting, but you keep showing up again.


Who are "we"? CERTAINLY NOT ME!

I'm just saying that anytime someone looks crosseyed at her, she threatens to leave.  I'm just wondering when she is REALLY going to do it.  I think she likes all this attention from everyone who begs her to stay and does the poor ol' Roxy thing, "they" are soooo mean to you.  Please stay and tell us everything there is to know about you.  Please don't let those ol' meanies on an RA board run you off. 


Phats- I have severe RA, yet i am up at 11pm my time and i have posted in the early hours of the morning, in fact i have posted at most times of the day and night............Having ra and being tired and ill doesnt stop any of us posting, its normally when we feel the need to come on here and vent or just have a chat.There was no point to the comment.If you read others posts a lot of people are stating that they cant sleep because of pain and thats why they are on here!!!!

Yes, Lisa, I'm aware of that.  I was just asking Roxy why she was on so late because she makes such a point to say that she is so sick that she can't even "get out of bed without her pills".  I was simply asking her why she was up so late.  I was surprised to see her on so late because she is so sick and practically dying from the pain everytime she posts.  Geez

Lisa, there may not have been a point to the comment.  You knuckleheads (and I mean that lovingly) are taking this out of context.  It was simply a question.  She copied and pasted my entire question, what the heck was so bad about what I asked her?  Gosh, you guys are wearing me slick.


*DUCKS*  The only thing I really have to say about posting personal private intimate details of your life on the internet is that it is dangerous.  We are warned constantly of identity theft and most important of all PSYCHOS!!!!  Good gracious...who knows who reads this board on a daily basis.  Some psycho could be lurking out there just ready to pounce.  Yikes!!

So, for me, sharing the personal details of life on a public message I guess I just see as hazardous.  People can post what they want...just please, everyone, be cautious and be careful.  I wouldn't want anyting happening to any of us because of some weirdo. 

I have a laptop.  I recommend it for anyone who has trouble getting out of bed.


That is a valid concern and a wonderful reminder to all of us. 


I don't think the psychos are limiting themselves to lurking. Nope, we are posting
Senior Member
Posted: 18 May 2007 at 1:05pm | IP Logged


Save the drama for PM's or some other one wants to hear about you and Brett. 

And....I think your GP is right on the money




If you dont want to read any of Roxys posts Why do you always show up and start trouble? I'm sure you saw who the topic starter was.And here you go again being a bitch.


It's Phats, can't you read?  Oh, nevermind. your post is too stupid to comment to.  




Is it necessary to call someone a Can you get your point across some other way??

Well, Daisy,

You will notice that not a single person (other than you) will say anything to George about his descriptive word about me.  That proves how it is o.k. for some to post mean and nasty things and not others.  The difference is....I don't get on here and cry about how mean and horrible I think people are for saying bad things.  I'm a big girl and can handle it without playing the "poor, pitiful me" card. 

I don't put my entire self worth on what some bozo says on a PUBLIC forum

Phatgirl2: To ask a question of another when you are already aware of the "why" is considered a slam. The fact that you lovingly call others on this board knuckleheads doesn't erase this fact.

The obvious is that Roxy quite likely/usually is experiencing pain. Many on this board turn to each other for empathy and comfort because of the expectation that the members of this board understand us like nobody else can.

Considered a slam by whom?  Don't pretend to know my intentions behind my posts/PM.  I am quite clear about why I do/say things.  No one ever has to guess about what I think/feel.  So, please, don't put words in my mouth. 


Senior Member
Posted: 18 May 2007 at 2:59pm | IP Logged

You have some nerve, I just looked at all your past posts.  Talk about being a BITCH.  You had the nerve to say the person accusing a brother of rape that maybe she just "wanted to try out the brother".   Then had the afterthought to say "Oh, that was insensitive". 

You don't know anything about me.  Look up my past posts.  I don't have anything negative to say except this one topic.  So, get your facts straight before you open your mouth, k?  Oh, and Koko, but that goes without saying. 



OH like this!!!!!!!!!!!



If you want to play, we can play.  Just don't go crying to everyone when you get your d*ck knocked in the dirt.  So, keep it up and it's gonna be ON!


Phatgirl2: To ask a question to which you already know the answer can be compared to making an unkind remark to someone and then laughing as you say, "Lighten up - You know I was just kidding."  Both are slams and it doesn't matter who the speaker is. This time it happened to be you.
Daisy---Are you an attorney? Since you know so much about Oregan law it makes me wonder....

Watchingwolf....The difference is, I can take it without crying fowl like the other "adults" on this board. 

