UCTD, that’s what R. Doc says | Arthritis Information


Hi all, I saw my R.D. today, and after further testing, he says I have criteria and symptoms for Lupus and RA, he said my disease is Undiferientiated Connective Tissue Disease. I present with more of the RA symptoms, however, I have had Pleurisy for no apparant reason, hidious fatigue. But, I have joint pain, not muscle pain or spot pain like Fibro at all, and joint swelling, but not hidious. My blood work shows him I have a Positive ANA and RF, some mildy OFF RBC. BUT.... my sed rate is normal?? Anyone else relate to any of this? He told me to stay on Plaquenil for now, although MTRX is his next move. He added Mobic, I was very hesitant and did not fill my script last visit 3 months ago, but he scared me and said if I do not control the arthritis now, I will eventually have to go on more caustic meds. Thanks for reading this, long..... post!


I can relate to the part of thinking that i am smarter than the doctors and take the drugs that i agree with. I take them as i should after the bad effects convince my docterly inept brain that doctors are smarter than me, until next time. Haha.

Jena, your "long" post is only 13 lines and would probably be considered short to medium.

You know, sometimes i fee like a nut, sometimes i don't. Enjoy your weekend and then enjoy your weekdays.


Mobic should help you with pain and stiffness. It is an nsaid like aspirin. Most people tolerate it well and get needed relief.

Damage done is usually permanent (unless you under go surgery to repair or replace).

I have had a confusingly mildly elevated sed rate with a horrendous flare before.  Puzzled my docs too.  I thought I was the only one like that. 

Jena, it sounds like your on the right track.  Because I thought I knew more than the doctors and didn't believe that I had RA I didn't start meds soon enough.  I now have irreversible damage, getting ready to have bilateral knee replacements and have assorted complications because I chose denial.  Don't do what I did.  Take your medicine and listen to your doctor.  He's being up front with you.  Take care. Lindy
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