Pred/Sed rate Question | Arthritis Information


If your sed rate is elevated and you take prednisone does your sed rate go down?

Your sed rate is what they look at to measure the amount of inflammation going on in your body.  I would imagine it would go down if you are on pred and the pred is doing it's job. 

Are you on pred and still have an elevated sed rate?

It all depends on why you have the elevated ESR. Pred should take it down
as this is the primary action of this drug. But, pred should not be used long
term to keep the ESR at bay. Other measures must be taken to prevent the
inflammation such as proper medication, nutrition and exercise. I just wondered because I just found out my sed rate taken 2 weeks ago was high.  I started pred 2 weeks ago and will still be on it 2 months from now when I return to the RD, at which time he will repeat the sed rate.  Also on plaquenil, mtx and sulfasalazine.  They check sed rate every 2 months.  If pred decreases the sed rate then is this a "false normal" sed rate at the next visit?