I can take the hits and actually expect them.  I'm very outspoken and expect people not to appreciate my style or even what I have to say.  You aren't hurting my feelings.


It isn't just oregon law. If someone holds assets in another person's name and receives federal or state asistance , it is fraudulant. The law is setup to assist the people who need it. Is it fair if you have funds you do not account for in order to receive benefits. I do not post personal info, all I can say is I have knowledge in this area, I also know that anything posted on a public forum is admissable in a court of law. Take it for what it is worth. Maybe Bretts brother is an exectur (sp?) of their estate.  We dont know the whole story on why it is how it is being done.  But if BOTH of them are argreeing to it and if they have spoken to an attorney then why does it matter to you????  But then again im sure all of you "Roxy bashers" would love to see something turn the wrong way so you can sit here and ridicule Roxy for a decision that she made as an ADULT!

I mostly lurk here, sometimes I post, when I am really down, or if I have a question.  It seems to me that everyweek it is the same thing.  Roxy starts a thread about a good topic, then it gets really personal, then people complain, and Roxy gets her feelings hurt.  Roxy you may not really get it but I think you like the chaos that you create.  Just about everyother week you say that you are leaving because people are mean to you.  I really think that you should do the OT thing.  Stop trying to make you life Better or Worse than anyone elses.  If you really mean your leaving the board then leave.  But I really think it is the chaos and all of the attention GOOD  or BAD that you enjoy.  Now that I have said that I am sure that i will get some negative feedback, but that is ok.  I don't intead on writing anymore about Roxy.  Having RA is a horrible disease it painful, stressful, it really sucks.  I like comming to the board to see what everyone else doing, lab test, x-rays, different ideas for treatment, how everyone handles their treatment.  I thought that this is what the board was about.  I wish everyone could remember that we all come here for hope!


she is doing the OT thing, but shes still getting b*tched at for doing so

Okay, I've kept out of this up until now.

First, Roxy, I am so glad to see a post from you. I have missed you very much!!

Phats, You really do have a cruel streak. You seem to take great pride in "saying what's on your mind". But why do you have to be so mean about it? You really do come across as a cruel self centered woman. I feel sorry for you, but I try to avoid your posts. I've seen you be sympathetic to some people, but if it's someone you don't like you just rip them apart for any reason that comes into your mind.

Daisy, What did Roxy ever do to you to elicite your comments about her? The only time I've seen her say anything unkind to you, was in defense of some tirade against her.

We are supposed to be here to help one another. RA affects every aspect of our lives. I know I get tired of hearing myself have nothing to talk about except Dr. appts. and my health problems. If someone wants/needs some comfort for something bad that is happening in their lives, why not let those of us who want to help, have a chance to post a small kindness to them? There have been several times I wanted to express something to someone who was having problems, and there was page after page of mean-spirited remarks against them. By the time I got to the end of them, I fear any kind remarks will be lost or demeaned.

Okay, I just had to get that off my chest. I have too many things of my own to take care of to get involved in these posts with folks who are not happy unless they are putting someone down.

Roxy, you are in my thoughts as always. If you want to pm me, please do. You still have many friends here.


My intent hasn't been to hurt your feelings! My concern is for the feelings of others on this board since your style as you say is, "to be outspoken." I maintain it's the right of other members of this board to be addressed with kindness and consideration even if they have a different opinion or perspective on any particular topic/issue.

We each have our own style but this doesn't necessarily mean we should be outspoken just because we can.  For sure your outspoken style gets the attention of many which in a sense puts you in the position of which you accuse Roxy.

OMG  This is ridiculous.  My brother has held money for Brett and I many times.  So we don't spend it.

SSDI you get regardless of your assets.  Kelsey is not conserved.  She gets a measly 0 a month that goes towards the household.  She is well taken care of and I have to account for her money.  What is all this bs I am doing something criminal.  It is pretty dirty when you accuse someone of criminal activity.  Now I think that could be considered slander. 

Sandra,  I do not post for attention.  I post for feedback and support.  In fact, I must be pretty naive because I do not even understand that I write anything controversial.  It is about my life and my concerns and I have in the past gotten great feedback that has helped me make decisions or change my attitude about things.  If you think I like THIS kind of attention, you should be at the receiving end.  IT SUX.  I am very attached to AI.  Two simple reasons - it was my first board, I know many people here, and I love the format.  Easy to sift through.  I wrote a post saying it was a good idea to write OT.  I can guarantee in the future - I will except for specific RA questions.  I do consider leaving - I have left for days at a time but then I miss it.  It has mostly been a place of comfort for me.  Again - try being at the receiving end of this kind of attention - IT SUX.

