Pred taper, soooo tired | Arthritis Information


Hi all, well down from 10 to 8 today, and boy am I having trouble keeping my eyes open. Anyone have this problem with tapering? Or is it just general fatigue? Haven't been sleeping well either?, walking with my old orthotics so I'll see if that helps my left foot pain. Hands are sorta stiff, so thanks, sarah       So sorry you feel so bad Sarah, Hopefully your body will adjust soon and you can get some energy back with less pain. Sleep depravation will cause everything to get out of whack too. Maybe you just need to rest today and try to sleep. Hope tomorrow is much better.... GenesisSarah , sorry you dont feel good, I dont take pred so i dont know the effects of tapering.Just take a nice long warm bath and try to rest.Hope you feel better tomorrow

I get tired when I taper too. I think Lindy is right and it is a let down from the prednisone stimulant effect. I am tapering now too. I just go with it and be lazy. I tend to get irritable and moody when I taper as well. Works best for me to just consider myself "sick" for a few days until I get back to normal, that way I don't stress over it and my family is more patient with me because they know what is going on.


The others of course, are right Sarah.  Just take things very easy and try to rest as much as you can while this taper kicks in.  Fingers crossed for you!!