MTX start up | Arthritis Information


Hi all! Long time. How is everyone and every little thing? I'm supposed to be starting injections here pretty quick. I was hoping I'd get some feedback on how other peoples transition from sulfa drugs to MTX went. Did you have to wean yourself from the others completely before starting up? Right now I just don't want anything. Like last summer, the minute I hit the sun, I blister and swell and generally feel like ca ca. No matter how much sunblock I use. Is it going to be better w/ mtx? Just got back from 2 weeks in Denver and I look like hell. Blotchy & scabby. And does anyone else have reactions from baby sunblock 45 or 50? Stuff burns my face. I'm waiting for my RA doc to return my call & I hope I can remember all the stuff I need to tell her. Thanks in advance for ANY info you all may have.

Hey Monk. Good to see ya!

I don't burn on MTX like I did when I was on Sulfersalizine. SOme people burn anyway; but I do pretty good.

Hope it will be a good transition for you.

Welcome back to AI!

Hi, Oh dear. I know these drugs are sensitive to the sun, but I've never heard about such a severe case. YOU must feel awful. I stay out of the sun during the 'high intensity' times, and live in foggy west coast of california, .....Good luck, sarahK, me again. Still haven't taken my first poke of MTX. The vial and needle are just sitting there waiting. What am I gonna feel the first couple of days? Does hair loss happen to everyone? Sick? The first few days on sulfa drugs were aweful. Input, please. And thank you.Monk
I had a bad sun reaction to Sulphasalazine - though nothing like yours - so i didn't stay on it.    From what I've read I think you need to get off that stuff asap.  MTX takes a while to kick in so I don't know what you do about that.
For Methotrexate, take Folic Acid every day except the day you take the MTX, it will help with the side effects, .... even the injection MTX!!
Also drink lots of water if you can 6-8 glasses a day, it will help your liver /kidneys to flush out toxins.
Im no expert, but this is the info I was given when I started MTX and it has been good advice for me.
Thank you. I'm sooo off the Sulfazine. 3 days now and very relieved. I'm hopeful w/ MTX, just want to be aware of what may be side effects. Big deal, cause I like wine & jack n coke every so often. So I'll have to quit the drink for at least 3 days after I inject. I have been fairly pain free for nearly a year on the cocktail of drugs I'm on. So I hope the replacement will only be a bonus.

Hi I don't have any bad reactions to Mtx, My hair was coming  out in my comb, but not in clumps, when I first started taking it, the folic acid was increased to 1mg, Now no hair loss, but I've been 'suffering' from fatigue for weeks (4 or 5) since I've decreased the prednisone from 7, I'm seeing my doc tomorrow and will ask about this 'tired all the time, fatigue'!? Who knows if it is the meds or the dang disease.

Sarah Lynda

K, started first dose this morning. Nothing to write home about, just a little spacey feeling. My son had to remind me what time it was and I hadn't eaten yet. This could be a great side effect, loss of appitite. How did you guys feel when you first started taking MTX? No more Sulfa, wooo hooo! 3 days w/out it and my skin is already looking better. Amazing.

i get really tired after i take mine. although it has gotten much better, i have been on it2-3 months. and just increased it. i seem to get a bit spacey too, sorta foggy like, sometimes a sinus headache, but if i drink alot of water that goes away. it did decrease my appetite, but then the prednisone increased my appetite. i think prednisone is winning that fight


I am really tired the day after my mtx shot.  I do like anna does and really hydrate myself to help flush out the toxins.  I do take my folic acid on the day of my injection tho.  I am asking rhuemy about that tomorrow since I keep hearing different things about it.  I do have hair loss that is bothersome to me even tho I am on the folic acid.  Otherwise, I do fine.  No mouth sores, no upset stomach, just totally wiped out the next day.  But hey, I will take that totally wiped out the next day if this mtx is slowing down the disease process. I do get a little mtx "fuzzy feeling" right after I inject it. 

I don't know if you have kids or not, but what me and my girls do when I inject is we count to 3 together and then say INJECT! and it makes it a little easier for me. 