Don't know if anyone else besides Roxy has first-hand experience or knowledge of just how SSDI works but she is correct. Our daughter is legally blind and the amount of money she receives each month was based on her earnings.  She would give up her SSDI if she could have even one day of vision again!! 

She is the one person in the family who truly understands the frustration of losing something you took for granted and whenever I've needed anybody to talk with on a blue day she's always there for me. If you ever you could meet her you would love her, too.







Roxy got up on her hind legs with me a while back, so I have no use for her.  As for my mean streak, whatever you think.  Everyone has an opinion.


Watchingwolf, Your daughter sounds like a very dear person. I cannot imagine losing my sight. To have that loss and remain positive for those you love is truly remarkable. I would love to meet her.

I, too, get SSDI after 23 years of owning our own business. We always took paychecks and paid payrol taxes, like everyone else. Roxy is, indeed, correct. Assets do not come into play at all when it comes to SSDI. I would also gladly give back what I receive from disability, if I could crochet, sew, garden, play guitar, cook a holiday meal. Just a few of a hundred things that are not worth giving up for any amount of money.

Hope all is well with you. Gentle hugs,



I don't want to get into this. The only thing I want to say to those of you that can't stand to hear Roxy's post stop opening the ones she starts. For crying out loud. I agree the OT idea is a good one; but when you see a thread that is started by a particular person that you really can't stomach why even go there? Unless of course you like it a little more than you're letting on.

When I left the house this afternoon at 4:30 this thread was 2 pages long. When I returned it's 6.

Somebodies interested in this kind of stuff. Aren't they?

Rose; sorry something like this has to be the type of thing that motivated you to speak up. It's a sad reflection on this place when members that usually don't say anything feel the need to speak out. Just sad.



please reread my post, I never accused you of anything. I just stated that these things can be used against you, if you want to take my advice that is your choice. So slander , no!!! LOL!!! I was not aware of your spending problem, I completely understand that assets are not used for SSDI, but they are used for SSI, and I truly do not know if you receive that. I also do not know what program qualifies you for an aide, it is not SSDI, so I do not know if that is asset based or not.

It is not uncommon for people to hide asets to receive benefits, it is a widespread problem. Also you had posted before that you were afraid they would not let kelsey stay with you after Brett left because you could not care for her, that is why I was concerned for your postings.

I do not think you ar naive, you know exactly what you are doing that bothers people here. We have said it many times, so I think you realize what you are doing. You have used the OT one time BRAVO!!! But you turn every other topic into your personal forum.

Really Roxy, I don't care anymore, You have a very vidid imagination and are a wonderful writer and are very lonely and need the attention and sympathy of this board, that is why you can never leave. Post what ever personal things you want, they will come back to bite you in the butt someday.

Also if you want to post be a big girl and take the responses that go with it. You are the one that started the trouble today, you know exactly what you are doing.



Well said Daisy, WEll said I cannot believe all this venom that is still being directed towards Roxy - in fact I find it quite sickening.   Roxy like all of us is sick and like all of us has problems but it seems that she is not the person with the mental sickness that seems to be in the hearts and minds of some on this board.
Do you not have any sort of conscience - sometimes you can push people too far and I think you are playing a very dangerous game.   Butt out of her life and if you cant find it in yourselves to be more charitable then butt out of this board.Again, I just don't understand what you all get out of responding to Roxy's posts. I feel like I'm in the middle of a very bad middle school drama. You all continue to pursue this thread with quite a bit of venom. My opinion is you all enjoy the drama, otherwise why would you even bother responding to one another???? Grow up people and learn to leave one another alone.



Please look who started this post by accusing people on this board of harrassing her. Roxy started the drama and loves the drama.

Roxy attacks people and cries that they are attacking her. She attacks as much as anyone else.

And look who is continuing to pursue this, Admit it, you are enjoying this in some sort of sick and twisted way. Stop responding and the tread will simply go away. How hard is that to understand?



I would encourage you to examine your reasons for posting here.  You say you feel like you are in the middle of a "middle school drama", but yet here you are.  Daisy is right.  Roxy brought this on herself.  She always does.  If she is going to post, whatever it is that she posts, she should be able to survive the fallout, no matter what it is.


Here's the thing, I don't need to explain anything to anyone concerning why I choose to post on this thread. You all want nothing more than to complain about someone that you apparently don't care for. That's fine with me, but don't whine about her threads when you continue to pursue the argument. I don't like rude, insensitve, judgmental people. It's the whole casting the first stone thing and loving thy neighbor, as you love yourself. Obviously some posters aren't to familar with those concepts.


