Barbie legs... | Arthritis Information


It amazes me how the pain & discomfort from RA moves from place to place, day to day. Just a few days ago my neck and shoulders were hurting so bad it forced me to take some Prednisone.

Today however, I feel as though I am a Barbie that had her legs torn from her hips and replaced with Ken's.

I feel like I am walking stick legged and like my legs don't fit in their sockets. Anyway, life could be worse so I should not complain.

LMAO! barbie with ken's legs... sorry do not mean to laugh but the visual in my head was funny. You made me think of ToyStory you know when they get to meet all those weird toys that the mean next door neighbor kid made with his sisters toys. And there was one that had barbie legs attached to it, but was not barbie on top.

Hope you feel better soon. It might be the weather. I know my body is just waiting for the T-Storms to finally hit.

Getting a weather change at all?  I kinda hobble around like that too when my legs are hurting.  Good way of putting it!  I hope you start to feel better soon!