Finding the Humor | Arthritis Information


Oh, the changes of being on pred for over a year:
Who shrunk the bath towels?
Where did my ankles go?
How did I wake up so fat?
Nothing less than a quarter is worth bending over and picking up...
 I know I ate an hour ago, but I can eat again.
Who is that in the mirror?

anything to add?

Why do I have 3 sizes of clothes in my closet?

Quarter he##, I wouldn't bend over for anything less than .00

Isn't that second chin lovely.  Guess if ones lovely, then two will be twice as lovely........not.

Why do I cry at the oddest times and laugh at even odder times.

What am I doing on the computer at 3:15 a.m. communicating with a bunch of strangers?

I could go on forever but I have to go cry now. Lindy


I just love my new driver's license.  When did I get such a ROUND face???????????  How can people whom I do not even care about hurt me?  Why do I run to take it every morning and then all day swear I am going to taper down?  How come all the weight is in my face and my belly?  How can it be such a little pill that has such life altering effects? OH PREDNISONE, I have a love hate relationship with it,I love the fact that it eases my pain and inflammation and has possibly reduced severity of disease, but I hate the fact that if I walk too far, I now fracture my feet, I have glaucoma and the pressure in my eyes caused me to have laser surgery!  I really dig the foul mood swings and when tapering the  flares that come back and bite my bum!!!!! The bruising of my skin, the awful appetite and the new morbidly obese me, yes me, once an athlete bordering on too thin, the fact that I need a scooter to get around due to the fatigue of the mix of drugs I now have to take to counteract the prednisone, ACTONEL for osteoporosis, Zoton for reflux and possible ulcers , Lipitor as it caused cholesterol problems, Avapro HCT as it caused high blood pressure, eye drops as it causes episcleritis of my eyes!!!!!!  I am told I will be a diabetic as the books all say that after 7 years its not if you get it its when!!!!!!Most of all I hate the fact that it has weakened my bones so I cannot exercise anymore, even walking is a chore, and the dreaded FATIGUE from being unable to sleep as Pred brings me alive and I munch at midnight and stay up until I am so tired, oh and one more!  I now have sleep apnoea from being obese!  Need anymore?  AAAAAAAGGGGGGHHHHHHHH janiefx39237.1911226852

You guys said it all for me.  I agree/have all of the above.

Love this thread, you all are so funnyHow about the excessive sweating?  Nothing like being FAT and SMELLY!!!! The shakes.  Nothing like trying to feed yourself and you are shaking so badly that the food falls off of the fork before you get it to your mouth.  I made the mistake once of drinking coffee on a high pred dose.  Never again. 

I just found out the heart pump (I was on in Dec ) causes you to be dingy...I blamed it all on prednisone:

Like: fell out of a golf cart, left my wallet at Albertson's, lost my gold ring on the bathroom floor and just found it!!, got a ticket for running a stop sign (who put it there anyway???), I keep forgetting all sorts of things!, like what the doc said about meds (how much and all), when's my next appointments? Where are my car keys??

I hate this moon face. going down to 6 mgs. after wednesday when I take 20 mgs of mtx. When I try to eat less I feel worse?


Why did i rear-end someone twice in two says? 