OT...i think | Arthritis Information


Ok so i dunno what is considered OT anymore so i figured better be safe.......  So i can eat icecream and be fine but if i drink milk w/ anything my tummy gets all icky and stuff.  Does that make any sense?

Could depend on the kind of ice cream. Milk is just milk, but ice cream has other ingredients in it, so maybe it's that the smaller amount of lactose is tolerable, but not in a larger amount?

But icecream doesnt upset my stomach...I had a small glass of milk w/ some cookies yesterday and all day my stomach was upset, same if i have a bowl of cereal in the morninThat's what I mean. The ice cream may not have that much milk in it, so it's a smaller amount of lactose, so it wouldn't bother the way pure milk does.ahh i see what your sayin lol (do i use the blond moment excuse or blame it on fibro fog

Chocolate soy milk is awesome! And there's a lot of yummy non-dairy ice cream out there too. I KNOW I'd get sick if I tried any dairy now.

It sounds like lactose intolerance. My son was like this when he was young. You are probably not able to tolerat the amount of lactose in milk but could have hard cheese. More processed forms of milk usually have lactose. Beware of pizza cheese!  Try soy or goats milk or take lactaid supplement tablets. Also eat yogurt with live cultures daily, it will put the stuff you need to help your digestive tract in your system but not the lactose. Hope that helps some.


Thanks guys!  I'll have to try some of your suggestions...Good thing my tummy likes icecream
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