Levaquin | Arthritis Information


If anyone is prescribed the antibiotic LEVAQUIN,  PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, before taking it, do a search for side effects.  This drug has been described as the drug from hell.  The side effects are awful and seem to last long after you stop taking the medication.  I only took 2 doses and quit last saturday, I am still experiencing stomach cramps, every time I eat anything I get diahrrea, and worst of all, my joints hurt far more than they did before I took levaquin.  And joints that were not affected by my arthritis now are sore and inflamed. I wish I had read more than the flier that came with the medication.

Hi primrose,

Welcome to the Board! I'm so sorry this has happened to you. Thankyou for the warning.  I have never heard of that drug and don't know of any of our friends here that have mentioned it.  I sure will remember it now though. 

If you would like to join our discussions, we would love to have you.  we are usually all busy within the RA forum.  It might be a good idea to post this warning there as that's where most of us hang out.

Thanks for your thoughtfulness,



I've had to take it twice and the second time I had to quit after just 2 days. You're right, this med is awful, to put it mildly. If your Doc prescribes it, you should ask if he could give you something else. It's horrid.

Hi Primrose,

I'm so sorry you had that reaction to Levaquin.  Levaquin is an antibiotic called a quinolone.  It does have the cleanest side effect profile out there of that class, other than cipro that went generic several years ago.  Doctors still prefer it as it is a once a day pill and usually the side effects are minimal if any.  It sounds like it is not a good drug for you at all.  I would tell the docs to add it to your allergy list,  so noone prescribes it again.

I worked in the drug field for a long time and managed Levaquin at one time a long time ago.  I no longer work as I am too sick too now to do so.  I don't do well with the whole quinolone class of drugs myself as they cause me problems with dizziness.   So I don't take them either.  I hope that helps and you are better now.





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