count topics | Arthritis Information


Out of the last 40 threads for 5/27/07, 30 of them were RA related or interesting OT threads.    10 of them were people fighting threads.  Bad percentage......

It just happens that way. *shrugs*

Why don't you participate and make more non-fueding threads?

The most positive posts get posted the better odds of the fighting threads to be bumped to another page. I and a couple of others on here try to bump the negative posts to the 2nd page or even the 3rd page (if possible).


Kudo's to everyone.  Seems more positive things are happening.


The positive outweighs the negagtive here. Hve you noticed the fights have calmed down???? If you ignore them they go away. They just wanted us to keep feeding into their crap!!!!

Life's too short for all this bickering.

Just ignore it!
