New Book | Arthritis Information


For those of you who missed Dr. Phil today, he had Author Nancy Davis on promoting her new book called "Lean On Me"
The web address is
I have not read it, but it sounded like something that might help us cope with RA. 
Hi, I saw that show and I believe it will help in our effort to 'educate' people about chronic diseases, like we have. (my friend had MS and just fell asleep at the wheel of her car and ran into a tree....she died, poor thing) This fatigue and lack of sleep, not looking like we are sick, and in her case the husband who just didn't get it. He was worried he'd be left to deal with the children! Sarah

I've seen some posts from some of you looking for reading material.  Thought I'd pop this back to the top.

Peace & Love...Neasy