Um, Sarah (knock knock)

I didn't ask you to explain, I asked you to examine your reasons for contributing to this thread.  What cracks my sh*t up more than anything is those of you who "want it all to end" but keep on posting.  Just an observation


If the shoe fits....LOL!!! Oh my Roxy got just what she needs from this board today!!!! I was trying to give some helpful advice about postings on public forums, but if she does not want to listen, she will learn the hard way. Then it will be "poor Roxy" But then again how much of what Roxy posts is really the truth, who really knows!!! It is really funny the few people that jump to her defense, it does make me laugh. They are completely senseless comments and you can tell they haven't even taken the time to read the whole post, they make their comments without all the information, it is quite funny.Speak for yourself Daisy. Janie.


It seems like every year around this time, people turn on roxy. For many, many reasons. Some see her as self-centered, some see her as attention seeker, some see her as a lonely person needing support (which she does), and some are just get fed up with having to hear every detail of her life.

THIS IS NOT THE FIRST TIME on a forum chaos has ensued because of roxy posting about her personal life. I have known roxy since she joined AI. We use to be "friends". Things happened and now we just barely stand each other. I use to try to defend her and be a supportive friend, but you can only do so much.

I mean to me this is all just a repeat of last year, except this time I am not in the middle of it, because I am not admin, which THANK GOD I am no longer! I would have killed myself by now having to deal with all this crap again and then lossing a friend (roxy) and then be called cruel hurtful words by someone you thought was your friend. But I digress.

Anyways... I just wanted to say. I hope lessons will be learned and some will see things for what they are and move on. I have... life is too short.

It might be all the pred we are on that is making us moody, or all the pain pills making us irritatable???

Can we all just keep the peace?


I really believe that Roxy loves the chaos she creates.




Please reread my post, I was speaking for myself, how did I indicate otherwise. I guess your reply was just an example of what I was stating.


Daisy & Phatgirl2:  you've got to be kidding me!  Why so spiteful?

I joined this board about the same time as Roxy, and I have to say, she has truly been a blessing to me.  I have gained strength and encouragement and support from her and many others throughout the entire time I have been here.  And what does it matter what time of day/night you post?  Many if not most of my posts have been late evening/early morning when I have been unable to sleep beause of pain.

Joonie-loved your your comment about the pred and pain pills :-)

Ah hell people why don't you all just shut the bloody hell up and move the f**k on and quit acting like little brats that need a good ass whipping?!

Wow!!!! I dont post here much butI do check in from time to  time and I too joined around the same time as Roxy did. She has always been kind to me. In fact she was one of the first to welcome me aboard. It's sad that this message board has taken a turn for the worst


[QUOTE=Flames]Ah hell people why don't you all just shut the bloody hell up and move the f**k on and quit acting like little brats that need a good ass whipping?!



NOW THAT WAS FUNNY!!![QUOTE=trinity2005]

I really believe that Roxy loves the chaos she creates.






I think we are all(apart from a handful) in agreement that we support Roxy being on this board, we view her posts with an open mind and dont feel the need to be mean and horrible at every turn.So lets answer Roxy's and the good questions and ignore the bad ones unless they post something constructive  and meaningful.Dont we have enough to deal with in our everyday lives .Phats- I think most of us are a bit older than you and appreciate that straight talking is good but damn right rudeness isnt.

[QUOTE=pin cushion]I think we are all(apart from a handful) in agreement that we support Roxy being on this board, we view her posts with an open mind and dont feel the need to be mean and horrible at every turn.So lets answer Roxy's and the good questions and ignore the bad ones unless they post something constructive  and meaningful.Dont we have enough to deal with in our everyday lives .Phats- I think most of us are a bit older than you and appreciate that straight talking is good but damn right rudeness isnt.[/QUOTE]


Kudos, once again

Seems the other far out rank you.


Seems to me there is only two that really have a problem with Roxy. Am I right? Should we take a head count?

Seems the other far out rank you.



You're right!! Lets!!

[QUOTE=Dalmatinka] [QUOTE=trinity2005]

<FONT face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" color=#cc0066>I really believe that Roxy loves the chaos she creates.







AMEN, AMEN, AMENOK guys, time for everybody to act like grown ups.  Ifyou don't like somebody fine, don't.  We all have people we don't like.  We should however treat everybody with the same respect we would expect ourselves!


It was too bad you started this post yesterday and started accusing and attacking.
