OT-could we keep ’Need a smile’ neverendi | Arthritis Information


We do need a smile, endlessly. Sarah Yep Sarah - I just put a new one on!  I'm enjoying sharing some of them with my friends on here and at home as well.
Kiwilass239234.6572222222I don't understand. If you mean do we need to pretend to feel better than we do, then I guess so. I don't really know the answer. I just know that I don't want to on a daily basis tell my husband I feel like crap. I felt tired tonight, I just wnted to lay in bed. Instead, I downed a diet coke (for caffeine), went to my son's baseball game = had a coffee there, picked my daughter up from dance and we went to dinner. Did I smile? Well, chatting with my family at dinner, yes. Did I want to focus on me and crawl up into a ball and go to sleep, yeah. sorta. Oh, duh, just scrolled down and saw the smile post. Sorry, just a little depressed tonight. Didn't mean to harsh anyone's mellow.
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