cod liver oil and olive oil | Arthritis Information


Can I ask the forum about both cod liver oil  and also olive oil.  How have people found them, have they been helpful?  Also I see that evening primerose oil for omega 6 can be helpful, any thoughts?I use olive oil all the time. I always did. I now use vitamin e as well.
I know it is suppose to be better for your RA to eat plenty of fish but, I dont think I can eat as much as they recommend mainly because it is expensive in the midwest if you want to buy it fresh and not from some other country like China.
China sells us unbeleiveable amounts fish.
I dont like cod liver oil.

The thing for me is I always had olive oil so how would I know if it helps me?
I also use flax oil.
If I didnt do those would I have more flares? Maybe...

As it is right now my RA is pretty much under control with  my RA meds. I still get flares but not as often as others on this board.
I'm not sure if I answered the question. I think I'm just blabbing right now.

In order for fish oil to help inflammation you must take daily amounts that contain at least 3grams of combined EPA/DHA. For most fish oil pills that means about 10 pills a day. Cod liver oil has higher concentrations of EPA/DHA but it is not a good choice because of it's VERY HIGH CONTENT OF VITAMIN A. If you take enough cod liver oil to equal 3grams of DHA/EPA you will overdose on vitamin A. Please use fish oil made from the body of the fish.

I have been taking huge quantities of fish oil for about 6 months and I believe it has helped my overall condition greatly.

Olive oil is good for helping cholesterol levels and also stimultae bile production which helps cleanse the liver and kidneys. For a good liver flush, cut up one whole lemon (including the skin), add one tablespoon of olive oil, add about a cup of water and liquefy in a blender. Strain through a metal seive, using a rubber spatula to squeeze juice from the pulp. Drink on an empty stomach one hour before eating. It's tangy goodness!
I only use olive oil, whole crushed flaxseed and fishoil but I only take 1 gm
of fishoil a day, so guess I'll be increasing that as I didn't realize it. A lot of
people are not fond of olive oil because it has this certain taste. But once
you get used to it, that is all you will prefer to use. I make my pancake
batter and everything with it. We dip bread instead of use butter or
margarine so we use alot of olive oil with balsamic vinegar dips. I know
there are oils that we should not go near. Vegetable oil is one of them
because you don't know what all sources the oil is from, could be multiple. I
also use coconut oil with my popcorn, has a great taste and I'm going to try
it for pie crust instead of crisco as that is the worst oil you can use. I am like Thinkthin and always use extra virgin olive oil for everything & have done for a number of years.
My flares are intermittent, dont seem to have as many as a lot on this board - this maybe because of the length of time I have had RA but I do think the sort of fat you use plays a part.   From what I have read of fish oil it is not inspiring - it can be very toxic and I have read 50% of fish have cancer.   I am a vegetarian so I would be biased but the ocean is horribly polluted, contains radioactive waste and a lot of fish are farmed now and fed fish products - mad fish disease!   My suggestion would be to research thoroughly on fish oil.
Flaxseed oil and hemp seed oil are high in omega 3 oils.
I am not fanatical about what I eat - like I have said before need to improve on my diet but I do think my low consumption of dairy and olive oil are the most likely reasons why I dont flare as often.   I still have horrible fatigue and ache at times.
Wish more scientists would do food research with RA but guess the money wouldnt be available with no drugs being involved. Have to have blood tests in the next few weeks
so that may prove interesting. Am a bit nervous as I have been eating so badly but might bring me back into line.   My iron levels are never a problem - more meat eaters are anaemic than vegetarians apparently.
Hope this is of use to some.
