SA vs. RA | Arthritis Information


I been lookin all this up but I cant make sense of it... Is AS Rheumatoid Arthritis of another kind or is this something completely different. My dr. is leaning toward SA but he is not sure til the results are in... I forgot to mention this before... Anyways... Can anyone explain it? Im afraid I was so nervouse at my first visit i failed to ask the right questions... Hell I failed to give the right answeres... I was a mess and my husband THANK GOD was there to help me with it....
Jojo-Baby39232.3328240741What does SA stand for? K, I looked the spellin up... that was interesting... its
Ankylosing Spondylitis


Ankylosing Spondylitis is a form of arthritis that affects the spine. Is that what you mean? SA doesn't really ring a bell with me though.

Septic Arthritis?

Bacterial arthritis / Septic arthritis
Septic arthritis is an inflammation of a joint caused by bacterial invasion (but not the bacterium that causes gonorrhea).

I just did a google search of "Types of arthritis". I was looking for anything that might be SA. This is about all I can see.

Please clarify what the SA means.

Yall, im so stoooopid.... i put SA ..It shoulda been AS.... im sorry... yall probably think im insane....

A.S. is not RA.  They are cousins though.  A.S. and other spondylitis arthritis affect the spine and tendons as opposed to attcking the synovial joints.   There is a known genetic componant is A.S. which does not exist to the same extent with RA.  People with A.S almost always test positive for the HLA-B27 gene.

Psoritatic Arthritis is the disease that link the two.  PA is an inflammtory arthritis with spondylitis spine involvement

AS is something I am being tested for as well right now. They sometimes also call it Rheumatoid Spondylitis. It affects the spine, hips and the ribs etc and they fuse together so you cannot straighten your back, breathing can be difficult because of the inflammation in your ribcage area, you get that extremely hunched over back after/if fusion takes place. It also affect all other joints but instead of the fluid in the joint it inflames where the tendon inserts into the joint and fuses as well. I am just learning about all this myself. Apparently is is very connected to Crohns and Colitis which I also have. Fun fun fun.

Hope this helps, it's scary....good luck!


I have PA (psoriatic arthritis) rather than RA and there is a type of PA that includes spondylitis or sacro-ilitis (which I have) and the symptoms mimic ankylosing spondylitis. WHen I was first referred to the Rheumatologist they thought I might have AS but then decided it was more likely to be PA as my hands and feet, knees and elbows are involved. AS is also an autoimmune disease so I suppose in that way it's similar - it just follows a different pattern and works in a different way to RA...

I hope this helps! Feel free to ask if any of this doesn't make sense.

