MTX - does it wear off during the week? | Arthritis Information


Unfortunatly everything has gone downhill today. I had slight stiffness in my hands this mornng and my wrists are quite painful. Then I developed a tenderness in my right foot. All of my symptoms have gotten progressively worse throughout the day. Thankfully my knees are still as normal and pain-free. As I have said before I am on MTX and came off of the Preds last Thursday (7/7) so I have been 8 days pain-free just on the MTX. I was wondering whether I should put the pain down to the MTX wearing off throughout the week as I'm due to take my next dose tomorrow morning so I have been 6 days without taking the medication? Does anyone else experience pain towards the end of the week just before their next dosage? If so once the next lot is taken does the pain go away quickly or within a few days? I've been really positive all week and really thoguht that the MTX was working 100% for me but now I'm not so sure! x

Hi Jenna,

You recently came off Pred?  I found that everytime I went off Pred, my pain escalated for a few days afterwards, then abated again.  How long have you been on MTX?  It takes a few weeks before you notice its benefits.  I was on it for 4 years...then taken off for about 9 mos. and am now back on it again.  I took my 3rd dosage last night (taken every Fri night...10 mg) and my pain and fatigue today was dreadful.  I am either flaring or am just suffering with the heat and humidity that is hanging over the entire Midwest (I am in Ohio...)

I don't think MTX "wears off" as such.  I just think it is possible to have breakthrough pain and misery no matter what meds we take. 

Time for dinner...more later...good luck!

Hiya MollyBee! Yes, I came off of the Pred last week but was only on 5mg on alternating days. When I have previously had relapses it was straight after I come off of the Preds. Is now been 6 days. I'm taking my 12th dose of MTX in the morning. Did you experience pain-free days and then have the odd period where the pain would come back again? I have an appointment with my specialist on Thursday so I'll see if I feel better by then or whether the pain lasts after I take my next dose. Thank for the advice.

Your body may just be reacting to its desire for prednisone.  How gradually did you wean off of it?  To give you an example, my rheumy is weaning me off of pred, too, but oh so gradually.  I started at 20.  Then he has me go down one step each two weeks.  20, 10, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0.  I'm at 4 right now, and was surprised to notice a difference in that decrease of 1 mg from 5 to 4.  My wrists are giving me fits.  But I'm determined not to go back up, so have been taking one 800mg ibuprophen just before bedtime so it's not so bad when I first wake up.  (Don't know if I should do that--didn't ask the doc permission.)  The pain is there, but not excruciating.

I'm on MTX, too, 25mg.  Honestly, I can't tell what it's doing for me.  I just take it because the doc said to.  Sometimes I wonder if it's doing anything, or is my system just not "scheduled" for a flare, so maybe I wouldn't have hurt without it.  I wonder if that makes sense...

Jenna; I've been on MTX for about three years. I'm not sure what dose I started out with, but everytime I would have a rough spell like you're describing (between doses) we'd increase my dose a little. I'd go a long time without the "break through" pain that Molly speaks of...but continued to increase to 22.5mg. It did well for me until December this past year. My doctor said he felt like we'd increased it enough and I needed to add something new...That's when we added Humira. Eventually we had to increase the Humira to weekly.

You old timers (not speaking of age) correct me if I'm wrong, but everything increases, and increases until you eventually work out of a particular medication. Either something is added, or you'll change all together. It's been a pattern for me.

Hang in there. It's been really, really good for me and so many others I've met here.


Lovie is correct in saying that everything does increase until you work out of a particular med.  I just think that perhaps after only 3 mos Jenna is not experiencing all the good of MTX yet.  I was told it takes a couple of months and I am thinking the cessation of pred caused this recent pain.  Definitely check w/your doctor, Jenna.  I started on 10 mg of MTX and little by little was bumped up to 17.5 mg week until it was withdrawn.  Now I am at square one again with 10 mg.  I do recall that MTX truly helped me...but it was NOT soon.  Perhaps an OTC pain med (w/doc's OK) will help until the MTX effect is felt. 

