My First Rheumy Visit | Arthritis Information


Well, I guess I still dont know very much. He did say yes you have arthrits. He took tons of blood, a ton of xrays and a bone and joint scan. My next appointment is on the 6th and he said then he will be able to tell me exactly which arthritis I have. On the bone and joint scan the only thing I could see myself w/o knowing anything about it is that my right hip and knee which hurt the worse were brighter on the screen than t he other side and seemed to show more detail. The tech wouldnt tell me anything..... said the dr. would look at it. I know there not supposed to say anything, but i sure did try! The last three days havent been all that great around here, its been rainin pretty much non stop and I think that sets me off.... My wrist swole up on me the other day and I got a knot on it, I never did that before... I couldnt use my hand almost all day... its better now, not sure what that was, I thought tunnel carple but would that make a knot? It was almost like one of my muscles balled up it was very uncomfortable and painful.... anyways... I didnt wannna complain, just an update I said I would fill yall in on my first visit... but i think the next one is gonna be the more pivital one... Thanks for listening.....

Hi Linda,

You aren't complaining, for gosh sakes! It sure is hard waiting for the test results. I'm waiting for some myself and those techs aren't allowed to tell us anything. They sure can be stubborn You poor thing...I'm glad you got to see your RD. Hopefully all will be settled soon. Sounds like you may have had an RA nodule. But I'm no RD.

Carpel Tunnel was one of the first symptoms of RA for me. It can be very painful. I'll look forward to your post on the 6th. Good luck! Blessed39231.8775

Aww hunny you aren't complaining at all.  We all understand the frustration and pain of ra.  We are here for venting purposes!!! 

I hope that rain stops soon for you!! 
