Melitonin + Sleep | Arthritis Information


I did many years ago when I worked a lot of night shifts. I always woke up
with a headache when I took it. It also states that it should not be used long
term.I have used melatonin off and on. I have sensitivities to most medicines so I usually take half the reccommended dose. Occassionally it gives me weird dreams, but it usually does help me sleep. I too have heard that you don't want to take it on a regular basis. I usually try it when I'm travelling.I take it when I switch shifts at work, it gets me back on the right sleep pattern. The longest I've used it is probably about a week maybe. I buy the "extra" strength ones, which are 5mg - however, I cut them in half. I find the 2.5mg works just fine. They are very finicky pills. I've read a bit about them and there are some things to make sure you do when you take them. You have to be attempting to sleep within 30 mins of taking the pills. If you take them an hour or a few hours before you go to sleep, it won't work. You're up too long after they kick in, and you'll end up feeling more miserable than before. Even if you don't FEEL like they're working, they are. Don't sleep in a lighted area. Light actually interferes with the melatonin, and makes it useless. And as everyone else has said, it's not intended for long term use. It's a natural sleep aid that's just meant to kick your body back into good sleep habits. :) Good luck with it, I love mine!