Fatigue is killing me | Arthritis Information


I've become so tired. I wake up in the morning tired, I can get showered and dressed and lay down again. I sleep through the night too. I have become cranky and complaining to everyone. I'm not too nice to be around lately. I hope it gets better. Today I get to sit in the High School for hours on end while my daughter has her dress rehearsal for her dance recital. She has one rehearsal at 3pm and the next at 6:45. Late dinner then, grilled tuna, and bed. I will try to not yell at anyone between now and then. I was hoping that the warm weather would help my joints, it has I think but it's making me so tired.   

I hope you feel better soon

Take care


Hi Honey, ME TOO!! I've felt tired since I decreased the prednisone from 15...10....now 7? Don't know if it is the pred reduction (I want off), or the dang disease. Also, last night my legs were shaky, strange 'nerve' reaction from something. (I take lasix, also). Sarah Poor you! I wish I could make us all feel better. I have the hardest time in the am trying to keep my eyes open but even harder in the middle of the afternoon. Well, I actually nodded while trying to type this post. How sad is that. Hope you feel better soon Honey.


Honey, you have a family, children, and RA.  I understand why you're tired and fatigued.  It's hard to pace yourself while you're attending to your family and your own needs.  I don't know if you work outside the home but the pressure of all that you have to deal with would push me right over the edge.  I've said time and time again that I don't know how all of you deal with RA, raise children, and work.  I don't think I could do it.  I got RA later in my life so I don't really have any answers for you.  I know that Wayney is or was taking a med called Provigil (sp?)for fatigue and if I remember she had some decent results. 

Is there anyway you can lighten your load of responsibilities?  The fatigue may be caused by the disease, but also by the stress of trying to keep up or on top of everything.  That was my problem when I was working, owned my own business, and tried to keep the household running smoothly.  I didn't have children at home so that was a little less responsibility.  But my expectations of myself were way too high.  It took me quite awhile to realize that I didn't  have to do it all and it didn't have to be perfect. 

My meds have given me more energy.  Once Rem. and MXT started to work I have much more energy than before.  Pain and inflammation kept me constantly fatigued and unmotivated.  I'm actually shocked at my energy level now that the disease has quieted.  Are your meds working for you? 

Take care, don't yell (too loudly) Lindy


Honey, fatigue is the thing that gets to me too. Cant imagine how I would handle caring for a family - a positive of being on my own at last! Pacing yourself is really important and I find a little dark chocolate gives me a boost for a short time.   Alan's suggestion of NSAIDs for those times when you really need a boost for something specific is a really good one.   Will try that out myself. Can your family help out more or are you in a situation where you could get someone in to help for an hour or two a week. The pain is much easier to deal with than the fatigue for me.   Hope you get some energy back soon.Ditto the fatigue, I know where you are coming from, I can't stop yawning if I force myself to stay up, I become incoherent and stupid as I am that tired my brain switches off I think.  I wish there was something I could do for it too, its a killer, moreso than the pain.  I get fed up of leaving my husband to do everything and look after the kids too, and feel awful when the kids want to see me and keep comimg in and waking me up, I get cranky then and they get upset, RA sucks!  Janie.  I was just going to post about being tired all the time...just don't have the energy to do anything. The unstable weather has my joints aching and flaring up and I am so tired I just drag myself form chore to chore. It is just so frustrating.
I am so glad I am not alone......just reading your posts makes me feel better I sure do understand.  I got home from work Friday night, parked it on the couch and didn't move all weekend.  I slept for 5 hours Saturday afternoon and another 4 hours Sunday.  Never got dressed or left the house!  And, guess what, here I sit Monday at work, getting a bruise on my forehead from it banging on my desk each time I nod off! HI I just went through the whole 'I'm fatigued, everything takes soooo much effort, I hate to have to do anythign......etc. at the doc's office and he patted me on the shoulder and said, "You are doing better", WELL, BUT!!!, I'm really tired all the time! NO help. SarahThe doc says you're doing better, but your quality of life is severly dimminished by your fatigue?!  How is that better?!  Okay, I know the docs are focused on inflammation, joint destruction and pain, but what about fatigue so pervasive it become debilitating?!  Give me a break!

I can relate to the whole fatigue issue.  I get up in the morning, I'm tired and feel like I haven't slept.  On the days I go to work, I spend my lunch lying down in my car.  All I want to do is sleep but never feel like I've actually slept.  People have asked me what it feels like being so tired all the time and the best way I can describe it is...it feels like you've been up for three days with the flu, no sleep and you're pulling a 50 pound sand bag around everywhere you go.  I told my friend one time that I know it didn't make any sense but when I was really really tired....I felt like I was slowly dying.  Honey, you applaud those of us that work with RA...I applaud those of you that are responsible for kids and a family.  I'm grouchy and moody because I don't feel well and want to be left alone.  I can't imagine others depending on me while feeling this way.  Thank goodness I have my dog and he loves to snuggle.  Wouldn't it be nice to lie down, take a nice long nap and wake up to find that this whole disease was a bad dream?!

Peace & Love.....Neasy

Hurts are you seeing my Rheumatologist?  Run...Run Fast!! Hi, slept all day! What's with this fatigue? My doc said , 'take it easy' , but don't think he meant totally zonked out! sarah
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