One Side? Funky knees.... | Arthritis Information


I read that most pain is usually symetrical... so is it uncommon to have most of your pain and swelling on one side? Almost all of mine is on the right w/ the occsional pain on the left... Does anyone know why my knees sometimes feel really stange... Like when i take a pain pill my knees feel better but im left w/ like a deep funky ache and a really weird sensation jeez I almost cant describe it but sometimes it feels like they get real weak and could like give on me... I can feel it more so while im on pain meds though... does this sound familiar at all to anyone or am i loosin it... it get a feeling like my knees get wet if i exceed the range of  movement to fast... goes away after i keep moving for a while, but i know the funky feel you mean.. they get week if i stand straight for to long  Sounds like standard RA to me. My right side is definately worse than my
left. I haven't had to use a lot of pain pills but what you describe is familiar.I've never had symmetrical pain. My knees sort of feel weak sometimes, like wobbly, even if I'm laying in bed they feel tingly and weak.My pain is symetrical with everything but my knees . Also, my right hand is a lot worse than my left.
As far as my knees go it seems like the left gives me all the trouble unless i'm in a really bad flare it can be both.

Mine is not always symetrical; often one side will hurt worse than the other.

I'm having pain in just one hip right now but I think it's caused by bursitis. Inflammation in the bursa. I have one knee that is swollen more than the other; but that's due to OA.....but to answer your question it's not uncommon to have more pain on one side than the other.

At least for me anyway.

The deep ache you have is just one knee or both knees?  Have you injured either knee lately? 

My left knee is always worse than the right but that is partially due to the OA in it and the fact I really have no cartilege left in it.  My right hand is always worse than my left hand.  i wonder if that has to do with being right hand dominant.  Plus I have an old boxers fracture in my right hand.  And that always aches real bad when I flare.  Drives me insane. 

When I would drink alcohol it would make me ache even if I wasn't flaring.  Especially my bad left knee.  Does this happen to anyone else?  Besides being on mtx...that would always make me avoid alcohol because it just wasn't worth it.  Could never just have one drink and relax. 

Could be bursitis or tendonitis. I was just at my rheumy complaining of pain in my left shoulder only. Upon examination he felt that for the most part Enbrel had my RA under control and that my shoulder pain was actually bursitis.