Weather | Arthritis Information


Well the rain still aint let up and neither has my pain.... I took the rest of the week off cause its supposed to do this all week...luckily i work for my dad so there is not a problem...sept he really dont understand... but honestly its not my work that is hard its driving... Most of my pain is in my right knee and hip so pushin the gas and brake are really hard sometimes...and sometimes i think im hittin the brake harder than i actually am... learned that the hard way i almost rear ended someone... Yesterday I ran into a trash can at the gas station... cause i couldnt cut my wheel fast enough cause my shoulder. My baby has Chicken im sure thats commin for the other two, I got her vaccinated last week and she caught them FROM THE VACCINE aint that just wonderful!!!... Im really feelin sorry for myself right now *Nobody loves me everyone hates me im gonna eat some worms!** my daddy used to sing that too me all the time but seriously all i do is sit and think about what im loosing...Iused to DANCE all the time..Im no pro by any means... I danced some in school and love to go dancin w/ my hubby and will ditty bob round my house while im doin house more, not right now anyways..Drill Team and Football Season starts in like 2 weeks for my 10 and 7 yr olds ... what the crap am I gonna do???!!! i need to snap out of it but i aint sure how too... Anyways... I love commin here yall always make me feel better, and I been readin ur posts daily and bless all of yalls hearts...