Switching injection meds ? | Arthritis Information


Hi Folks. I have RA and PsA and have given myself 11 Humira injections now (and also take methotrexate). Still not much relief. Better, but not 100% by any means.

I see my rheumy again in a couple of weeks, and right now we're trying a reduced dosage of meth, as it was leaving me nauseaus and a little dizzy for 1 day and sleepy for 2-3 days following each weekly 15-mg dose. I've cut back to 10 mg. There has been a bit more pain and stiffness but also a reduction of the side effects.

I saw rheumy about 2 weeks ago, and we also discussed maybe switching me to one of the other injectables since Humira isn't doing as much for me as we'd hoped (it has completely cleared my scalp psoriasis, but I'm still fairly stiff and sore much of the time).  Have any of you switched from Humira, Enbrel, etc. to one of the others with better success from the second one?


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