Please don’t feed the troublemakers | Arthritis Information


It has come to my (and others) attention lately that we have some
troublemakers on this board. Sure, some of us are polarised politically,
but by troublemaker I refer to a person that makes sustained personal
attacks on other people here with little or no retsraints or regard for
social convention, using bad language and in some cases flashing me
back to groups of nasty girls in the junior high school washroom

Please don't give them power by giving them attention or letting them get
you angry. Please stop making multiple threads to discuss them. Please
do not respond or even aknowledge they are there.

These sad souls are so starved for attention they will do or say
anything to get it. They believe they have nothing positive to offer for
attention and are therefore gratuitously obnoxious and confrontational.
Please do not encourage them by giving them any kind of attention.

Maybe if we ignore them, they'll go away.

I do agree it is all for attention...........people do the oddest things to gain others attention. Sad huh? Oh well, where I am sittin' from it is a bad bone day for all of's to hoping everyone with RA and ect. are doin' ok.


I think we should ignore their posts all together and see how they like it.
We know who they are.
Hi, that is a very good idea, ignor the nasty posts! sarahI've been saying and writing this all along. Don't read and don't post. I've not posted to any of the negative topics and if a thread turns bad I don't involve myself in it.  Like I said before I refuse to stoop to that level.  I agree 100%.Amen