interesting web page | Arthritis Information


I thought this web page had some interesting things in it that I hadn't heard before. Especially the idea of a weakened rather than overactive immune system and the bacteria info. hessalina....a lot of the stuff on that page was hypothesised and proven by Dr McPherson Brown (although I notice the page doesn't mention him) and that is what the whole antibiotic protocol therapy is based on. The New Arthritis Breakthrough by Henry Scammel goes into it in detail. I note a lot of research is starting to come around to these points.

Thank you for posting that article.  It could explain why ra is so prevalent on my maternal side of the family and why now 2 out 3 of my children now have arthritis also. 

There is a whole lot of basis for AP therapy in treating ra.  One of the questions I am asking my rheumy tomorrow is why he does not treat with antibiotics.  Especially since research is really pointing in the direction that this starts with a bacteria. 

There are all kinds of theories about what causes RA. The main ones seem to be point to genetics, infections and endocrine factors as being primary causes. I have very strong family history of autoimmune illnesses. I've always assumed in my case that it is a genetic issue. I believe a more targeted form of therapy is where the newest RA research is heading.