Lovie, do you self inject the Humira or do you have a kind person to do it for you?  My doc mentioned Enbrel before I mentioned preference to return to MTX.  I don't mind getting a shot, but the thought of doing it to myself....owie...Yes, I am a bona fide chicken.  So MTX and Humira are helping you then?  I think the biologics (Humira, Enbrel, Remicade) have more immediate effect and relief than the other meds.

Yes Xjennex, I do feel like my Mxt is wearing off by the end of the week.  I even wrote in a while back and asked the same question. I take my dose on Monday nights and by Saturday I am feeling some pain and fatigue again.  Wait and see how the Mxt works after you take the next dose. Ofcourse everyone's body reacts differently but my pain is always better again by late Tuesday.  All and all I think I feel better and finally have days when I am walking comfortably which is something I have not done in a looong time! So even though it isn't perfect, I am going to hang in there with it.  One more I said, I am also coming off Prednisone.  I cannot wait as I hate the side effects and weight gain although in truth, I know it makes me feel better.  I just had to make a decision and I decided to try coming off again.  I am also aware of a re-bound effect that sometimes comes as you slowly come off of it.  My doctor said everytime I decrease the dosage (which I do verrry slowly)  I may experience a rebound for a few days.  And that if it goes past 48 hours I should  call him.  I know it is all very confusing because everyone is different and from what I read from others at this message board, medications are not a cure.  They hopefully help the pain and fatigue.  And if I start to feel pain in between dosages, I just try hard not to panic and worry about it.  Instead I try to keep the faith and direct my thoughts towards keeping busy.  And if I am not strong enough I let myself rest and wait it out.  Knowing that if I hang in there in a few days I will have relief.  Guess that is positive thinking and it works for me.  I hope it will work for you.    Please keep in touch and let us know how you are doing.  Hopefully the next time we hear you will be feeling better!  Susan Lee


Thanks for all your replies. Surprinsingly this morning I don't feel any different from what I did last night and usually mornings are the worst time for stiffness. If anything I still have the pain in my fingers but my foot pain and wrists have worn off. Still there slightly but not as bad. I had a flare up for a day straight after I came off of the Pred and thought that was the relapse over with. Then again, it does sound likely that it may be another reaction to stopping the Preds. Does anyone else experience a flare up a week or so after? I took my 12th dose of MTX a few hours back so I'm hoping the pain gradually clears up within the next day or so. Thanks for all your advice. It definatly helps to get some suggestions. Where I'm new to the whole RA thing I never know what to expect next or whether to panic. Thanks again

It took a while for MTX...and Humira to take effect for me as well. I guess it just takes a while to build up in your system.

I haven't taken my MTX or Humira in 15 days now due to an infection. I can definately tell a difference; although I've done better than expected I'm slowly but surely going down hill. I hope to resume my medication on Tuesday. It definatly makes a huge difference in my quality of life!!


I'm feeling better this evening. The pain has gotten better throughout the day. I can now make a fist with both hands, support myself and my feet aren't so painful to walk on. My left foot however is slightly swollen on top just under my toes. Hopefully if I feel like this or even better tomorrow then I can put the pain down to the fact that I have stopped the Preds or because I have taken another 15mg of MTX. Fingers crossed! I'm excited and nervous because I get my second year university results tomorrow so I'm all anxious! Hope everyone is feeling ok today. x

I surely will keep my fingers crossed that all goes well!  Have a good Monday!

Here's to a painfree day/week!


Results were fine. I passed everything so now I can chill out and not look at another book until the end of September! As far the RA, still slightly sore but 10 times better than usual. Now been 12 days purely on MTX and no Preds!

Went to the Rheumy today and he was cool with what i did.. he even asked me if i was getting more pain right before my next dosages come... i take 25mg MTX and 50Mg enbrel on friday mornings. I told him that the first shot of enbrel was great and within 24 hours i was feeling better (he called it the enbrel magic) and then it was like 4 months before i felt full effects...  I saw him today and take the meds tomorrow.. so i feel pretty good. been working out inmy garagesorting and cleaning for a party in there ( well back yard) on saturday night.

Doc was pleased... we arent changing a thing!

hope things stay good and get better!

Thats great news. So glad your feeling ok as well. I give MTX a big thumbs up! x