genetic medicine | Arthritis Information

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  THis  is  the  kind  of  stuff  we need...


  that being   said   GW  bush  is   a   ##$##   for   blocking  more  research  that can help   stop  devasting  Illness  I  bet if  he  got  struck  down  he  would  cry  like  a  baby   and  maybe  even off  himself  since  I  have  read  most  men  with  arthritis  end  up  killing  themselves  because  of  the  pain.

with  my  current  doc  I'd  love  to  give  hima   nice  kick in the  ass  they insist  I  am perfectly  fine  and  any  pain I  have  is  age  related  lol  I  am not   doing  to  bad   right  now  but  if  i  got  any  worse  I   quess  I  would  have  to  find  a  new   doc...


Thanks for shring this, mark1. I haven't seen yiou here for a long time and
I'm wondering how your AP therapy is going? Are you still on it and is that
why your doctors insist you aren't sick? Please update us!yes  I  am  still on  ap   and     for  the  most  part  I  am  doing  well  I  still get slight  pain  here  and  there  and  that  bothers  me